by marcopesani
- mcp-server-serper
- src
- prompts
import { GetPromptRequestSchema, ListPromptsRequestSchema } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js";
import { SerperSearchTools } from "../tools/search-tool.js";
interface PromptArgument {
name: string;
description: string;
required?: boolean;
interface Prompt {
name: string;
description: string;
arguments?: PromptArgument[];
const PROMPTS: Record<string, Prompt> = {
"research-topic": {
name: "research-topic",
description: "Guide comprehensive research on a topic with structured results",
arguments: [
name: "topic",
description: "Main topic to research",
required: true
name: "depth",
description: "Research depth (basic or detailed)",
required: false
name: "focus_areas",
description: "Specific areas to focus research on",
required: false
"compare-sources": {
name: "compare-sources",
description: "Compare information from multiple sources on a topic",
arguments: [
name: "topic",
description: "Topic to compare sources for",
required: true
name: "min_sources",
description: "Minimum number of sources to compare",
required: false
"fact-check": {
name: "fact-check",
description: "Verify a claim across multiple authoritative sources",
arguments: [
name: "claim",
description: "Claim to verify",
required: true
name: "thoroughness",
description: "Verification thoroughness (quick or thorough)",
required: false
"technical-search": {
name: "technical-search",
description: "Focused technical and programming search",
arguments: [
name: "query",
description: "Technical query to search for",
required: true
name: "tech_stack",
description: "Relevant technologies to focus on",
required: false
name: "content_type",
description: "Type of content (docs, tutorials, issues)",
required: false
export class SerperPrompts {
constructor(private searchTools: SerperSearchTools) {}
async listPrompts() {
return {
prompts: Object.values(PROMPTS)
async getPrompt(name: string, args: Record<string, any>) {
const prompt = PROMPTS[name];
if (!prompt) {
throw new Error(`Prompt not found: ${name}`);
switch (name) {
case "research-topic":
return this.getResearchTopicPrompt(args);
case "compare-sources":
return this.getCompareSourcesPrompt(args);
case "fact-check":
return this.getFactCheckPrompt(args);
case "news-analysis":
return this.getNewsAnalysisPrompt(args);
case "technical-search":
return this.getTechnicalSearchPrompt(args);
throw new Error("Prompt implementation not found");
private async getResearchTopicPrompt(args: Record<string, any>) {
const { topic, depth = "basic", focus_areas = [] } = args;
const focusAreasText = focus_areas.length > 0
? `\nFocus specifically on these areas: ${focus_areas.join(", ")}`
: "";
const depthText = depth === "detailed"
? "\nProvide detailed analysis and comprehensive coverage."
: "\nProvide a basic overview and key points.";
return {
messages: [
role: "user",
content: {
type: "text",
text: `Research the topic: ${topic}${focusAreasText}${depthText}\n\nOrganize the findings into:\n1. Overview\n2. Key Points\n3. Supporting Evidence\n4. Expert Opinions\n5. Conclusions`
private async getCompareSourcesPrompt(args: Record<string, any>) {
const { topic, min_sources = 3 } = args;
return {
messages: [
role: "user",
content: {
type: "text",
text: `Compare at least ${min_sources} different sources on: ${topic}\n\nAnalyze:\n1. Points of Agreement\n2. Differing Perspectives\n3. Source Credibility\n4. Supporting Evidence\n5. Synthesis of Findings`
private async getFactCheckPrompt(args: Record<string, any>) {
const { claim, thoroughness = "quick" } = args;
const depth = thoroughness === "thorough"
? "\nPerform a comprehensive fact-check using multiple authoritative sources."
: "\nQuickly verify the main points using reliable sources.";
return {
messages: [
role: "user",
content: {
type: "text",
text: `Fact check this claim: "${claim}"${depth}\n\nProvide:\n1. Verification Status\n2. Supporting Evidence\n3. Authoritative Sources\n4. Context\n5. Final Assessment`
private async getNewsAnalysisPrompt(args: Record<string, any>) {
const { topic, time_range, perspective = "balanced" } = args;
const timeFilter = time_range ? `\nFocus on coverage from: ${time_range}` : "";
const perspectiveGuide = perspective === "all"
? "\nInclude all viewpoints and perspectives in the analysis."
: "\nFocus on balanced, factual coverage from reliable sources.";
return {
messages: [
role: "user",
content: {
type: "text",
text: `Analyze news coverage of: ${topic}${timeFilter}${perspectiveGuide}\n\nProvide:\n1. Coverage Overview\n2. Main Narratives\n3. Different Perspectives\n4. Potential Biases\n5. Key Takeaways`
private async getTechnicalSearchPrompt(args: Record<string, any>) {
const { query, tech_stack = [], content_type = "all" } = args;
const techContext = tech_stack.length > 0
? `\nFocus on: ${tech_stack.join(", ")}`
: "";
const contentFocus = content_type !== "all"
? `\nPrioritize ${content_type} in the results.`
: "";
return {
messages: [
role: "user",
content: {
type: "text",
text: `Technical search for: ${query}${techContext}${contentFocus}\n\nOrganize results into:\n1. Best Practices\n2. Implementation Examples\n3. Common Issues\n4. Documentation References\n5. Community Insights`