local-only server

The server can only run on the client’s local machine because it depends on local resources.


  • Integrates with Facebook's iOS Development Bridge (idb), enabling iOS device management and test execution for mobile apps.

  • Uses Homebrew for installing the idb-companion, which is required for the iOS device management functionality.

  • Enables automated iOS device management, including app installation, test execution, UI interaction (taps, swipes, button presses), and screenshot capture.


MCP server integration for Facebook's iOS Development Bridge (idb).


This package provides integration between MCP (Model Context Protocol) and Facebook's idb (iOS Development Bridge), enabling automated iOS device management and test execution through MCP.

Start the server:

npx -y @noahlozevski/mcp-idb


Installing idb

To install idb:

brew tap facebook/fb brew install idb-companion # verify installation idb

For more details, visit the official idb GitHub repository.


mcp-config.json Setup

To use idb in your MCP configuration, add the following to your mcp-config.json:

{ "mcpServers": { "idb": { "command": "npx", "args": ["-y", "@noahlozevski/idb"] } } }

Example use cases include:

  • Automated test development
  • Screenshot testing
  • Automated interactions ("tap the home button on the screen")
  • Installing / removing applications


Code Formatting

This project uses Prettier for code formatting. To format your code:

npm run format # Format all files

The formatting configuration can be found in .prettierrc at the root of the project.


Common issues and solutions:

  1. idb companion not found: Ensure idb-companion is installed via Homebrew
  2. Device not detected: Make sure the iOS device is:
    • Connected via USB
    • Trusted on the computer
    • Has developer mode enabled


Please follow the standard MCP contribution guidelines when making changes to this package.


This project is part of Mobile Control Plane (MCP) and follows Amazon's internal licensing policies.

You must be authenticated.

security – no known vulnerabilities
license - permissive license
quality - confirmed to work

Integration between Model Context Protocol (MCP) and Facebook's iOS Development Bridge (idb), enabling automated iOS device management and test execution through natural language.

  1. Overview
    1. Prerequisites
      1. Installing idb
    2. Configuration
      1. mcp-config.json Setup
    3. Development
      1. Code Formatting
    4. Troubleshooting
      1. Contributing
        1. License