
by kennethreitz
import subprocess from mcp.server.fastmcp import FastMCP def run_applescript(script: str) -> str: """Execute an AppleScript command via osascript and return its output.""" result =["osascript", "-e", script], capture_output=True, text=True) if result.returncode != 0: return f"Error: {result.stderr.strip()}" return result.stdout.strip() # Instantiate the MCP server. mcp = FastMCP("iTunesControlServer") @mcp.tool() def itunes_play() -> str: """Start playback in Music (iTunes).""" script = 'tell application "Music" to play' return run_applescript(script) @mcp.tool() def itunes_pause() -> str: """Pause playback in Music (iTunes).""" script = 'tell application "Music" to pause' return run_applescript(script) @mcp.tool() def itunes_next() -> str: """Skip to the next track.""" script = 'tell application "Music" to next track' return run_applescript(script) @mcp.tool() def itunes_previous() -> str: """Return to the previous track.""" script = 'tell application "Music" to previous track' return run_applescript(script) @mcp.tool() def itunes_search(query: str) -> str: """ Search the Music library for tracks whose names contain the given query. Returns a list of tracks formatted as "Track Name - Artist". """ script = f""" tell application "Music" set trackList to every track of playlist "Library" whose name contains "{query}" set output to "" repeat with t in trackList set output to output & (name of t) & " - " & (artist of t) & linefeed end repeat return output end tell """ return run_applescript(script) @mcp.tool() def itunes_play_song(song: str) -> str: """ Play the first track whose name exactly matches the given song name. Returns a confirmation message. """ script = f""" tell application "Music" set theTrack to first track of playlist "Library" whose name is "{song}" play theTrack return "Now playing: " & (name of theTrack) & " by " & (artist of theTrack) end tell """ return run_applescript(script) @mcp.tool() def itunes_create_playlist(name: str, songs: str) -> str: """ Create a new playlist with the given name and add tracks to it. 'songs' should be a comma-separated list of exact track names. Returns a confirmation message including the number of tracks added. """ # Split the songs string into a list. song_list = [s.strip() for s in songs.split(",") if s.strip()] if not song_list: return "No songs provided." # Build a condition string that matches any one of the song names. # Example: 'name is "Song1" or name is "Song2"' conditions = " or ".join([f'name is "{s}"' for s in song_list]) script = f""" tell application "Music" set newPlaylist to make new user playlist with properties {{name:"{name}"}} set matchingTracks to every track of playlist "Library" whose ({conditions}) repeat with t in matchingTracks duplicate t to newPlaylist end repeat return "Playlist \\"{name}\\" created with " & (count of tracks of newPlaylist) & " tracks." end tell """ return run_applescript(script) @mcp.tool() def itunes_library() -> str: """ Return a summary of the Music library, including total tracks and user playlists. """ script = """ tell application "Music" set totalTracks to count of every track of playlist "Library" set totalPlaylists to count of user playlists return "Total tracks: " & totalTracks & linefeed & "Total playlists: " & totalPlaylists end tell """ return run_applescript(script) def main(): if __name__ == "__main__": main()