by jurasofish
from pathlib import Path
import pytest
from mcpunk.file_chunk import ChunkCategory
from mcpunk.file_chunkers import PythonChunker
def test_python_chunker_basic() -> None:
"""A basic test that it picks out key elements.
Notably the picking apart of python code into callables, imports, and module-level
statements is tested elsewhere.
source_code = """\
from typing import List
import os
x = 1
def func1(a: int) -> str:
return str(a)
y = 2
class MyClass:
def method1(self) -> None:
def prop1(self) -> int:
return 42
assert PythonChunker.can_chunk("", Path(""))
assert not PythonChunker.can_chunk("", Path("test.txt"))
chunks = PythonChunker(source_code, Path("")).chunk_file()
chunks = sorted(chunks, key=lambda x: x.line if x.line is not None else -1)
assert [ for x in chunks] == [
# Test categories
assert chunks[0].category.value == "imports"
assert chunks[1].category.value == "module_level"
assert chunks[2].category.value == "callable"
assert chunks[3].category.value == "callable"
assert chunks[4].category.value == "callable"
assert chunks[5].category.value == "callable"
# Test content
assert chunks[0].content == "from typing import List\nimport os"
assert chunks[1].content == "x = 1\ndef func1...\ny = 2\nclass MyClass..."
assert chunks[2].content == "def func1(a: int) -> str:\n return str(a)"
assert chunks[2].line == 6
assert "class MyClass:" in chunks[3].content
assert chunks[3].line == 11
assert "def method1(self)" in chunks[4].content
assert chunks[4].line == 12
assert "@property" in chunks[5].content
assert "def prop1(self)" in chunks[5].content
assert chunks[5].line == 16
def test_python_chunker_empty() -> None:
"""Tests empty source files produce empty chunk lists."""
empty_source = ""
chunks = PythonChunker(empty_source, Path("")).chunk_file()
assert chunks == []
def test_python_chunker_only_imports() -> None:
"""Tests files with only imports."""
imports_only = """\
from typing import List
import os
chunks = PythonChunker(imports_only, Path("")).chunk_file()
assert len(chunks) == 1
assert chunks[0].name == "imports"
assert chunks[0].content == "from typing import List\nimport os"
def test_python_chunker_only_module_level() -> None:
"""Tests files with only module level statements."""
module_level_only = """\
x = 1
y = 2
chunks = PythonChunker(module_level_only, Path("")).chunk_file()
assert len(chunks) == 1
assert chunks[0].name == "module_level_statements"
assert chunks[0].content == "x = 1\ny = 2"
def test_python_chunker_only_callables() -> None:
"""Tests files with only function/class definitions."""
callables_only = """\
def func1() -> None:
class MyClass:
def method1(self) -> None:
chunks = PythonChunker(callables_only, Path("")).chunk_file()
assert len(chunks) == 4
assert [ for x in chunks] == ["module_level_statements", "func1", "MyClass", "method1"]
module_level = chunks[0]
assert module_level.category == ChunkCategory.module_level
# We should still have module level statements, just with skeleton of the callables:
assert module_level.content == "def func1...\nclass MyClass..."
def test_python_chunker_invalid_syntax() -> None:
with pytest.raises(Exception, match=".*"):
_ = PythonChunker("x = (1", Path("")).chunk_file()