MCP Filesystem Server

by safurrier
MIT License
  • Apple
  • Linux
import os import subprocess import sys from pathlib import Path from typing import Optional import tomli import tomli_w def prompt_with_default(prompt: str, default: str) -> str: """Prompt for input with a default value.""" response = input(f"{prompt} [{default}]: ").strip() return response if response else default def get_git_config(key: str) -> Optional[str]: """Get git config value.""" try: return subprocess.check_output( ["git", "config", "user."+key], text=True ).strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return None def update_pyproject_toml( project_name: str, project_description: str, author_name: str, author_email: str ) -> None: """Update pyproject.toml with new project information.""" pyproject_path = Path("pyproject.toml") # Read existing toml with open(pyproject_path, "rb") as f: config = tomli.load(f) # Update project information config["project"]["name"] = project_name config["project"]["description"] = project_description config["project"]["authors"] = [ {"name": author_name, "email": author_email} ] # Write updated toml with open(pyproject_path, "wb") as f: tomli_w.dump(config, f) def run_command(command: str) -> None: """Run a shell command and exit if it fails.""" try:, shell=True, check=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print(f"Error running command: {command}") print(f"Error: {e}") sys.exit(1) def main() -> None: print("🚀 Initializing new Python project...") # Get project information project_name = prompt_with_default( "Project name", "my-python-project" ) project_description = prompt_with_default( "Project description", "A Python project" ) author_name = prompt_with_default( "Author name", get_git_config("name") or "Your Name" ) author_email = prompt_with_default( "Author email", get_git_config("email") or "" ) # Update project information print("📝 Updating project configuration...") update_pyproject_toml( project_name, project_description, author_name, author_email ) # Handle example code code_choice = prompt_with_default( "How would you like to handle example code?\n" "1. Keep example code (useful for reference)\n" "2. Create minimal placeholder test (ensures checks pass)\n" "3. Remove all example code (clean slate)\n" "Choose option", "1" ) # Create module directory with project name (replacing src) project_module_name = project_name.replace("-", "_").lower() # Always update the Makefile to use the new module name print(f"🔧 Updating Makefile to use module name: {project_module_name}") makefile_path = Path("Makefile") with open(makefile_path, "r") as f: makefile_content = # Replace module name in Makefile updated_makefile = makefile_content.replace("MODULE_NAME := src", f"MODULE_NAME := {project_module_name}") with open(makefile_path, "w") as f: f.write(updated_makefile) # Always update pyproject.toml to point to the new module directory print(f"📦 Updating pyproject.toml for module: {project_module_name}") pyproject_path = Path("pyproject.toml") with open(pyproject_path, "rb") as f: config = tomli.load(f) # Update packages from src to new module name if "tool" in config and "hatch" in config["tool"] and "build" in config["tool"]["hatch"] and "targets" in config["tool"]["hatch"]["build"] and "wheel" in config["tool"]["hatch"]["build"]["targets"]: config["tool"]["hatch"]["build"]["targets"]["wheel"]["packages"] = [project_module_name] with open(pyproject_path, "wb") as f: tomli_w.dump(config, f) # Create the new module directory if it doesn't exist if not os.path.exists(project_module_name): print(f"📁 Creating module directory: {project_module_name}") os.mkdir(project_module_name) # Create with open(f"{project_module_name}/", "w") as f: f.write(f'"""Main package for {project_name}."""\n') # Copy src content to new module directory if src exists if os.path.exists("src") and project_module_name != "src": print(f"📦 Copying content from src to {project_module_name}...") for item in os.listdir("src"): src_path = os.path.join("src", item) dest_path = os.path.join(project_module_name, item) if os.path.isfile(src_path): with open(src_path, "r") as src_file: content = with open(dest_path, "w") as dest_file: dest_file.write(content) # Remove the old src directory after copying print("🗑️ Removing old src directory...") run_command("rm -rf src") if code_choice == "2": print("📝 Creating minimal placeholder test...") # Create minimal module with open(f"{project_module_name}/", "w") as f: f.write("""def add(a: int, b: int) -> int: \"\"\"Add two numbers.\"\"\" return a + b """) # Create minimal test with open("tests/", "w") as f: f.write(f"""from {project_module_name}.example import add def test_add(): assert add(1, 2) == 3 """) elif code_choice == "3": print("🧹 Removing all example code...") run_command("make clean-example") # Create in tests with open("tests/", "w") as f: f.write("") else: print("📚 Updating example code imports for new module name...") # Update to use new module name if os.path.exists("src/"): with open("src/", "r") as f: example_content = # Save it to new module directory with open(f"{project_module_name}/", "w") as f: f.write(example_content) # Update test imports if os.path.exists("tests/"): with open("tests/", "r") as f: test_content = updated_test = test_content.replace("from src.", f"from {project_module_name}.") with open("tests/", "w") as f: f.write(updated_test) # Update already happened above, fix the duplicate # The configuration has already been updated above # Get current directory name and handle renaming current_dir = os.path.basename(os.getcwd()) if current_dir == "python-collab-template" or current_dir == "python-project-test": parent_dir = os.path.dirname(os.getcwd()) new_dir = os.path.join(parent_dir, project_name) print(f"📁 Renaming project directory to {project_name}...") if os.path.exists(new_dir): print(f"⚠️ Directory {project_name} already exists. Keeping current directory name.") else: # Update source code directory references in Makefile makefile_path = Path("Makefile") with open(makefile_path, "r") as f: makefile_content = # Replace any hardcoded references to python-collab-template in the Makefile updated_makefile = makefile_content.replace("python-collab-template", project_name) with open(makefile_path, "w") as f: f.write(updated_makefile) # Now rename the directory os.chdir(parent_dir) os.rename(current_dir, project_name) os.chdir(project_name) # Install dependencies and set up environment print("🔨 Setting up development environment...") run_command("make setup") # Configure pre-commit hooks precommit_choice = prompt_with_default( "\nWould you like to enable pre-commit hooks?\n" "These hooks run automatically before each commit to ensure code quality:\n" "- Type checking (mypy)\n" "- Linting (ruff)\n" "- Formatting (ruff)\n" "- Tests (pytest)\n" "\nEnable pre-commit hooks? (y/n)", "y" ) # Initialize new git repository print("🔄 Initializing git repository...") if os.path.exists(".git"): run_command("rm -rf .git") run_command("git init") if precommit_choice.lower() in ('y', 'yes'): print("🔧 Setting up pre-commit hooks...") run_command("uv run pre-commit install") else: print("⏩ Skipping pre-commit hooks setup") # Initial commit without running pre-commit hooks run_command("git add .") run_command('git commit -m "feat: Initial project setup" --no-verify') print("✨ Project initialized successfully!") print(""" Next steps: 1. Update with your project details 2. Review and update 3. Start adding your code in src/ 4. Run 'make check' to verify everything works Happy coding! 🎉 """) if __name__ == "__main__": main()