
import { ScriptCategory } from "../types/index.js"; /** * Calendar-related scripts. * * add: adds a new event to Calendar * * list: List events for today */ export const calendarCategory: ScriptCategory = { name: "calendar", description: "Calendar operations", scripts: [ { name: "add", description: "Add a new event to Calendar", schema: { type: "object", properties: { title: { type: "string", description: "Event title", }, startDate: { type: "string", description: "Start date and time (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)", }, endDate: { type: "string", description: "End date and time (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)", }, calendar: { type: "string", description: "Calendar name (optional)", default: "Calendar", }, }, required: ["title", "startDate", "endDate"], }, script: (args) => ` tell application "Calendar" set theStartDate to current date set hours of theStartDate to ${args.startDate.slice(11, 13)} set minutes of theStartDate to ${args.startDate.slice(14, 16)} set seconds of theStartDate to ${args.startDate.slice(17, 19)} set theEndDate to theStartDate + (1 * hours) set hours of theEndDate to ${args.endDate.slice(11, 13)} set minutes of theEndDate to ${args.endDate.slice(14, 16)} set seconds of theEndDate to ${args.endDate.slice(17, 19)} tell calendar "${args.calendar || "Calendar"}" make new event with properties {summary:"${args.title}", start date:theStartDate, end date:theEndDate} end tell end tell `, }, { name: "list", description: "List all events for today", script: ` tell application "Calendar" set todayStart to (current date) set time of todayStart to 0 set todayEnd to todayStart + 1 * days set eventList to {} repeat with calendarAccount in calendars set eventList to eventList & (every event of calendarAccount whose start date is greater than or equal to todayStart and start date is less than todayEnd) end repeat set output to "" repeat with anEvent in eventList set eventStartDate to start date of anEvent set eventEndDate to end date of anEvent -- Format the time parts set startHours to hours of eventStartDate set startMinutes to minutes of eventStartDate set endHours to hours of eventEndDate set endMinutes to minutes of eventEndDate set output to output & "Event: " & summary of anEvent & "\n" set output to output & "Start: " & startHours & ":" & text -2 thru -1 of ("0" & startMinutes) & "\n" set output to output & "End: " & endHours & ":" & text -2 thru -1 of ("0" & endMinutes) & "\n" set output to output & "-------------------\n" end repeat return output end tell `, }, ], };