Release Notes MCP Server

import axios from 'axios'; import { isAfter, isBefore, parseISO } from 'date-fns'; import { ParsedCommit, CommitType } from './types.js'; import { promises as fs } from 'fs'; import { join } from 'path'; const GITHUB_TOKEN = process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN; if (!GITHUB_TOKEN) { throw new Error('GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable is required'); } const githubApi = axios.create({ baseURL: '', headers: { Authorization: `token ${GITHUB_TOKEN}`, Accept: 'application/vnd.github.v3+json', }, }); interface GitHubCommit { sha: string; commit: { message: string; author: { name: string; date: string; }; }; html_url: string; } interface PullRequest { number: number; title: string; body: string | null; labels: Array<{ name: string }>; } function parseConventionalCommit(message: string): { type: CommitType; scope?: string; breaking: boolean; message: string; description?: string; } { // Match conventional commit format const regex = /^(feat|fix|docs|perf|refactor|test|build|chore)(?:\(([^)]+)\))?(!)?:\s*(.+)(?:\n\n([\s\S]*))?$/i; const match = message.match(regex); if (match) { const [, type, scope, breaking, msg, desc] = match; return { type: mapCommitType(type), scope: scope, breaking: !!breaking || message.includes('BREAKING CHANGE:'), message: msg.trim(), description: desc?.trim(), }; } // Check for breaking change in body const hasBreakingChange = message.includes('BREAKING CHANGE:'); // Try to infer type from message content const lowerMessage = message.toLowerCase(); let inferredType: CommitType = 'other'; if (hasBreakingChange) inferredType = 'breaking'; else if (lowerMessage.includes('fix') || lowerMessage.includes('bug')) inferredType = 'fix'; else if (lowerMessage.includes('feat')) inferredType = 'feature'; else if (lowerMessage.includes('doc')) inferredType = 'docs'; else if (lowerMessage.includes('perf')) inferredType = 'perf'; else if (lowerMessage.includes('test')) inferredType = 'test'; else if (lowerMessage.includes('build') || lowerMessage.includes('deps')) inferredType = 'build'; else if (lowerMessage.includes('refactor')) inferredType = 'refactor'; // Split message into title and description const [title, ...descLines] = message.split('\n'); const description = descLines.join('\n').trim(); return { type: inferredType, breaking: hasBreakingChange, message: title.trim(), description: description || undefined, }; } function mapCommitType(type: string): CommitType { const typeMap: Record<string, CommitType> = { feat: 'feature', fix: 'fix', docs: 'docs', perf: 'perf', refactor: 'refactor', test: 'test', build: 'build', chore: 'other', }; return typeMap[type.toLowerCase()] || 'other'; } export async function fetchCommits( owner: string, repo: string, fromDate?: string, toDate?: string, fromCommit?: string, toCommit?: string ): Promise<ParsedCommit[]> { const commits: ParsedCommit[] = []; let page = 1; const perPage = 100; let reachedFromCommit = !fromCommit; while (true) { console.log(`Fetching page ${page} of commits...`); // If we have a fromCommit, first fetch it to get its date if (fromCommit && !reachedFromCommit) { try { const fromCommitResponse = await githubApi.get<GitHubCommit>(`/repos/${owner}/${repo}/commits/${fromCommit}`); fromDate =; reachedFromCommit = true; console.log(`Using date from fromCommit: ${fromDate}`); } catch (error) { console.error(`Failed to get date for fromCommit ${fromCommit}, falling back to SHA-based filtering. This is less efficient but will still work.`); } } const response = await githubApi.get<GitHubCommit[]>(`/repos/${owner}/${repo}/commits`, { params: { page, per_page: perPage, ...(toCommit && { sha: toCommit }), ...(fromDate && { since: fromDate }), // Use GitHub's since parameter if we have a date }, }); if ( === 0) break; console.log(`Got ${} commits on page ${page}`); for (const commit of { console.log(`Processing commit ${commit.sha.substring(0, 7)}: ${commit.commit.message.split('\n')[0]}`); // If we couldn't get the date for fromCommit, fall back to SHA-based filtering if (fromCommit && !fromDate && !reachedFromCommit) { if (commit.sha === fromCommit) { console.log(`Using SHA-based filtering: Found fromCommit ${fromCommit.substring(0, 7)}, including it and all commits after`); reachedFromCommit = true; } else { continue; } } const date =; // Only need to check toDate since fromDate is handled by API if (toDate && isAfter(parseISO(date), parseISO(toDate))) continue; // Parse commit message const parsed = parseConventionalCommit(commit.commit.message); // Try to extract PR number const prMatch = commit.commit.message.match(/\(#(\d+)\)|\n\n#(\d+)/); const prNumber = prMatch ? parseInt(prMatch[1] || prMatch[2]) : undefined; commits.push({ sha: commit.sha, type: parsed.type, scope: parsed.scope, message: parsed.message, description: parsed.description, breaking: parsed.breaking, author:, date, prNumber, commitUrl: commit.html_url, }); } page++; } console.log(`Total commits collected: ${commits.length}`); console.log('First (newest) commit:', commits[0]?.message); console.log('Last (oldest) commit:', commits[commits.length - 1]?.message); // Keep commits in reverse chronological order (newest first) for release notes return commits; } export async function fetchPullRequest( owner: string, repo: string, prNumber: number ): Promise<PullRequest | null> { try { const response = await githubApi.get<PullRequest>( `/repos/${owner}/${repo}/pulls/${prNumber}` ); return; } catch (error) { if (axios.isAxiosError(error) && error.response?.status === 404) { return null; } throw error; } } export async function getVersionFromPackageJson(owner: string, repo: string): Promise<string | undefined> { try { const packageJsonPath = join(process.cwd(), owner, repo, 'package.json'); const content = await fs.readFile(packageJsonPath, 'utf-8'); const packageJson = JSON.parse(content); return packageJson.version; } catch { return undefined; } } export async function enrichCommitsWithPRData( owner: string, repo: string, commits: ParsedCommit[] ): Promise<ParsedCommit[]> { const enrichedCommits = [...commits]; for (const commit of enrichedCommits) { if (!commit.prNumber) continue; const pr = await fetchPullRequest(owner, repo, commit.prNumber); if (!pr) continue; // Update commit type based on PR labels if not already determined if (commit.type === 'other') { const labels = =>; if (labels.some(l => l.includes('breaking'))) commit.breaking = true; if (labels.some(l => l.includes('feature'))) commit.type = 'feature'; else if (labels.some(l => l.includes('bug') || l.includes('fix'))) commit.type = 'fix'; else if (labels.some(l => l.includes('doc'))) commit.type = 'docs'; else if (labels.some(l => l.includes('perf'))) commit.type = 'perf'; else if (labels.some(l => l.includes('refactor'))) commit.type = 'refactor'; else if (labels.some(l => l.includes('test'))) commit.type = 'test'; else if (labels.some(l => l.includes('build'))) commit.type = 'build'; } // Use PR title if commit message is not descriptive enough if (commit.message.length < pr.title.length) { commit.message = pr.title; } // Add PR description if commit has no description if (!commit.description && pr.body) { commit.description = pr.body; } } return enrichedCommits; }