
by puchunjie
MIT License
  • Apple
  • Linux

local-only server

The server can only run on the client’s local machine because it depends on local resources.


  • Provides the runtime environment for the MCP server, required as a prerequisite (version 14 or higher)

Word Tools MCP Server

A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server that provides AI-powered Word document manipulation capabilities. This server implements the MCP protocol to enable AI applications to create, edit, and manage Word documents through natural language interactions.


  • Full MCP protocol implementation
  • Word document creation and management
  • Rich text content manipulation
  • Table creation and formatting
  • Document layout control
  • Document metadata management
  • Real-time document state monitoring


  • Node.js 14 or higher
  • Microsoft Word (optional, for advanced features)


npx @puchunjie/doc-tools-mcp

Or install globally:

npm install -g @puchunjie/doc-tools-mcp

For use as a dependency in your project:

npm install @puchunjie/doc-tools-mcp


  1. Start the MCP server:
npx @puchunjie/doc-tools-mcp
  1. The server will start on port 8765 by default
  2. Configure your AI application (e.g., Cursor, VSCode) to use the MCP server:

MCP Tools

The server provides the following MCP functions:

  • create_document - Create a new Word document
    • Parameters: filePath (required), title, author
  • open_document - Open an existing Word document
    • Parameters: filePath (required)
  • add_paragraph - Add a paragraph to the document
    • Parameters: filePath (required), text (required), style, alignment
  • add_table - Add a table to the document
    • Parameters: filePath (required), rows (required), cols (required), headers, data
  • search_and_replace - Find and replace text in the document
    • Parameters: filePath (required), searchText (required), replaceText (required), matchCase
  • set_page_margins - Set document page margins
    • Parameters: filePath (required), top, right, bottom, left
  • get_document_info - Get document metadata
    • Parameters: filePath (required)

Integration with AI Applications


  1. Open the Cursor configuration file ~/.cursor/mcp.json
  2. Add the following configuration:
{ "mcpServers": { "doc-tools-mcp": { "command": "npx", "args": [ "@puchunjie/doc-tools-mcp" ] } } }

Or for local development version:

{ "mcpServers": { "doc-tools-mcp": { "command": "node", "args": [ "/path/to/your/doc-tools-mcp/dist/mcp-server.js" ] } } }

After configuration, you can use natural language to manipulate Word documents:

"Create a new document named report.docx" "Add a heading 'Monthly Report' to report.docx" "Insert a 4x3 table with sales data"

VSCode and Other MCP-Compatible Tools

Similar integration steps apply to other tools that support the MCP protocol. Consult your tool's documentation for specific MCP server configuration steps.


To extend or modify this MCP server:

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone <repository-url> cd doc-tools-mcp
  1. Install dependencies:
npm install
  1. Start in development mode:
npm run start
  1. Build for production:
npm run build

Adding New MCP Functions

  1. Add new methods in src/services/DocumentService.ts
  2. Register new functions in src/mcp-server.ts
  3. Update type definitions as needed


  • Default port: 8765 (configurable)
  • Supported file types: .docx
  • All file paths should be absolute or relative to the current working directory




If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please submit an issue on our GitHub repository.

security - not tested
license - permissive license
quality - not tested

Enable AI to read, create, and modify Word documents through natural language

  1. Features
    1. Prerequisites
      1. Installation
        1. Usage
          1. MCP Tools
            1. Integration with AI Applications
              1. Cursor
              2. VSCode and Other MCP-Compatible Tools
            2. Development
              1. Adding New MCP Functions
            3. Configuration
              1. License
                1. Support