Simple Files Vector Store Server

by lishenxydlgzs
import { BaseFileTypeProcessor } from '../types.js'; import { convert, HtmlToTextOptions } from 'html-to-text'; import * as cheerio from 'cheerio'; export class FileTypeProcessorRegistry { private processors: BaseFileTypeProcessor[] = []; private static instance: FileTypeProcessorRegistry; private constructor() { // Register default processors this.register(new HTMLProcessor()); this.register(new JSONProcessor()); this.register(new MarkdownProcessor()); this.register(new DefaultTextProcessor()); } static getInstance(): FileTypeProcessorRegistry { if (!FileTypeProcessorRegistry.instance) { FileTypeProcessorRegistry.instance = new FileTypeProcessorRegistry(); } return FileTypeProcessorRegistry.instance; } register(processor: BaseFileTypeProcessor): void { this.processors.push(processor); // Sort processors by priority in descending order this.processors.sort((a, b) => b.getPriority() - a.getPriority()); } findProcessor(filePath: string): BaseFileTypeProcessor | null { return this.processors.find(p => p.canProcess(filePath)) || null; } } export class HTMLProcessor extends BaseFileTypeProcessor { canProcess(filePath: string): boolean { return filePath.toLowerCase().endsWith('.html'); } getPriority(): number { return 1; } async process(content: string): Promise<string> { const $ = cheerio.load(content); // Remove script and style tags $('script').remove(); $('style').remove(); const options: HtmlToTextOptions = { wordwrap: false, selectors: [ { selector: 'img', format: 'skip' }, { selector: 'a', options: { hideLinkHrefIfSameAsText: true } }, ], }; return convert($.html(), options); } } export class JSONProcessor extends BaseFileTypeProcessor { canProcess(filePath: string): boolean { return filePath.toLowerCase().endsWith('.json'); } getPriority(): number { return 1; } async process(content: string): Promise<string> { try { const parsed = JSON.parse(content); return JSON.stringify(parsed, null, 2); } catch (error) { // If JSON parsing fails, fall back to processing as text console.error(`Failed to parse JSON, falling back to text processing: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error'}`); return content; } } } export class MarkdownProcessor extends BaseFileTypeProcessor { canProcess(filePath: string): boolean { return filePath.toLowerCase().endsWith('.md'); } getPriority(): number { return 1; } async process(content: string): Promise<string> { return content; } } export class DefaultTextProcessor extends BaseFileTypeProcessor { canProcess(filePath: string): boolean { return true; // Will process any text file } getPriority(): number { return 0; // Lowest priority } async process(content: string): Promise<string> { return content; } }