Weibo MCP Server

by qinyuanpei
import httpx import logging from urllib.parse import urlencode from .consts import DEFAULT_HEADERS, PROFILE_URL, FEEDS_URL from .schemas import PagedFeeds, SearchResult class WeiboCrawler: """ A crawler class for extracting data from Weibo (Chinese social media platform). Provides functionality to fetch user profiles, feeds, and search for users. """ def __init__(self): self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) async def extract_weibo_profile(self, uid: int) -> dict: """ Extract user profile information from Weibo. Args: uid (int): The unique identifier of the Weibo user Returns: dict: User profile information or empty dict if extraction fails """ async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client: try: response = await client.get(PROFILE_URL.format(userId=uid), headers=DEFAULT_HEADERS) result = response.json() return result["data"]["userInfo"] except httpx.HTTPError: self.logger.error(f"Unable to eextract profile for uid '{str(uid)}'", exc_info=True) return {} async def extract_weibo_feeds(self, uid: int, limit: int) -> list[dict]: """ Extract user's Weibo feeds (posts) with pagination support. Args: uid (int): The unique identifier of the Weibo user limit (int): Maximum number of feeds to extract Returns: list: List of user's Weibo feeds """ feeds = [] sinceId = '' async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client: containerId = await self._get_container_id(client, uid) while len(feeds) < limit: pagedFeeds = await self._extract_feeds(client, uid, containerId, sinceId) if not pagedFeeds.Feeds: break feeds.extend(pagedFeeds.Feeds) sinceId = pagedFeeds.SinceId if not sinceId: break return feeds async def search_weibo_users(self, keyword: str, limit: int) -> list[SearchResult]: """ Search for Weibo users based on a keyword. Args: keyword (str): Search term to find users limit (int): Maximum number of users to return Returns: list: List of SearchResult objects containing user information """ async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client: try: params = {'containerid': f'100103type=3&q={keyword}&t=', 'page_type': 'searchall'} encoded_params = urlencode(params) response = await client.get(f'{encoded_params}', headers=DEFAULT_HEADERS) result = response.json() cards = result["data"]["cards"] if len(cards) < 2: return [] else: cardGroup = cards[1]['card_group'] return [self._to_search_result(item['user']) for item in cardGroup][:limit] except httpx.HTTPError: self.logger.error(f"Unable to search users for keyword '{keyword}'", exc_info=True) return [] def _to_search_result(self, user: dict) -> SearchResult: """ Convert raw user data to SearchResult object. Args: user (dict): Raw user data from Weibo API Returns: SearchResult: Formatted user information """ return SearchResult( id=user['id'], nickName=user['screen_name'], avatarHD=user['avatar_hd'], description=user['description'] ) async def _get_container_id(self, client, uid: int): """ Get the container ID for a user's Weibo feed. Args: client (httpx.AsyncClient): HTTP client instance uid (int): The unique identifier of the Weibo user Returns: str: Container ID for the user's feed or None if extraction fails """ try: response = await client.get(PROFILE_URL.format(userId=str(uid)), headers=DEFAULT_HEADERS) data = response.json() tabs_info = data.get("data", {}).get("tabsInfo", {}).get("tabs", []) for tab in tabs_info: if tab.get("tabKey") == "weibo": return tab.get("containerid") except httpx.HTTPError: self.logger.error(f"Unable to extract containerId for uid '{str(uid)}'", exc_info=True) return None async def _extract_feeds(self, client, uid: int, container_id: str, since_id: str): """ Extract a single page of Weibo feeds for a user. Args: client (httpx.AsyncClient): HTTP client instance uid (int): The unique identifier of the Weibo user container_id (str): Container ID for the user's feed since_id (str): ID of the last feed for pagination Returns: PagedFeeds: Object containing feeds and next page's since_id """ try: url = FEEDS_URL.format(userId=str(uid), containerId=container_id, sinceId=since_id) response = await client.get(url, headers = DEFAULT_HEADERS) data = response.json() new_since_id = data.get("data", {}).get("cardlistInfo", {}).get("since_id", "") cards = data.get("data", {}).get("cards", []) mblogs = cards if mblogs: return PagedFeeds(SinceId=new_since_id, Feeds=mblogs) else: return PagedFeeds(SinceId=new_since_id, Feeds=[]) except httpx.HTTPError: self.logger.error(f"Unable to extract feeds for uid '{str(uid)}'", exc_info=True) return PagedFeeds(SinceId=None, Feeds=[])