MCP Tavily

by kshern


Extract and process content from a list of URLs. Can handle up to 20 URLs at once.

Input Schema

optionsNoContent extraction configuration options, all fields are optional
urlsYesList of URLs to extract content from (max 20). e.g.: ['', '']

Input Schema (JSON Schema)

{ "$schema": "", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "options": { "additionalProperties": false, "description": "Content extraction configuration options, all fields are optional", "properties": { "extractDepth": { "description": "Extraction depth: basic (simple extraction) or advanced (detailed extraction)", "enum": [ "basic", "advanced" ], "type": "string" }, "includeImages": { "description": "Include images in extraction: true or false", "type": "boolean" } }, "type": "object" }, "urls": { "description": "List of URLs to extract content from (max 20). e.g.: ['', '']", "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" } }, "required": [ "urls" ], "type": "object" }

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