hybrid server
The server is able to function both locally and remotely, depending on the configuration or use case.
Enables hosting the MCP server within a Docker container, specifically supporting Ubuntu 24 containers for deployment
Allows connecting to a locally hosted MCP server via Ngrok, providing remote access to local development environments
Includes shell execution capabilities, allowing the MCP to run shell commands on the host system
📖 Table of Contents
🛠️ Setup Local Hosted MCP
🛠️ Setup Docker Hosted MCP
Client MCP Config
If you have configured auth server side in your code you can enable headers for API. Have found this requires some code changes to the mcp librarie Settings. Adding a middleware prop. :/
🚀 Roadmap
- 🤖 Coming Soon...
Create an issue and lets start a discussion if you'd like to see a feature added to the roadmap.
💡 Issues
Feel free to submit issues and enhancement requests. We're always looking for feedback and suggestions.
🤓 Maintainers
Ryan Eggleston
📜 License
This project is open-source, under the MIT License. Feel free to use, modify, and distribute the code as you please.
This server cannot be installed
A simple MCP Server with shell execution capabilities that can be run locally with Ngrok tunneling or hosted in an Ubuntu 24 Docker container.