Cryptocurrency Daemon MCP Server

local-only server

The server can only run on the client’s local machine because it depends on local resources.


  • Allows interaction with Bitcoin daemon RPC interfaces, enabling wallet operations, balance checking, transaction management, and node status monitoring.

  • Provides tools for working with Zcash nodes, including sending shielded/transparent transactions, converting between transparent and shielded funds, checking balances, and executing RPC commands.

Cryptocurrency Daemon MCP Server (BETA)

A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server for interacting with cryptocurrency daemon RPC interfaces. This server enables AI assistants to help manage and interact with cryptocurrency nodes in a controlled manner.


This software allows AI systems to interact with cryptocurrency daemons. Please read this warning carefully:

  1. Running this MCP server gives AI systems the ability to:
    • Send transactions
    • Access wallet information
    • Modify wallet settings
    • View private data
    • Execute daemon commands
  2. Potential risks include:
    • Loss of funds through unauthorized transactions
    • Exposure of private information
    • Unintended wallet or daemon modifications
    • Potential security vulnerabilities if improperly configured
  3. Required Safety Measures:
    • Use a separate wallet with limited funds for AI interactions
    • Never give access to wallets containing significant value
    • Configure strict RPC permissions
    • Monitor all AI interactions with the daemon
    • Regular security audits of configurations
    • Keep backups of all important data

This software is in BETA. Use at your own risk.


Installing via Smithery

To install Cryptocurrency Daemon Server for Claude Desktop automatically via Smithery:

npx -y @smithery/cli install @raw391/coin_daemon_mcp --client claude

1. Install the Package

You can install the package via npm:

npm install @raw391/coin-daemon-mcp

2. Configure Claude Desktop

To use this MCP with Claude Desktop, you'll need to modify your Claude Desktop configuration. The configuration file is located at:

  • Windows: %APPDATA%\Claude\claude_desktop_config.json
  • macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json

Add the following to your configuration:

{ "mcpServers": { "cryptocurrency": { "command": "npx", "args": [ "-y", "@raw391/coin-daemon-mcp" ], "env": { "CONFIG_PATH": "path/to/your/config.json" } } } }

3. Create Configuration File

Create a configuration file for your cryptocurrency daemons. Here are some example configurations:

Basic Single Daemon Configuration

{ "daemons": [ { "coinName": "zcash", "nickname": "zec-main", "rpcEndpoint": "", "rpcUser": "your-rpc-user", "rpcPassword": "your-rpc-password" } ] }

Multiple Daemons Configuration

{ "daemons": [ { "coinName": "zcash", "nickname": "zec-main", "rpcEndpoint": "", "rpcUser": "zec-user", "rpcPassword": "zec-password" }, { "coinName": "bitcoin", "nickname": "btc-main", "rpcEndpoint": "", "rpcUser": "btc-user", "rpcPassword": "btc-password" } ] }

Advanced Configuration with Data Directory

For best security practices, you might want to also use a file system MCP to manage daemon data. Here's how to configure both together:

{ "mcpServers": { "cryptocurrency": { "command": "npx", "args": [ "-y", "@raw391/coin-daemon-mcp" ], "env": { "CONFIG_PATH": "C:/CryptoConfig/daemon-config.json" } }, "filesystem": { "command": "npx", "args": [ "-y", "@modelcontextprotocol/server-filesystem", "C:/CryptoData" ] } } }

4. Configure Your Cryptocurrency Daemon

Make sure your cryptocurrency daemon's configuration file (e.g., zcash.conf, bitcoin.conf) has the appropriate RPC settings:

server=1 rpcuser=your-rpc-user rpcpassword=your-rpc-password rpcallowip=

5. Start Using the MCP

After configuration, restart Claude Desktop. You should see new tools, resources, and prompts available for:

  • Sending transactions
  • Checking balances
  • Managing wallets
  • Monitoring daemon status
  • Learning about cryptocurrencies
  • And more

MCP Features

The server provides three types of MCP capabilities:


  1. Transaction Management
    • send-coins: Send transparent transactions
    • zsend-coins: Send shielded transactions (for privacy coins)
    • shield-coins: Convert transparent to shielded funds
  2. Wallet Operations
    • get-balance: Check balances
    • execute-command: Execute any supported RPC command
  3. Daemon Management
    • check-status: Get daemon information


Access valuable data and documentation:

  1. Documentation Resources
    • crypto://{coinType}/help: Get detailed documentation for specific cryptocurrencies
    • daemon://{name}/help: Get help text specific to a daemon
  2. Transaction History
    • daemon://{name}/transactions: View recent transaction history


Pre-built templates for common workflows:

  1. Transaction Guidance
    • send-transaction-template: Generate a guided prompt for constructing transactions
  2. Analysis Templates
    • balance-analysis: Analyze wallet balances and fund distribution
    • daemon-diagnostic: Perform a health check of a daemon

Security Best Practices

  1. Separate Wallets
    • Create dedicated wallets for AI interactions
    • Keep minimal funds in accessible wallets
    • Use test networks for development
  2. RPC Security
    • Use strong, unique RPC credentials
    • Enable only necessary RPC commands
    • Restrict RPC access to localhost
    • Monitor RPC logs
  3. Data Management
    • Regular wallet backups
    • Secure storage of configuration files
    • Monitoring of all transactions
    • Regular security audits

Example Usage

Here's how Claude can help with common tasks:

  1. Checking Status: "What's the current status of the Zcash daemon?"
  2. Managing Balances: "What's my current balance across all addresses?"
  3. Learning About Cryptocurrencies: "Can you explain how Zcash shielded transactions work?"
  4. Sending Transactions: "Can you help me send 0.1 ZEC to address xxx?"


  1. Connection Issues
    • Verify daemon is running
    • Check RPC credentials
    • Ensure correct port numbers
    • Verify localhost access
  2. Permission Problems
    • Check file permissions
    • Verify RPC user rights
    • Ensure correct configuration paths
  3. Transaction Issues
    • Verify sufficient funds
    • Check network connectivity
    • Ensure daemon is synced


  • GitHub Issues: Bug reports and feature requests
  • Discussions: General questions and community support
  • Security Issues: Email


MIT License with additional cryptocurrency operations disclaimer. See LICENSE for details.


See for contribution guidelines.

security - not tested
license - not found
quality - not tested

Enables secure interactions with cryptocurrency daemon RPC interfaces through AI assistants, supporting transaction management, wallet operations, and daemon monitoring for Bitcoin-derived cryptocurrencies.

  1. Installation
    1. Installing via Smithery
    2. 1. Install the Package
    3. 2. Configure Claude Desktop
    4. 3. Create Configuration File
    5. 4. Configure Your Cryptocurrency Daemon
    6. 5. Start Using the MCP
  2. MCP Features
    1. Tools
    2. Resources
    3. Prompts
  3. Security Best Practices
    1. Example Usage
      1. Troubleshooting
        1. Support
          1. License
            1. Contributing