Playwright MCP Server

/** * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import fs from 'fs/promises'; import { spawn } from 'node:child_process'; import path from 'node:path'; import { test, expect } from './fixtures'; test('test tool list', async ({ client, visionClient }) => { const { tools } = await client.listTools(); expect( =>[ 'browser_navigate', 'browser_go_back', 'browser_go_forward', 'browser_choose_file', 'browser_snapshot', 'browser_click', 'browser_hover', 'browser_type', 'browser_select_option', 'browser_take_screenshot', 'browser_press_key', 'browser_wait', 'browser_save_as_pdf', 'browser_close', ]); const { tools: visionTools } = await visionClient.listTools(); expect( =>[ 'browser_navigate', 'browser_go_back', 'browser_go_forward', 'browser_choose_file', 'browser_screenshot', 'browser_move_mouse', 'browser_click', 'browser_drag', 'browser_type', 'browser_press_key', 'browser_wait', 'browser_save_as_pdf', 'browser_close', ]); }); test('test resources list', async ({ client }) => { const { resources } = await client.listResources(); expect(resources).toEqual([ expect.objectContaining({ uri: 'browser://console', mimeType: 'text/plain', }), ]); }); test('test browser_navigate', async ({ client }) => { expect(await client.callTool({ name: 'browser_navigate', arguments: { url: 'data:text/html,<html><title>Title</title><body>Hello, world!</body></html>', }, })).toHaveTextContent(` - Page URL: data:text/html,<html><title>Title</title><body>Hello, world!</body></html> - Page Title: Title - Page Snapshot \`\`\`yaml - document [ref=s1e2]: Hello, world! \`\`\` ` ); }); test('test browser_click', async ({ client }) => { await client.callTool({ name: 'browser_navigate', arguments: { url: 'data:text/html,<html><title>Title</title><button>Submit</button></html>', }, }); expect(await client.callTool({ name: 'browser_click', arguments: { element: 'Submit button', ref: 's1e4', }, })).toHaveTextContent(`"Submit button" clicked - Page URL: data:text/html,<html><title>Title</title><button>Submit</button></html> - Page Title: Title - Page Snapshot \`\`\`yaml - document [ref=s2e2]: - button "Submit" [ref=s2e4] \`\`\` `); }); test('test reopen browser', async ({ client }) => { await client.callTool({ name: 'browser_navigate', arguments: { url: 'data:text/html,<html><title>Title</title><body>Hello, world!</body></html>', }, }); expect(await client.callTool({ name: 'browser_close', })).toHaveTextContent('Page closed'); expect(await client.callTool({ name: 'browser_navigate', arguments: { url: 'data:text/html,<html><title>Title</title><body>Hello, world!</body></html>', }, })).toHaveTextContent(` - Page URL: data:text/html,<html><title>Title</title><body>Hello, world!</body></html> - Page Title: Title - Page Snapshot \`\`\`yaml - document [ref=s1e2]: Hello, world! \`\`\` `); }); test('single option', async ({ client }) => { await client.callTool({ name: 'browser_navigate', arguments: { url: 'data:text/html,<html><title>Title</title><select><option value="foo">Foo</option><option value="bar">Bar</option></select></html>', }, }); expect(await client.callTool({ name: 'browser_select_option', arguments: { element: 'Select', ref: 's1e4', values: ['bar'], }, })).toHaveTextContent(`Selected option in "Select" - Page URL: data:text/html,<html><title>Title</title><select><option value="foo">Foo</option><option value="bar">Bar</option></select></html> - Page Title: Title - Page Snapshot \`\`\`yaml - document [ref=s2e2]: - combobox [ref=s2e4]: - option "Foo" [ref=s2e5] - option "Bar" [selected] [ref=s2e6] \`\`\` `); }); test('multiple option', async ({ client }) => { await client.callTool({ name: 'browser_navigate', arguments: { url: 'data:text/html,<html><title>Title</title><select multiple><option value="foo">Foo</option><option value="bar">Bar</option><option value="baz">Baz</option></select></html>', }, }); expect(await client.callTool({ name: 'browser_select_option', arguments: { element: 'Select', ref: 's1e4', values: ['bar', 'baz'], }, })).toHaveTextContent(`Selected option in "Select" - Page URL: data:text/html,<html><title>Title</title><select multiple><option value="foo">Foo</option><option value="bar">Bar</option><option value="baz">Baz</option></select></html> - Page Title: Title - Page Snapshot \`\`\`yaml - document [ref=s2e2]: - listbox [ref=s2e4]: - option "Foo" [ref=s2e5] - option "Bar" [selected] [ref=s2e6] - option "Baz" [selected] [ref=s2e7] \`\`\` `); }); test('browser://console', async ({ client }) => { await client.callTool({ name: 'browser_navigate', arguments: { url: 'data:text/html,<html><script>console.log("Hello, world!");console.error("Error"); </script></html>', }, }); const resource = await client.readResource({ uri: 'browser://console', }); expect(resource.contents).toEqual([{ uri: 'browser://console', mimeType: 'text/plain', text: '[LOG] Hello, world!\n[ERROR] Error', }]); }); test('stitched aria frames', async ({ client }) => { expect(await client.callTool({ name: 'browser_navigate', arguments: { url: 'data:text/html,<h1>Hello</h1><iframe src="data:text/html,<h1>World</h1>"></iframe><iframe src="data:text/html,<h1>Should be invisible</h1>" style="display: none;"></iframe>', }, })).toHaveTextContent(` - Page URL: data:text/html,<h1>Hello</h1><iframe src="data:text/html,<h1>World</h1>"></iframe><iframe src="data:text/html,<h1>Should be invisible</h1>" style="display: none;"></iframe> - Page Title: - Page Snapshot \`\`\`yaml - document [ref=s1e2]: - heading "Hello" [level=1] [ref=s1e4] # iframe src=data:text/html,<h1>World</h1> - document [ref=f0s1e2]: - heading "World" [level=1] [ref=f0s1e4] \`\`\` `); }); test('browser_choose_file', async ({ client }) => { expect(await client.callTool({ name: 'browser_navigate', arguments: { url: 'data:text/html,<html><title>Title</title><input type="file" /><button>Button</button></html>', }, })).toContainTextContent('- textbox [ref=s1e4]'); expect(await client.callTool({ name: 'browser_click', arguments: { element: 'Textbox', ref: 's1e4', }, })).toContainTextContent('There is a file chooser visible that requires browser_choose_file to be called'); const filePath ='test.txt'); await fs.writeFile(filePath, 'Hello, world!'); { const response = await client.callTool({ name: 'browser_choose_file', arguments: { paths: [filePath], }, }); expect(response).not.toContainTextContent('There is a file chooser visible that requires browser_choose_file to be called'); expect(response).toContainTextContent('textbox [ref=s3e4]: C:\\fakepath\\test.txt'); } { const response = await client.callTool({ name: 'browser_click', arguments: { element: 'Textbox', ref: 's3e4', }, }); expect(response).toContainTextContent('There is a file chooser visible that requires browser_choose_file to be called'); expect(response).toContainTextContent('button "Button" [ref=s4e5]'); } { const response = await client.callTool({ name: 'browser_click', arguments: { element: 'Button', ref: 's4e5', }, }); expect(response, 'not submitting browser_choose_file dismisses file chooser').not.toContainTextContent('There is a file chooser visible that requires browser_choose_file to be called'); } }); test('sse transport', async () => { const cp = spawn('node', [path.join(__dirname, '../cli.js'), '--port', '0'], { stdio: 'pipe' }); try { let stdout = ''; const url = await new Promise<string>(resolve => cp.stdout?.on('data', data => { stdout += data.toString(); const match = stdout.match(/Listening on (http:\/\/.*)/); if (match) resolve(match[1]); })); // need dynamic import b/c of some ESM nonsense const { SSEClientTransport } = await import('@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/client/sse.js'); const { Client } = await import('@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/client/index.js'); const transport = new SSEClientTransport(new URL(url)); const client = new Client({ name: 'test', version: '1.0.0' }); await client.connect(transport); await; } finally { cp.kill(); } });