import { MongoClient, Db } from "mongodb";
export let client: MongoClient;
export let db: Db;
export async function connectToMongoDB(databaseUrl: string) {
try {
console.error("Attempting to connect to MongoDB at:", databaseUrl);
client = new MongoClient(databaseUrl);
await client.connect();
const resourceBaseUrl = new URL(databaseUrl);
const dbName = resourceBaseUrl.pathname.split("/")[1] || "test";
console.error(`Connected successfully to MongoDB. Using database: ${dbName}`);
db = client.db(dbName);
// Test the connection
const collections = await db.listCollections().toArray();
console.error("Available collections:", =>;
} catch (error) {
console.error("MongoDB connection error:", error);
throw error;
export async function closeMongoDB() {
await client?.close();