Logseq MCP Tools
by joelhooks
import * as dotenv from 'dotenv'
import { McpServer } from '@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/mcp.js'
import { StdioServerTransport } from '@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/stdio.js'
import { z } from 'zod'
const LOGSEQ_TOKEN = process.env.LOGSEQ_TOKEN
const server = new McpServer({
name: 'Logseq Tools',
version: '1.0.0',
// Regular expression to find Logseq page links like [[page name]]
const PAGE_LINK_REGEX = /\[\[(.*?)\]\]/g
// Format a date as a string in the format that Logseq journal pages use
function formatJournalDate(date: Date): string {
const month = date.toLocaleString('en-US', { month: 'short' }).toLowerCase()
const day = date.getDate()
const year = date.getFullYear()
return `${month} ${day}${getDaySuffix(day)}, ${year}`
// Get the appropriate suffix for a day number (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.)
function getDaySuffix(day: number): string {
if (day >= 11 && day <= 13) return 'th'
switch (day % 10) {
case 1:
return 'st'
case 2:
return 'nd'
case 3:
return 'rd'
return 'th'
// Helper function to make API calls to Logseq
async function callLogseqApi(method: string, args: any[] = []) {
const response = await fetch('', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${LOGSEQ_TOKEN}`,
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify({
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(
`Logseq API error: ${response.status} ${response.statusText}`
return response.json()
// Helper function to parse date range from natural language
function parseDateRange(dateRange: string): {
start: Date
end: Date
title: string
} {
const today = new Date()
const end = new Date(today)
end.setHours(23, 59, 59, 999) // End of today
let start = new Date(today)
let title = ''
const normalizedRange = dateRange.toLowerCase().trim()
switch (normalizedRange) {
case 'today':
start.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0) // Start of today
title = "Today's Journal Summary"
case 'yesterday':
start.setDate(today.getDate() - 1)
start.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0)
end.setDate(today.getDate() - 1)
title = "Yesterday's Journal Summary"
case 'this week':
start.setDate(today.getDate() - today.getDay()) // Start of week (Sunday)
start.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0)
title = 'Weekly Journal Summary'
case 'last week':
start.setDate(today.getDate() - today.getDay() - 7) // Start of last week
start.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0)
end.setDate(today.getDate() - today.getDay() - 1)
end.setHours(23, 59, 59, 999)
title = "Last Week's Journal Summary"
case 'this month':
start.setDate(1) // Start of current month
start.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0)
title = `Journal Summary for ${today.toLocaleString('en-US', {
month: 'long',
})} ${today.getFullYear()}`
case 'last month':
start.setMonth(today.getMonth() - 1, 1) // Start of last month
start.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0)
end.setDate(0) // Last day of previous month
title = `Journal Summary for ${start.toLocaleString('en-US', {
month: 'long',
})} ${start.getFullYear()}`
case 'this year':
start.setMonth(0, 1) // January 1st
start.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0)
title = `Journal Summary for ${today.getFullYear()}`
case 'last year':
start.setFullYear(today.getFullYear() - 1, 0, 1) // January 1st of last year
start.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0)
end.setFullYear(today.getFullYear() - 1, 11, 31) // December 31st of last year
end.setHours(23, 59, 59, 999)
title = `Journal Summary for ${today.getFullYear() - 1}`
case 'year to date':
start.setMonth(0, 1) // January 1st of current year
start.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0)
title = `Year-to-Date Journal Summary for ${today.getFullYear()}`
// Default to current week if input doesn't match any pattern
start.setDate(today.getDate() - today.getDay()) // Start of week (Sunday)
start.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0)
title = 'Weekly Journal Summary'
return { start, end, title }
server.tool('getAllPages', async () => {
try {
const pages = await callLogseqApi('logseq.Editor.getAllPages')
return {
content: [
type: 'text',
text: JSON.stringify(pages),
} catch (error) {
return {
content: [
type: 'text',
text: `Error fetching Logseq pages: ${error.message}`,
// Get content for a specific page by name or UUID
async function getPageContent(pageNameOrUuid: string) {
try {
return await callLogseqApi('logseq.Editor.getPageBlocksTree', [
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error fetching page content: ${error.message}`)
return null
// Get a page's content and extract linked pages
pageName: z.string().describe('Name of the Logseq page to retrieve'),
async ({ pageName }) => {
try {
const content = await getPageContent(pageName)
if (!content) {
return {
content: [
type: 'text',
text: `Page "${pageName}" not found or has no content.`,
// Format the page content
let formattedContent = `# ${pageName}\n\n`
// Process blocks to extract text and maintain hierarchy
const processBlocks = (blocks: any[], indent = 0) => {
let text = ''
for (const block of blocks) {
if (block.content) {
const indentation = ' '.repeat(indent)
text += `${indentation}- ${block.content}\n`
if (block.children && block.children.length > 0) {
text += processBlocks(block.children, indent + 1)
return text
formattedContent += processBlocks(content)
return {
content: [
type: 'text',
text: formattedContent,
} catch (error) {
return {
content: [
type: 'text',
text: `Error retrieving page content: ${error.message}`,
// Extract and fetch linked pages from content
async function extractLinkedPages(content: string): Promise<{
pages: Record<string, string>
occurrences: Record<string, number>
}> {
const linkedPages: Record<string, string> = {}
const occurrences: Record<string, number> = {}
const matches = [...content.matchAll(PAGE_LINK_REGEX)]
for (const match of matches) {
const pageName = match[1].trim()
// Count occurrences of each page
occurrences[pageName] = (occurrences[pageName] || 0) + 1
if (!linkedPages[pageName]) {
const pageContent = await getPageContent(pageName)
if (pageContent) {
// Process blocks to extract text and maintain hierarchy
const processBlocks = (blocks: any[], indent = 0) => {
let text = ''
for (const block of blocks) {
if (block.content) {
const indentation = ' '.repeat(indent)
text += `${indentation}- ${block.content}\n`
if (block.children && block.children.length > 0) {
text += processBlocks(block.children, indent + 1)
return text
linkedPages[pageName] = processBlocks(pageContent)
return { pages: linkedPages, occurrences }
// Get summary of journal entries for a flexible date range
dateRange: z
'Date range like "today", "this week", "last month", "this year", "year to date", etc.'
async ({ dateRange }) => {
try {
// Get all pages
const pages = await callLogseqApi('logseq.Editor.getAllPages')
// Parse the date range
const { start, end, title } = parseDateRange(dateRange)
// Filter for journal pages within the date range
const journalPages = pages.filter((page: any) => {
const pageDate = new Date(page.updatedAt)
return page['journal?'] === true && pageDate >= start && pageDate <= end
// Sort by date
journalPages.sort((a: any, b: any) => a.journalDay - b.journalDay)
// For each journal page, get its content
const journalContents: Array<{ date: string; content: any }> = []
for (const page of journalPages) {
const content = await getPageContent(page.name)
if (content) {
date: page.originalName,
content: content,
// Format the summary
let summary = `# ${title}\n\n`
summary += `*Date range: ${start.toLocaleDateString()} to ${end.toLocaleDateString()}*\n\n`
if (journalContents.length === 0) {
summary += `No journal entries found for ${dateRange}.`
} else {
// Track all linked pages across all entries
const allLinkedPages: Record<string, string> = {}
const allPageOccurrences: Record<string, number> = {}
for (const entry of journalContents) {
summary += `## ${entry.date}\n\n`
// Process blocks to extract text and maintain hierarchy
const processBlocks = (blocks: any[], indent = 0) => {
let text = ''
for (const block of blocks) {
if (block.content) {
const indentation = ' '.repeat(indent)
text += `${indentation}- ${block.content}\n`
if (block.children && block.children.length > 0) {
text += processBlocks(block.children, indent + 1)
return text
const entryText = processBlocks(entry.content)
summary += entryText
summary += '\n'
// Extract linked pages from this entry
const { pages: linkedPages, occurrences } = await extractLinkedPages(
// Merge the linked pages
Object.assign(allLinkedPages, linkedPages)
// Merge occurrences counts
for (const [pageName, count] of Object.entries(occurrences)) {
allPageOccurrences[pageName] =
(allPageOccurrences[pageName] || 0) + count
// Add top concepts section (most frequently referenced pages)
if (Object.keys(allPageOccurrences).length > 0) {
// Sort pages by occurrence count (most frequent first)
const sortedPages = Object.entries(allPageOccurrences).sort(
(a, b) => b[1] - a[1]
// Add a "Top Concepts" section if we have any pages
if (sortedPages.length > 0) {
summary += `\n## Top Concepts\n\n`
for (const [pageName, count] of sortedPages.slice(0, 10)) {
summary += `- [[${pageName}]] (${count} references)\n`
summary += '\n'
// Add detailed referenced pages section
summary += `\n## Referenced Pages\n\n`
for (const [pageName, content] of Object.entries(allLinkedPages)) {
const occurrenceCount = allPageOccurrences[pageName]
summary += `### ${pageName}\n\n`
if (occurrenceCount > 1) {
summary += `*Referenced ${occurrenceCount} times*\n\n`
summary += `${content}\n\n`
return {
content: [
type: 'text',
text: summary,
} catch (error) {
return {
content: [
type: 'text',
text: `Error generating journal summary: ${error.message}`,
// Additional tools: createPage, searchPages, and getBacklinks
pageName: z.string().describe('Name for the new Logseq page'),
content: z
.describe('Initial content for the page (optional)'),
async ({ pageName, content }) => {
try {
await callLogseqApi('logseq.Editor.createPage', [pageName, content || ''])
return {
content: [
type: 'text',
text: `Page "${pageName}" successfully created.`,
} catch (error) {
return {
content: [
type: 'text',
text: `Error creating page "${pageName}": ${error.message}`,
query: z.string().describe('Search query to filter pages by name'),
async ({ query }) => {
try {
const pages = await callLogseqApi('logseq.Editor.getAllPages')
const matched = pages.filter(
(page: any) =>
page.name && page.name.toLowerCase().includes(query.toLowerCase())
if (matched.length === 0) {
return {
content: [
type: 'text',
text: `No pages matching query "${query}" found.`,
let text = `Pages matching "${query}":\n`
matched.forEach((page: any) => {
text += `- ${page.name}\n`
return {
content: [
type: 'text',
} catch (error) {
return {
content: [
type: 'text',
text: `Error searching pages: ${error.message}`,
pageName: z.string().describe('The page name for which to find backlinks'),
async ({ pageName }) => {
try {
const pages = await callLogseqApi('logseq.Editor.getAllPages')
const backlinkPages: string[] = []
// Helper function to process blocks into text
function processBlocks(blocks: any[], indent = 0) {
let text = ''
for (const block of blocks) {
if (block.content) {
text += `${' '.repeat(indent)}${block.content}\n`
if (block.children && block.children.length > 0) {
text += processBlocks(block.children, indent + 1)
return text
for (const page of pages) {
if (page.name === pageName) continue
const content = await getPageContent(page.name)
if (!content) continue
const contentText = processBlocks(content)
const linkRegex = new RegExp(`\\[\\[\\s*${pageName}\\s*\\]\]`)
if (linkRegex.test(contentText)) {
if (backlinkPages.length === 0) {
return {
content: [
type: 'text',
text: `No backlinks found for page "${pageName}".`,
let resultText = `Pages referencing "${pageName}":\n`
backlinkPages.forEach((name) => {
resultText += `- ${name}\n`
return {
content: [
type: 'text',
text: resultText,
} catch (error) {
return {
content: [
type: 'text',
text: `Error fetching backlinks: ${error.message}`,
daysThreshold: z
'Number of days to look back for "recent" content (default: 30)'
async ({ daysThreshold = 30 }) => {
try {
const pages = await callLogseqApi('logseq.Editor.getAllPages')
// Initialize our analysis containers
const todos: Array<{ page: string; task: string }> = []
const frequentReferences: Array<{
page: string
count: number
lastUpdate: Date | null
}> = []
const recentUpdates: Array<{ page: string; date: Date }> = []
const pageConnections: Record<string, Set<string>> = {}
// Track reference counts and last updates
const referenceCount: Record<string, number> = {}
const lastUpdateDates: Record<string, Date | null> = {}
// Process each page
for (const page of pages) {
if (!page.name) continue
const content = await getPageContent(page.name)
if (!content) continue
// Helper function to process blocks recursively
const processBlocks = (blocks: any[]) => {
for (const block of blocks) {
if (!block.content) continue
// Look for TODO items
if (
block.content.toLowerCase().includes('todo') ||
block.content.toLowerCase().includes('later') ||
block.content.includes('- [ ]')
) {
page: page.name,
task: block.content.replace(/^[-*] /, '').trim(),
// Extract page references
const matches = [...block.content.matchAll(PAGE_LINK_REGEX)]
for (const match of matches) {
const linkedPage = match[1].trim()
referenceCount[linkedPage] = (referenceCount[linkedPage] || 0) + 1
// Track connections between pages
if (!pageConnections[page.name]) {
pageConnections[page.name] = new Set()
// Process child blocks
if (block.children && block.children.length > 0) {
// Track last update date - handle invalid or missing dates
let updateDate: Date | null = null
if (page.updatedAt) {
const timestamp = new Date(page.updatedAt).getTime()
if (!isNaN(timestamp)) {
updateDate = new Date(timestamp)
lastUpdateDates[page.name] = updateDate
// Track recent updates only if we have a valid date
if (updateDate) {
const daysSinceUpdate = Math.floor(
(Date.now() - updateDate.getTime()) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)
if (daysSinceUpdate <= daysThreshold) {
page: page.name,
date: updateDate,
// Analyze reference patterns
for (const [pageName, count] of Object.entries(referenceCount)) {
if (count > 2) {
// Pages referenced more than twice
page: pageName,
lastUpdate: lastUpdateDates[pageName],
// Sort by reference count
frequentReferences.sort((a, b) => b.count - a.count)
// Find clusters of related pages
const clusters: Array<string[]> = []
const processedPages = new Set<string>()
for (const [pageName, connections] of Object.entries(pageConnections)) {
if (processedPages.has(pageName)) continue
const cluster = new Set<string>([pageName])
const queue = Array.from(connections)
while (queue.length > 0) {
const currentPage = queue.shift()!
if (processedPages.has(currentPage)) continue
// Add connected pages to queue
const relatedPages = pageConnections[currentPage]
if (relatedPages) {
if (cluster.size > 2) {
// Only include clusters with 3+ pages
// Generate the insight report
let report = '# Graph Analysis Insights\n\n'
// TODO Items Section
if (todos.length > 0) {
report += '## Outstanding Tasks\n\n'
todos.forEach(({ page, task }) => {
report += `- ${task} *(from [[${page}]])*\n`
report += '\n'
// Frequently Referenced Pages
if (frequentReferences.length > 0) {
report += '## Frequently Referenced Pages\n\n'
.slice(0, 10)
.forEach(({ page, count, lastUpdate }) => {
let updateInfo = 'no update date available'
if (lastUpdate) {
const daysSinceUpdate = Math.floor(
(Date.now() - lastUpdate.getTime()) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)
updateInfo = `last updated ${daysSinceUpdate} days ago`
report += `- [[${page}]] (${count} references, ${updateInfo})\n`
report += '\n'
// Recent Updates
if (recentUpdates.length > 0) {
report += '## Recent Updates\n\n'
.sort((a, b) => b.date.getTime() - a.date.getTime())
.slice(0, 10)
.forEach(({ page, date }) => {
report += `- [[${page}]] (${date.toLocaleDateString()})\n`
report += '\n'
// Page Clusters
if (clusters.length > 0) {
report += '## Related Page Clusters\n\n'
clusters.slice(0, 5).forEach((cluster, index) => {
report += `### Cluster ${index + 1}\n`
cluster.forEach((page) => {
report += `- [[${page}]]\n`
report += '\n'
// Potential Action Items
report += '## Suggested Actions\n\n'
// Suggest updating frequently referenced but outdated pages
const outdatedFrequentPages = frequentReferences.filter(
({ lastUpdate }) =>
lastUpdate &&
(Date.now() - lastUpdate.getTime()) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) >
if (outdatedFrequentPages.length > 0) {
report += '### Frequently Referenced Pages Needing Updates\n\n'
.slice(0, 5)
.forEach(({ page, count, lastUpdate }) => {
if (lastUpdate) {
const daysSinceUpdate = Math.floor(
(Date.now() - lastUpdate.getTime()) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)
report += `- Consider updating [[${page}]] - referenced ${count} times but last updated ${daysSinceUpdate} days ago\n`
report += '\n'
return {
content: [
type: 'text',
text: report,
} catch (error) {
return {
content: [
type: 'text',
text: `Error analyzing graph: ${error.message}`,
minReferenceCount: z
.describe('Minimum references to consider (default: 3)'),
includeOrphans: z
.describe('Include orphaned pages in analysis (default: true)'),
async ({ minReferenceCount = 3, includeOrphans = true }) => {
try {
const pages = await callLogseqApi('logseq.Editor.getAllPages')
// Track references and their existence
const references: Record<
{ count: number; hasPage: boolean; referencedFrom: Set<string> }
> = {}
const orphanedPages: string[] = []
// First pass: collect all pages and initialize their reference tracking
pages.forEach((page: any) => {
if (!page.name) return
references[page.name] = {
count: 0,
hasPage: true,
referencedFrom: new Set(),
// Second pass: analyze content and collect references
for (const page of pages) {
if (!page.name) continue
const content = await getPageContent(page.name)
if (!content) continue
// Process blocks to find references
const processBlocks = (blocks: any[]) => {
for (const block of blocks) {
if (!block.content) continue
// Find all page references
const matches = [...block.content.matchAll(PAGE_LINK_REGEX)]
for (const match of matches) {
const linkedPage = match[1].trim()
// Initialize reference tracking if this is a new reference
if (!references[linkedPage]) {
references[linkedPage] = {
count: 0,
hasPage: false,
referencedFrom: new Set(),
if (block.children && block.children.length > 0) {
// Analyze the data
const missingPages: Array<{
name: string
count: number
referencedFrom: string[]
}> = []
const underdevelopedPages: Array<{
name: string
content: string
referenceCount: number
}> = []
for (const [pageName, data] of Object.entries(references)) {
// Find missing pages (referenced but don't exist)
if (!data.hasPage && data.count >= minReferenceCount) {
name: pageName,
count: data.count,
referencedFrom: Array.from(data.referencedFrom),
// Find underdeveloped pages (exist but have minimal content)
if (data.hasPage) {
const content = await getPageContent(pageName)
if (content) {
const contentText = content
.map((block: any) => block.content || '')
.join(' ')
if (contentText.length < 100 && data.count >= minReferenceCount) {
// Less than 100 chars is considered minimal
name: pageName,
content: contentText,
referenceCount: data.count,
// Track orphaned pages
if (includeOrphans && data.count === 0) {
// Generate the report
let report = '# Knowledge Graph Analysis\n\n'
// Missing Pages Section
if (missingPages.length > 0) {
report += '## Missing Pages\n'
report +=
"These topics are frequently referenced but don't have their own pages:\n\n"
.sort((a, b) => b.count - a.count)
.forEach(({ name, count, referencedFrom }) => {
report += `### [[${name}]]\n`
report += `- Referenced ${count} times\n`
report += '- Referenced from:\n'
referencedFrom.forEach((source) => {
report += ` - [[${source}]]\n`
report += '\n'
// Underdeveloped Pages Section
if (underdevelopedPages.length > 0) {
report += '## Underdeveloped Pages\n'
report += 'These pages exist but might need more content:\n\n'
.sort((a, b) => b.referenceCount - a.referenceCount)
.forEach(({ name, content, referenceCount }) => {
report += `### [[${name}]]\n`
report += `- Referenced ${referenceCount} times\n`
report += `- Current content: "${content.substring(0, 50)}${
content.length > 50 ? '...' : ''
// Orphaned Pages Section
if (includeOrphans && orphanedPages.length > 0) {
report += '## Orphaned Pages\n'
report += "These pages aren't referenced by any other pages:\n\n"
orphanedPages.sort().forEach((page) => {
report += `- [[${page}]]\n`
report += '\n'
// Add summary statistics
report += '## Summary Statistics\n\n'
report += `- Total pages: ${pages.length}\n`
report += `- Missing pages (referenced ≥${minReferenceCount} times): ${missingPages.length}\n`
report += `- Underdeveloped pages: ${underdevelopedPages.length}\n`
if (includeOrphans) {
report += `- Orphaned pages: ${orphanedPages.length}\n`
return {
content: [
type: 'text',
text: report,
} catch (error) {
return {
content: [
type: 'text',
text: `Error analyzing knowledge gaps: ${error.message}`,
timeframe: z
.describe('Time period to analyze (e.g., "last 30 days", "this year")'),
includeMood: z
.describe('Analyze mood patterns if present (default: true)'),
includeTopics: z
.describe('Analyze topic patterns (default: true)'),
async ({
timeframe = 'last 30 days',
includeMood = true,
includeTopics = true,
}) => {
try {
const pages = await callLogseqApi('logseq.Editor.getAllPages')
// Parse timeframe and get date range
const now = new Date()
let startDate = new Date()
if (timeframe.includes('last')) {
const [, amount, unit] = timeframe.match(/last (\d+) (\w+)/) || []
if (amount && unit) {
const num = parseInt(amount)
switch (unit) {
case 'days':
startDate.setDate(now.getDate() - num)
case 'weeks':
startDate.setDate(now.getDate() - num * 7)
case 'months':
startDate.setMonth(now.getMonth() - num)
case 'years':
startDate.setFullYear(now.getFullYear() - num)
} else if (timeframe === 'this year') {
startDate = new Date(now.getFullYear(), 0, 1)
// Filter journal pages within timeframe
const journalPages = pages.filter((page: any) => {
if (!page['journal?']) return false
const pageDate = new Date(page.journalDay)
return pageDate >= startDate && pageDate <= now
// Sort by date
journalPages.sort((a: any, b: any) => a.journalDay - b.journalDay)
// Analysis containers
const topicFrequency: Record<string, number> = {}
const topicsByDate: Record<string, Set<string>> = {}
const moodPatterns: Array<{
date: string
mood: string
context: string
}> = []
const habitPatterns: Record<
Array<{ date: string; done: boolean }>
> = {}
const projectProgress: Record<
Array<{ date: string; status: string }>
> = {}
// Process journal entries
for (const page of journalPages) {
const content = await getPageContent(page.name)
if (!content) continue
const date = new Date(page.journalDay).toISOString().split('T')[0]
topicsByDate[date] = new Set()
const processBlocks = (blocks: any[]) => {
for (const block of blocks) {
if (!block.content) continue
// Extract page references (topics)
if (includeTopics) {
const matches = [...block.content.matchAll(PAGE_LINK_REGEX)]
for (const match of matches) {
const topic = match[1].trim()
topicFrequency[topic] = (topicFrequency[topic] || 0) + 1
// Look for mood indicators
if (includeMood) {
const moodIndicators = [
for (const indicator of moodIndicators) {
if (
) {
mood: block.content,
context: block.content,
// Track habits and tasks
if (
block.content.includes('- [ ]') ||
block.content.includes('- [x]')
) {
const habit = block.content.replace(/- \[[ x]\] /, '').trim()
if (!habitPatterns[habit]) {
habitPatterns[habit] = []
done: block.content.includes('- [x]'),
// Look for project status updates
if (
block.content.includes('#project') ||
) {
const projectMatch = block.content.match(/#project\/([^\s]+)/)
if (projectMatch) {
const project = projectMatch[1]
if (!projectProgress[project]) {
projectProgress[project] = []
status: block.content,
if (block.children && block.children.length > 0) {
// Generate insights report
let report = '# Journal Analysis Insights\n\n'
report += `Analysis period: ${startDate.toLocaleDateString()} to ${now.toLocaleDateString()}\n\n`
// Topic Trends
if (includeTopics && Object.keys(topicFrequency).length > 0) {
report += '## Topic Trends\n\n'
// Most discussed topics
const sortedTopics = Object.entries(topicFrequency)
.sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1])
.slice(0, 10)
report += '### Most Discussed Topics\n'
sortedTopics.forEach(([topic, count]) => {
report += `- [[${topic}]] (${count} mentions)\n`
report += '\n'
// Topic clusters over time
report += '### Topic Evolution\n'
const weeks: Record<string, Set<string>> = {}
Object.entries(topicsByDate).forEach(([date, topics]) => {
const week = new Date(date).toISOString().slice(0, 7)
if (!weeks[week]) weeks[week] = new Set()
topics.forEach((topic) => weeks[week].add(topic))
Object.entries(weeks).forEach(([week, topics]) => {
if (topics.size > 0) {
report += `\n#### ${week}\n`
Array.from(topics).forEach((topic) => {
report += `- [[${topic}]]\n`
report += '\n'
// Mood Analysis
if (includeMood && moodPatterns.length > 0) {
report += '## Mood Patterns\n\n'
// Group moods by week
const moodsByWeek: Record<
Array<{ mood: string; context: string }>
> = {}
moodPatterns.forEach(({ date, mood, context }) => {
const week = new Date(date).toISOString().slice(0, 7)
if (!moodsByWeek[week]) moodsByWeek[week] = []
moodsByWeek[week].push({ mood, context })
Object.entries(moodsByWeek).forEach(([week, moods]) => {
report += `### Week of ${week}\n`
moods.forEach(({ mood, context }) => {
report += `- ${context}\n`
report += '\n'
// Habit Analysis
if (Object.keys(habitPatterns).length > 0) {
report += '## Habit Tracking\n\n'
Object.entries(habitPatterns).forEach(([habit, entries]) => {
const total = entries.length
const completed = entries.filter((e) => e.done).length
const completionRate = ((completed / total) * 100).toFixed(1)
report += `### ${habit}\n`
report += `- Completion rate: ${completionRate}% (${completed}/${total})\n`
// Show streak information
let currentStreak = 0
let longestStreak = 0
let streak = 0
entries.forEach(({ done }, i) => {
if (done) {
if (streak > longestStreak) longestStreak = streak
if (i === entries.length - 1) currentStreak = streak
} else {
streak = 0
if (currentStreak > 0)
report += `- Current streak: ${currentStreak} days\n`
if (longestStreak > 0)
report += `- Longest streak: ${longestStreak} days\n`
report += '\n'
// Project Progress
if (Object.keys(projectProgress).length > 0) {
report += '## Project Progress\n\n'
Object.entries(projectProgress).forEach(([project, updates]) => {
report += `### ${project}\n`
updates.forEach(({ date, status }) => {
report += `- ${new Date(date).toLocaleDateString()}: ${status}\n`
report += '\n'
return {
content: [
type: 'text',
text: report,
} catch (error) {
return {
content: [
type: 'text',
text: `Error analyzing journal patterns: ${error.message}`,
// Helper function for DataScript queries
async function queryGraph(query: string): Promise<any[]> {
try {
return await callLogseqApi('logseq.DB.datascriptQuery', [query])
} catch (error) {
console.error('DataScript query error:', error)
return []
// Common query templates
recentlyModified: `
[:find (pull ?p [*])
[?p :block/updated-at ?t]
[(> ?t ?start-time)]]
mostReferenced: `
[:find ?name (count ?r)
[?b :block/refs ?r]
[?r :block/name ?name]]
propertyValues: `
[:find ?page ?value
[?p :block/properties ?props]
[?p :block/name ?page]
[(get ?props ?prop) ?value]]
blocksByTag: `
[:find (pull ?b [*])
[?b :block/refs ?r]
[?r :block/name ?tag]]
pageConnections: `
[:find ?from-name ?to-name (count ?b)
[?b :block/refs ?to]
[?b :block/page ?from]
[?from :block/name ?from-name]
[?to :block/name ?to-name]
[(not= ?from ?to)]]
contentClusters: `
[:find ?name (count ?refs) (pull ?p [:block/properties])
[?p :block/name ?name]
[?b :block/refs ?p]
[?b :block/content ?content]]
taskProgress: `
[:find ?page ?content ?state
[?b :block/content ?content]
[?b :block/page ?p]
[?p :block/name ?page]
[(re-find #"TODO|DOING|DONE|NOW" ?content)]
[(re-find #"\\[\\[([^\\]]+)\\]\\]" ?content) ?state]]
journalInsights: `
[:find ?date ?content (count ?refs)
[?p :block/journal? true]
[?p :block/journal-day ?date]
[?b :block/page ?p]
[?b :block/content ?content]
[?b :block/refs ?refs]]
conceptEvolution: `
[:find ?name ?t (count ?refs)
[?p :block/name ?name]
[?b :block/refs ?p]
[?b :block/created-at ?t]
[(not ?p :block/journal?)]]
request: z
.describe('Natural language description of what you want to find'),
includeQuery: z
.describe('Include the generated Datalog query in results'),
advanced: z.boolean().optional().describe('Use advanced analysis features'),
async ({ request, includeQuery = false, advanced = false }) => {
try {
let query = ''
let results: any[] = []
let explanation = ''
let insights = ''
// Enhanced pattern matching with natural language understanding
const req = request.toLowerCase()
if (
req.includes('connect') ||
req.includes('relationship') ||
) {
query = QUERY_TEMPLATES.pageConnections
results = await queryGraph(query)
explanation = 'Analyzing page connections and relationships'
// Sort by connection strength
results.sort((a, b) => b[2] - a[2])
// Generate network insights
const connections = new Map()
results.forEach(([from, to, count]) => {
if (!connections.has(from)) connections.set(from, new Set())
const hubs = Array.from(connections.entries())
.sort((a, b) => b[1].size - a[1].size)
.slice(0, 5)
insights = '\n## Network Insights\n\n'
insights += 'Central concepts (most connections):\n'
hubs.forEach(([page, connected]) => {
insights += `- [[${page}]] connects to ${connected.size} other pages\n`
} else if (
req.includes('cluster') ||
req.includes('group') ||
) {
query = QUERY_TEMPLATES.contentClusters
results = await queryGraph(query)
explanation = 'Identifying content clusters and related concepts'
// Group by common properties and reference patterns
const clusters = new Map()
results.forEach(([name, refs, props]) => {
const key = JSON.stringify(props)
if (!clusters.has(key)) clusters.set(key, [])
clusters.get(key).push([name, refs])
insights = '\n## Content Clusters\n\n'
Array.from(clusters.entries()).forEach(([props, pages], i) => {
insights += `### Cluster ${i + 1}\n`
insights += `Common properties: ${props}\n`
pages.forEach(([name, refs]) => {
insights += `- [[${name}]] (${refs} references)\n`
insights += '\n'
} else if (
req.includes('task') ||
req.includes('progress') ||
) {
query = QUERY_TEMPLATES.taskProgress
results = await queryGraph(query)
explanation = 'Analyzing task and project progress'
const tasksByState = new Map()
results.forEach(([page, content, state]) => {
if (!tasksByState.has(state)) tasksByState.set(state, [])
tasksByState.get(state).push([page, content])
insights = '\n## Task Analysis\n\n'
for (const [state, tasks] of tasksByState) {
insights += `### ${state}\n`
tasks.forEach(([page, content]) => {
insights += `- ${content} (in [[${page}]])\n`
insights += '\n'
} else if (
req.includes('evolution') ||
req.includes('over time') ||
) {
query = QUERY_TEMPLATES.conceptEvolution
results = await queryGraph(query)
explanation = 'Analyzing concept evolution over time'
// Group by time periods
const timelineMap = new Map()
results.forEach(([name, timestamp, refs]) => {
const date = new Date(timestamp).toISOString().slice(0, 7) // Group by month
if (!timelineMap.has(date)) timelineMap.set(date, [])
timelineMap.get(date).push([name, refs])
const timeline = Array.from(timelineMap.entries()).sort()
insights = '\n## Concept Timeline\n\n'
timeline.forEach(([date, concepts]) => {
insights += `### ${date}\n`
concepts.sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1]) // Sort by reference count
concepts.forEach(([name, refs]) => {
insights += `- [[${name}]] (${refs} references)\n`
insights += '\n'
} else {
// Fall back to basic queries
if (req.includes('recent') || req.includes('modified')) {
const daysAgo = 7
const startTime = Date.now() - daysAgo * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
query = QUERY_TEMPLATES.recentlyModified
results = await queryGraph(
query.replace('?start-time', startTime.toString())
explanation = `Finding pages modified in the last ${daysAgo} days`
} else if (req.includes('reference') || req.includes('linked')) {
query = QUERY_TEMPLATES.mostReferenced
results = await queryGraph(query)
results.sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1])
explanation = 'Finding most referenced pages'
// Format results with enhanced insights
let response = `# Query Results\n\n`
response += `${explanation}\n\n`
if (results.length === 0) {
response += 'No results found.\n'
} else {
response += '## Results\n\n'
results.slice(0, 20).forEach((result) => {
if (Array.isArray(result)) {
if (result.length === 2 && typeof result[1] === 'number') {
response += `- [[${result[0]}]] (${result[1]} references)\n`
} else {
response += `- ${result.join(' → ')}\n`
} else {
response += `- ${JSON.stringify(result)}\n`
// Add insights if available
if (insights) {
response += insights
if (includeQuery) {
response += '\n## Generated Query\n\n```datalog\n' + query + '\n```\n'
return {
content: [
type: 'text',
text: response,
} catch (error) {
return {
content: [
type: 'text',
text: `Error executing query: ${error.message}`,
minConfidence: z
.describe('Minimum confidence score for suggestions (0-1, default: 0.6)'),
maxSuggestions: z
.describe('Maximum number of suggestions to return (default: 10)'),
focusArea: z
.describe('Optional topic or area to focus suggestions around'),
async ({ minConfidence = 0.6, maxSuggestions = 10, focusArea }) => {
try {
const pages = await callLogseqApi('logseq.Editor.getAllPages')
// Analysis containers
const pageContent: Record<string, string> = {}
const pageConnections: Record<string, Set<string>> = {}
const pageTopics: Record<string, Set<string>> = {}
const sharedReferences: Record<string, Record<string, number>> = {}
// First pass: gather content and extract topics
for (const page of pages) {
if (!page.name) continue
const content = await getPageContent(page.name)
if (!content) continue
// Process blocks to extract text and topics
const processBlocks = (blocks: any[]): string => {
let text = ''
const topics = new Set<string>()
for (const block of blocks) {
if (!block.content) continue
text += block.content + '\n'
// Extract topics (tags, links, and key terms)
const tags = block.content.match(/#[\w-]+/g) || []
const links = [...block.content.matchAll(PAGE_LINK_REGEX)].map(
(m) => m[1].trim()
tags.forEach((tag) => topics.add(tag.slice(1))) // Remove # from tags
links.forEach((link) => topics.add(link))
if (block.children?.length > 0) {
text += processBlocks(block.children)
pageTopics[page.name] = topics
return text
pageContent[page.name] = processBlocks(content)
pageConnections[page.name] = new Set()
// Second pass: analyze connections and shared context
for (const [pageName, content] of Object.entries(pageContent)) {
// Find direct references
const links = [...content.matchAll(PAGE_LINK_REGEX)].map((m) =>
links.forEach((link) => pageConnections[pageName].add(link))
// Initialize shared references tracking
if (!sharedReferences[pageName]) {
sharedReferences[pageName] = {}
// Look for pages with shared topics or similar content
for (const [otherPage, otherContent] of Object.entries(pageContent)) {
if (pageName === otherPage) continue
// Count shared topics
const sharedTopics = new Set(
[...pageTopics[pageName]].filter((topic) =>
// Simple similarity score based on shared topics and content overlap
const similarityScore =
sharedTopics.size * 0.6 + // Weight shared topics more heavily
? 0.2
: 0) +
? 0.2
: 0)
if (similarityScore > 0) {
sharedReferences[pageName][otherPage] = similarityScore
// Generate suggestions
const suggestions: Array<{
type: string
pages: string[]
reason: string
confidence: number
}> = []
// 1. Suggest connections between pages with high similarity but no direct links
for (const [page1, similarities] of Object.entries(sharedReferences)) {
const sortedSimilar = Object.entries(similarities)
.sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1])
([page2, score]) =>
score >= minConfidence &&
!pageConnections[page1].has(page2) &&
for (const [page2, score] of sortedSimilar) {
const sharedTopics = [...pageTopics[page1]].filter((topic) =>
if (sharedTopics.length > 0) {
type: 'potential_connection',
pages: [page1, page2],
reason: `Share ${sharedTopics.length} topics: ${sharedTopics
.slice(0, 3)
.join(', ')}${sharedTopics.length > 3 ? '...' : ''}`,
confidence: score,
// 2. Suggest knowledge synthesis opportunities
const clusters = new Map<string, Set<string>>()
for (const [page, topics] of Object.entries(pageTopics)) {
for (const topic of topics) {
if (!clusters.has(topic)) {
clusters.set(topic, new Set())
// Find topics with multiple related pages but no synthesis page
for (const [topic, relatedPages] of clusters) {
if (relatedPages.size >= 3 && !pages.some((p) => p.name === topic)) {
type: 'synthesis_opportunity',
pages: Array.from(relatedPages),
reason: `Multiple pages discussing "${topic}" - consider creating a synthesis page`,
confidence: 0.8 + relatedPages.size * 0.05, // Higher confidence with more related pages
// 3. Suggest exploration paths based on current interests
const recentPages = pages
.filter((p: any) => p.updatedAt)
(a: any, b: any) =>
new Date(b.updatedAt).getTime() - new Date(a.updatedAt).getTime()
.slice(0, 10)
.map((p: any) => p.name)
const recentTopics = new Set<string>()
recentPages.forEach((page) => {
if (pageTopics[page]) {
pageTopics[page].forEach((topic) => recentTopics.add(topic))
// Find pages related to recent topics but not recently viewed
const potentialInterests = new Set<string>()
recentTopics.forEach((topic) => {
if (clusters.has(topic)) {
clusters.get(topic)!.forEach((page) => {
if (!recentPages.includes(page)) {
Array.from(potentialInterests).forEach((page) => {
const relevantTopics = [...pageTopics[page]].filter((t) =>
if (relevantTopics.length >= 2) {
type: 'exploration_suggestion',
pages: [page],
reason: `Related to your recent interests: ${relevantTopics
.slice(0, 3)
.join(', ')}`,
confidence: 0.6 + relevantTopics.length * 0.1,
// Filter and sort suggestions
const filteredSuggestions = suggestions
.filter((s) => s.confidence >= minConfidence)
.sort((a, b) => b.confidence - a.confidence)
// If focusArea is provided, prioritize suggestions related to that topic
if (focusArea) {
filteredSuggestions.sort((a, b) => {
const aRelevance = a.pages.some(
(p) =>
pageTopics[p]?.has(focusArea) ||
? 1
: 0
const bRelevance = b.pages.some(
(p) =>
pageTopics[p]?.has(focusArea) ||
? 1
: 0
return bRelevance - aRelevance || b.confidence - a.confidence
// Generate the report
let report = '# AI-Enhanced Connection Suggestions\n\n'
if (focusArea) {
report += `Focusing on topics related to: ${focusArea}\n\n`
// Group suggestions by type
const groupedSuggestions = filteredSuggestions
.slice(0, maxSuggestions)
.reduce((groups: Record<string, typeof suggestions>, suggestion) => {
if (!groups[suggestion.type]) {
groups[suggestion.type] = []
return groups
}, {})
// Potential Connections
if (groupedSuggestions.potential_connection?.length > 0) {
report += '## Suggested Connections\n\n'
({ pages, reason, confidence }) => {
report += `### ${pages[0]} ↔ ${pages[1]}\n`
report += `- **Why**: ${reason}\n`
report += `- **Confidence**: ${(confidence * 100).toFixed(1)}%\n\n`
// Synthesis Opportunities
if (groupedSuggestions.synthesis_opportunity?.length > 0) {
report += '## Knowledge Synthesis Opportunities\n\n'
({ pages, reason, confidence }) => {
report += `### Synthesis Suggestion\n`
report += `- **Topic**: ${reason.split('"')[1]}\n`
report += `- **Related Pages**:\n`
pages.forEach((page) => (report += ` - [[${page}]]\n`))
report += `- **Confidence**: ${(confidence * 100).toFixed(1)}%\n\n`
// Exploration Suggestions
if (groupedSuggestions.exploration_suggestion?.length > 0) {
report += '## Suggested Explorations\n\n'
({ pages, reason, confidence }) => {
report += `### [[${pages[0]}]]\n`
report += `- **Why**: ${reason}\n`
report += `- **Confidence**: ${(confidence * 100).toFixed(1)}%\n\n`
// Add summary statistics
report += '## Analysis Summary\n\n'
report += `- Total pages analyzed: ${Object.keys(pageContent).length}\n`
report += `- Unique topics found: ${
new Set(Object.values(pageTopics).flatMap((t) => Array.from(t))).size
report += `- Suggestions generated: ${filteredSuggestions.length}\n`
return {
content: [
type: 'text',
text: report,
} catch (error) {
return {
content: [
type: 'text',
text: `Error generating suggestions: ${error.message}`,
const transport = new StdioServerTransport()
await server.connect(transport)