MCP Harbor

by nomagicln

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.


  • Provides tools for interacting with Harbor container registry, enabling operations on projects, repositories, tags, and Helm charts such as listing, creating, and deleting resources.

  • Enables management of Helm charts within Harbor registry, including listing available charts, viewing chart versions, and deleting chart versions.

MCP Harbor

MCP Harbor is a Node.js application that provides a Model Context Protocol (MCP) server for interacting with Harbor container registry. It also includes a REST API for Harbor operations.

Table of Contents


  • MCP Server: Exposes tools for interacting with Harbor through the Model Context Protocol
  • REST API: Provides RESTful endpoints for Harbor operations
  • Harbor Operations: Supports operations for projects, repositories, tags, and Helm charts
  • TypeScript: Written in TypeScript for better type safety and developer experience
  • Automated Tests: Comprehensive test suite for reliable functionality


Before installing MCP Harbor, ensure you have:

  • Node.js 18.x or higher
  • npm 8.x or higher
  • Access to a Harbor registry instance
  • Git (for cloning the repository)


  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:
    cd mcp-harbor
  3. Install dependencies:
    npm install
  4. Build the project:
    npm run build
  5. Start the application:
    npm start


Environment Variables

Create a .env file in the root directory with the following variables:

# Required HARBOR_URL= HARBOR_USERNAME=your_username HARBOR_PASSWORD=your_password # Optional PORT=3000 # Server port (default: 3000) LOG_LEVEL=info # Logging level (default: info) ENABLE_HTTPS=false # Enable HTTPS (default: false) SSL_CERT_PATH=/path/to/cert.pem # Required if ENABLE_HTTPS=true SSL_KEY_PATH=/path/to/key.pem # Required if ENABLE_HTTPS=true

Configuration File

Additional configuration options can be set in src/config/harbor.config.ts:

{ timeout: 30000, // API request timeout in milliseconds retryAttempts: 3, // Number of retry attempts for failed requests cacheEnabled: true, // Enable response caching cacheTTL: 300 // Cache TTL in seconds }

API Endpoints


  • GET /projects - List all projects
  • GET /projects/:id - Get project details
  • POST /projects - Create a new project
  • DELETE /projects/:id - Delete a project


  • GET /projects/:projectId/repositories - List repositories in a project
  • DELETE /projects/:projectId/repositories/:repositoryName - Delete a repository


  • GET /projects/:projectId/repositories/:repositoryName/tags - List tags in a repository
  • DELETE /projects/:projectId/repositories/:repositoryName/tags/:tag - Delete a tag

Helm Charts

  • GET /projects/:projectId/charts - List Helm charts in a project
  • GET /projects/:projectId/charts/:chartName/versions - List versions of a Helm chart
  • DELETE /projects/:projectId/charts/:chartName/versions/:version - Delete a Helm chart version

MCP Tools

The MCP server exposes the following tools:

Tool NameDescriptionParameters
list_projectsList all projects in HarborNone
get_projectGet project details by IDid: number
create_projectCreate a new projectname: string, public?: boolean
delete_projectDelete a projectid: number
list_repositoriesList repositories in a projectprojectId: number
delete_repositoryDelete a repositoryprojectId: number, repoName: string
list_tagsList tags in a repositoryprojectId: number, repoName: string
delete_tagDelete a tagprojectId: number, repoName: string, tag: string
list_chartsList Helm chartsprojectId: number
list_chart_versionsList chart versionsprojectId: number, chartName: string
delete_chartDelete chart versionprojectId: number, chartName: string, version: string


Running in Development Mode

npm run dev

Running Tests

# Run all tests npm test # Run tests with coverage npm run test:coverage # Run specific test file npm test -- test/harbor.test.ts

Debug Tools

The project includes debug tools in the tools directory:

# Test Harbor connection npm run test:connection # Start debug server npm run debug:server

Project Structure

mcp-harbor ├── src │ ├── app.ts # Main application entry point (MCP server) │ ├── config │ │ └── harbor.config.ts # Harbor configuration │ ├── controllers │ │ └── harbor.controller.ts # REST API controllers │ ├── services │ │ └── harbor.service.ts # Harbor service implementation │ ├── models │ │ └── harbor.model.ts # Data models │ ├── routes │ │ └── harbor.routes.ts # API route definitions │ └── types │ └── index.ts # TypeScript type definitions ├── test │ └── harbor.test.ts # Tests for Harbor service ├── tools │ ├── debug-server.ts # Debug server implementation │ └── test-connection.ts # Connection testing utility ├── .env.example # Example environment variables ├── .gitignore # Git ignore file ├── package.json # Project dependencies ├── tsconfig.json # TypeScript configuration └── # Project documentation


Common Issues

  1. Connection Failed
    Error: Unable to connect to Harbor instance
    • Verify HARBOR_URL is correct and accessible
    • Check network connectivity
    • Ensure Harbor instance is running
  2. Authentication Failed
    Error: Invalid credentials
    • Verify HARBOR_USERNAME and HARBOR_PASSWORD are correct
    • Check if user has required permissions
  3. Build Errors
    Error: TypeScript compilation failed
    • Run npm install to ensure all dependencies are installed
    • Check TypeScript version compatibility
    • Clear the dist directory and rebuild

Debug Mode

Enable debug logging by setting:



For additional help:

  1. Check the file
  2. Run the connection test: npm run test:connection
  3. Review the application logs in logs/ directory


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

security - not tested
license - not found
quality - not tested

A Node.js application that provides a Model Context Protocol server for interacting with Harbor container registry, supporting operations for projects, repositories, tags, and Helm charts.

  1. Table of Contents
    1. Features
      1. Prerequisites
        1. Installation
          1. Configuration
            1. Environment Variables
            2. Configuration File
          2. API Endpoints
            1. Projects
            2. Repositories
            3. Tags
            4. Helm Charts
          3. MCP Tools
            1. Development
              1. Running in Development Mode
              2. Running Tests
              3. Debug Tools
            2. Project Structure
              1. Troubleshooting
                1. Common Issues
                2. Debug Mode
                3. Support
              2. License