Edit File Lines MCP Server

// scripts/test-tools.ts import { Client } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/client/index.js"; import { StdioClientTransport } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/client/stdio.js"; import { z } from "zod"; import path from 'path'; import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'; import { resetFixtures } from './reset-fixtures.js'; const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url); const __dirname = path.dirname(__filename); // Define result schema for tool calls const ToolResultSchema = z.object({ content: z.array( z.object({ type: z.string(), text: z.string() }) ), isError: z.boolean().optional() }); async function runTest( client: Client, testName: string, testFilePath: string, edit: any ): Promise<string | null> { console.log(`\n=== Testing: ${testName} ===`); const result = await client.request( { method: "tools/call", params: { name: "edit_file_lines", arguments: { p: testFilePath, e: [edit], dryRun: true } } }, ToolResultSchema ); console.log(result.content[0].text); // Extract and return state ID const stateIdMatch = result.content[0].text.match(/State ID: ([a-f0-9]+)/); return stateIdMatch ? stateIdMatch[1] : null; } async function main() { // Get path to fixtures directory const fixturesDir = path.join(__dirname, '../src/__tests__/fixtures'); // Get path to test file const testMatchesFilePath = path.join(fixturesDir, "test-matches.txt"); const testEditsFilePath = path.join(fixturesDir, "test-edits.txt"); // Create transport const transport = new StdioClientTransport({ command: "node", args: ["./build/index.js", fixturesDir], }); // Create client const client = new Client( { name: "test-client", version: "1.0.0", }, { capabilities: {}, } ); try { await client.connect(transport); // Basic edit_file_lines and approve_edit test console.log("\n=== Testing basic file info ==="); const getFileResult = await client.request( { method: "tools/call", params: { name: "get_file_lines", arguments: { path: testEditsFilePath, lineNumbers: [1, 2, 3], context: 1 } } }, ToolResultSchema ); console.log(getFileResult.content[0].text); // Basic search_file test console.log("\n=== Testing basic search_file ==="); const searchResult = await client.request( { method: "tools/call", params: { name: "search_file", arguments: { path: testMatchesFilePath, pattern: "CONFIG", } } }, ToolResultSchema ); console.log(searchResult.content[0].text); console.log("\n=== Testing basic search_file with regex ==="); const searchResultRegex = await client.request( { method: "tools/call", params: { name: "search_file", arguments: { path: testMatchesFilePath, pattern: "<[A-Z]\\w+\\s", type: "regex", contextLines: 1 } } }, ToolResultSchema ); console.log(searchResultRegex.content[0].text); console.log("\n=== Testing basic edit_file_lines ==="); const basicEdit = { startLine: 2, endLine: 2, content: 'console.log("Hello from edit!");' }; const stateId = await runTest(client, "Basic Edit", testEditsFilePath, basicEdit); if (stateId) { console.log("\n=== Testing approve_edit with valid state ID ==="); const approveResult = await client.request( { method: "tools/call", params: { name: "approve_edit", arguments: { stateId } } }, ToolResultSchema ); console.log(approveResult.content[0].text); // Verify the changes were applied console.log("\n=== Verifying changes ==="); const verifyResult = await client.request( { method: "tools/call", params: { name: "get_file_lines", arguments: { path: testEditsFilePath, lineNumbers: [2], context: 1 } } }, ToolResultSchema ); console.log(verifyResult.content[0].text); } // Test approve_edit with previously used state ID console.log("\n=== Testing approve_edit with previously used state ID ==="); if (stateId) { const expiredStateResult = await client.request( { method: "tools/call", params: { name: "approve_edit", arguments: { stateId } } }, ToolResultSchema ); console.log(expiredStateResult.content[0].text); } // Test approve_edit with invalid state ID console.log("\n=== Testing approve_edit with invalid state ID ==="); const invalidStateResult = await client.request( { method: "tools/call", params: { name: "approve_edit", arguments: { stateId: "invalid123" } } }, ToolResultSchema ); console.log(invalidStateResult.content[0].text); // Test 1: Indentation Preservation with Regex await runTest( client, "Indentation Preservation with Regex", testMatchesFilePath, { startLine: 13, endLine: 13, content: "const newCardClass = `custom-${theme}`", regexMatch: "const cardClass = `[^`]*`" } ); // Test 2: Multi-line Content with Preserved Structure await runTest( client, "Multi-line Content with Preserved Structure", testMatchesFilePath, { startLine: 16, endLine: 19, content: " <div className={cardClass}>\n <h2 className=\"title\">{title}</h2>\n <p className=\"subtitle\">{subtitle}</p>\n </div>", regexMatch: "<div[^>]*>[\\s\\S]*?</div>" } ); // Test 3: Flexible Whitespace Matching await runTest( client, "Flexible Whitespace Matching", testMatchesFilePath, { startLine: 2, endLine: 2, content: "primary", strMatch: " blue " // Should match even with surrounding spaces } ); // Test 4: Named Capture Groups in Regex await runTest( client, "Named Capture Groups in Regex", testMatchesFilePath, { startLine: 25, endLine: 25, content: "${prefix}White = { bg: ${bg}, text: ${text} }", regexMatch: "(?<prefix>\\w+):\\s*{\\s*bg:\\s*\"(?<bg>[^\"]*)\",\\s*text:\\s*\"(?<text>[^\"]*)\"" } ); // Test 5: Complex JSX Structure await runTest( client, "Complex JSX Structure", testMatchesFilePath, { startLine: 7, endLine: 12, content: "export const Card = ({\n title,\n subtitle = \"New default\",\n theme = \"modern\",\n size = \"responsive\"\n}) => {", regexMatch: "export const Card[\\s\\S]*?\\) => \\{" } ); // Test 6: Multiple Line Modifications await runTest( client, "Multiple Line Modifications", testMatchesFilePath, { startLine: 29, endLine: 32, content: "const CONFIG = {\n baseUrl: \"https://api.newexample.com\",\n timeout: 10000,\n maxRetries: 5", regexMatch: "const CONFIG[\\s\\S]*?retries: \\d+" } ); // Test 7: Overlapping Regex Patterns (Should Error) console.log("\n=== Testing: Overlapping Regex Patterns (Expected Error) ==="); const errorResult = await client.request( { method: "tools/call", params: { name: "edit_file_lines", arguments: { p: testMatchesFilePath, e: [ { startLine: 2, endLine: 2, regexMatch: "color = \"[^\"]*\"", content: "color = \"red\"" }, { startLine: 2, endLine: 2, regexMatch: "= \"[^\"]*\"", content: "= \"blue\"" } ], dryRun: true } } }, ToolResultSchema ); console.log(errorResult.content[0].text); // Test 8: Look-ahead and Look-behind await runTest( client, "Look-ahead and Look-behind Patterns", testMatchesFilePath, { startLine: 2, endLine: 2, content: "warning", regexMatch: "(?<=color = \")[^\"]*(?=\")" } ); // Test 9: Multi-line Regex with Complex Nesting await runTest( client, "Multi-line Regex with Complex Nesting", testMatchesFilePath, { startLine: 13, endLine: 18, content: " const cardStyle = useMemo(() => ({\n backgroundColor: theme === 'light' ? '#fff' : '#000',\n padding: size === 'lg' ? '2rem' : '1rem'\n }), [theme, size]);\n\n return (\n <div style={cardStyle}>\n {children}", regexMatch: "\\s*const cardClass[\\s\\S]*?\\s*<div[^>]*>[\\s\\S]*?\\{" } ); // Test 10: Whitespace Normalization await runTest( client, "Whitespace Normalization", testMatchesFilePath, { startLine: 9, endLine: 9, content: "description", strMatch: 'subtitle = "Default subtitle"' // Extra spaces should still match } ); // Reset fixtures before running tests await resetFixtures(); console.log("\n=== Resetting fixtures ==="); } catch (error) { console.error("Error:", error); } finally { await client.close(); } } // Run if called directly if (process.argv[1] === fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)) { main().catch(console.error); }