MCP File System Server

# MCP File System Server MCP server providing file system operations. Supports navigation, reading, writing, analyzing files and command execution. ## Tools ### File and Directory Operations * `ls(path)` - List directory contents * `cd(path)` - Change working directory (supports home directory expansion with ~) * `read_file(path)` - Read file contents * `write_file(path, content)` - Write content to a file * `mkdir(path)` - Create directory * `rm(path)` - Remove file or empty directory * `rmdir(path)` - Remove directory and contents recursively * `cp(src, dst)` - Copy file or directory * `mv(src, dst)` - Move file or directory ### Editing and Searching * `edit_file(path, changes)` - Apply multiple search/replace operations to a file, where changes is a list of (search_text, replace_text) tuples * `grep(pattern, path)` - Search for regex pattern in file(s) ### Analysis * `summary(path)` - Generate summary of Python (.py) and Markdown (.md) files: - Python: Lists functions and classes - Markdown: Lists headers (lines starting with #) ### Batch Operations * `read_files(paths)` - Read multiple files, returns dict mapping paths to contents * `summarize(paths)` - Generate summaries for multiple files, returns dict mapping paths to summaries ### Project Navigation * `work_on(path)` - Change to directory, list its contents, and get the notes from Useful for getting familiar with a project at the start of a chat ### Code Quality * `ruff_check(paths)` - Run ruff linter on specified files * `ruff_format(paths)` - Format files using ruff ### Command Execution * `shell_command(command, args=None, cmdline=None, timeout=30)` - Run shell commands and capture their output > **⚠️ Security Warning**: This tool allows arbitrary command execution on the host system. Always inspect and validate commands before allowing them to run, especially if the input source is untrusted.