Coder Toolbox MCP Server

by lamemind

local-only server

The server can only run on the client’s local machine because it depends on local resources.

Coder Toolbox MCP Server

A utility toolkit designed to enhance the interaction between Claude and code, providing seamless integration tools for code analysis, manipulation, and testing workflows.



  • Test Execution Logs: Retrieve and analyze test execution logs and results
  • Class Operations:
    • Location: Find Java classes in project source code with package filtering
    • Creation: Create new Java classes with proper package structure
    • Content Management: Add, replace or delete content in existing Java classes
    • Method Management: Add or delete methods in Java classes
    • Constructor Management: Add or delete constructors in Java classes



Retrieve test execution logs from the log directory


  • Parameters:
    • className (string): Name of the java class to find (case sensitive)
    • sourceType (string, optional): Source type to restrict the search ('source' or 'test')
    • packagePath (string, optional): Package path to restrict search (e.g. 'com.myself.myproject'). If specified, sourceType must also be specified
  • Returns: JSON object with search results including file path and content if found


  • Parameters:
    • className (string): Name of the java class to create (case sensitive)
    • sourceType (string): The source type where to create the file ('source' or 'test')
    • packagePath (string): Package path where to create the class (e.g. 'com.myself.myproject')
  • Returns: JSON object with creation results including file path or error message


  • Parameters:
    • Parameters from locate_java_class, plus:
    • classBody (string): The class body content to add (fields, methods, constructors, etc.)
  • Returns: JSON object with modification results including file path


  • Parameters:
    • Parameters from locate_java_class, plus:
    • edits: Array of edit operations, each containing:
      • oldText (string): Text to replace
      • newText (string): New text
    • dryRun (boolean, optional): Preview changes without applying them
  • Returns: Diff showing the changes made or preview


  • Parameters:
    • Parameters from locate_java_class, plus:
    • targetContent (string): The content to delete from the class body
    • dryRun (boolean, optional): Preview changes without applying them
  • Returns: Diff showing the changes made or preview

Development Roadmap

  • Test execution log retrieval
  • Class location and navigation
  • Class file creation
  • Add content to class
  • Replace content in class
  • Delete content from class
  • Add class-level annotations
  • Add interface implementations
  • Add class inheritance
  • Organize imports
  • Format code


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

security - not tested
license - not found
quality - not tested

A utility toolkit that enhances Claude's code interaction capabilities by providing seamless tools for Java code analysis, manipulation, and testing workflows.

  1. Features
    1. Implemented
  2. Tools
    1. get_test_execution_logs
    2. locate_java_class
    3. create_java_class
    4. class_add_body
    5. class_replace_body
    6. class_delete_body
  3. Development Roadmap
    1. Contributing
      1. License