
import { RenderClient } from '../src/renderClient'; import axios from 'axios'; // Mock axios jest.mock('axios'); const mockedAxios = axios as jest.Mocked<typeof axios>; describe('RenderClient', () => { let client: RenderClient; let mockAxiosInstance: any; const mockApiKey = 'test-api-key'; // Mock axios.create before creating the client beforeEach(() => { // Create a mock axios instance with all required methods and properties mockAxiosInstance = { get: jest.fn(), post: jest.fn(), put: jest.fn(), delete: jest.fn(), interceptors: { request: { use: jest.fn() }, response: { use: jest.fn() } } }; // Mock the axios.create method to return our mock instance mockedAxios.create.mockReturnValue(mockAxiosInstance); // Now create the client client = new RenderClient(mockApiKey); jest.clearAllMocks(); }); describe('listServices', () => { it('should fetch services successfully', async () => { const mockServices = { data: [ { id: 'srv-123', name: 'Test Service', type: 'web_service', }, ], cursor: 'next-page', }; // Set up the mock response mockAxiosInstance.get.mockResolvedValue({ data: mockServices }); const result = await client.listServices({ limit: 10 }); expect(mockAxiosInstance.get).toHaveBeenCalledWith('/services', { params: { limit: 10 } }); expect(result).toEqual(mockServices); }); }); describe('getService', () => { it('should fetch a service by ID', async () => { const mockService = { data: { id: 'srv-123', name: 'Test Service', type: 'web_service', }, }; // Set up the mock response mockAxiosInstance.get.mockResolvedValue({ data: mockService }); const result = await client.getService('srv-123'); expect(mockAxiosInstance.get).toHaveBeenCalledWith('/services/srv-123'); expect(result).toEqual(; }); }); describe('deployService', () => { it('should deploy a service', async () => { const mockDeploy = { data: { id: 'dep-123', status: 'created', }, }; // Set up the mock response{ data: mockDeploy }); const result = await client.deployService('srv-123', { clearCache: true }); expect('/services/srv-123/deploys', { clearCache: true }); expect(result).toEqual(; }); }); describe('testConnection', () => { it('should return true for successful connection', async () => { // Set up the mock response mockAxiosInstance.get.mockResolvedValue({ data: { data: [] } }); const result = await client.testConnection(); expect(mockAxiosInstance.get).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(result).toBe(true); }); it('should return false for failed connection', async () => { // Set up the mock response mockAxiosInstance.get.mockRejectedValue(new Error('Connection failed')); const result = await client.testConnection(); expect(mockAxiosInstance.get).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(result).toBe(false); }); }); });