
import { getContentfulClient } from "./client" import type { AiActionEntity, AiActionEntityCollection, AiActionInvocation, AiActionInvocationType, AiActionSchemaParsed, StatusFilter, } from "../types/ai-actions" // Alpha header required for AI Actions (temporary - will be removed in 2-3 weeks) // TODO: Remove alpha header after 2-3 weeks (around May 2025) when it's no longer required const ALPHA_HEADER_NAME = "X-Contentful-Enable-Alpha-Feature" const ALPHA_HEADER_VALUE = "ai-service" /** * Add alpha header to request options * @param options Request options * @returns Options with alpha header added */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any function withAlphaHeader(options: any = {}): any { const headers = options.headers || {} return { ...options, headers: { ...headers, [ALPHA_HEADER_NAME]: ALPHA_HEADER_VALUE, }, } } /** * Extract data from response, handling both direct response and formats * @param response API response from contentful-management client * @returns Extracted data */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any function extractResponseData<T>(response: any): T { // If we have a response but no data property, check if the response itself is the data if (response && ! && typeof response === "object") { // For collections (AI Action listing) if ("items" in response && "sys" in response && response.sys.type === "Array") { return response as T } // For single entities (AI Action retrieval) if ("sys" in response) { return response as T } } // Default to the data property // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any return (response as any).data as T } /** * Parameters for AI Action API operations */ // List AI Actions export interface ListAiActionsParams { spaceId: string environmentId?: string limit?: number skip?: number status?: StatusFilter } // Get AI Action export interface GetAiActionParams { spaceId: string environmentId?: string aiActionId: string } // Create AI Action export interface CreateAiActionParams { spaceId: string environmentId?: string actionData: AiActionSchemaParsed } // Update AI Action export interface UpdateAiActionParams { spaceId: string environmentId?: string aiActionId: string version: number actionData: AiActionSchemaParsed } // Delete AI Action export interface DeleteAiActionParams { spaceId: string environmentId?: string aiActionId: string version: number } // Publish AI Action export interface PublishAiActionParams { spaceId: string environmentId?: string aiActionId: string version: number } // Unpublish AI Action export interface UnpublishAiActionParams { spaceId: string environmentId?: string aiActionId: string } // Invoke AI Action export interface InvokeAiActionParams { spaceId: string environmentId?: string aiActionId: string invocationData: AiActionInvocationType } // Get AI Action invocation export interface GetAiActionInvocationParams { spaceId: string environmentId?: string aiActionId: string invocationId: string } /** * AI Actions client for interacting with the Contentful API */ export const aiActionsClient = { /** * List AI Actions in a space */ async listAiActions({ spaceId, environmentId = "master", limit = 100, skip = 0, status, }: ListAiActionsParams): Promise<AiActionEntityCollection> { const client = await getContentfulClient() // Build the URL for listing AI actions let url = `/spaces/${spaceId}` // Add environment if specified (API uses space-level endpoint for AI Actions) if (environmentId) { url += `/environments/${environmentId}` } url += "/ai/actions" const queryParams = new URLSearchParams() queryParams.append("limit", limit.toString()) queryParams.append("skip", skip.toString()) if (status) { queryParams.append("status", status) } const queryString = queryParams.toString() if (queryString) { url += `?${queryString}` } const response = await client.raw.get(url, withAlphaHeader()) return extractResponseData<AiActionEntityCollection>(response) }, /** * Get a specific AI Action */ async getAiAction({ spaceId, environmentId = "master", aiActionId, }: GetAiActionParams): Promise<AiActionEntity> { const client = await getContentfulClient() let url = `/spaces/${spaceId}` // Add environment if specified if (environmentId) { url += `/environments/${environmentId}` } url += `/ai/actions/${aiActionId}` const response = await client.raw.get(url, withAlphaHeader()) return extractResponseData<AiActionEntity>(response) }, /** * Create a new AI Action */ async createAiAction({ spaceId, environmentId = "master", actionData, }: CreateAiActionParams): Promise<AiActionEntity> { const client = await getContentfulClient() let url = `/spaces/${spaceId}` // Add environment if specified if (environmentId) { url += `/environments/${environmentId}` } url += `/ai/actions` const response = await, actionData, withAlphaHeader()) return extractResponseData<AiActionEntity>(response) }, /** * Update an existing AI Action */ async updateAiAction({ spaceId, environmentId = "master", aiActionId, version, actionData, }: UpdateAiActionParams): Promise<AiActionEntity> { const client = await getContentfulClient() let url = `/spaces/${spaceId}` // Add environment if specified if (environmentId) { url += `/environments/${environmentId}` } url += `/ai/actions/${aiActionId}` const headers = { "X-Contentful-Version": version.toString(), } const response = await client.raw.put(url, actionData, withAlphaHeader({ headers })) return extractResponseData<AiActionEntity>(response) }, /** * Delete an AI Action */ async deleteAiAction({ spaceId, environmentId = "master", aiActionId, version, }: DeleteAiActionParams): Promise<void> { const client = await getContentfulClient() let url = `/spaces/${spaceId}` // Add environment if specified if (environmentId) { url += `/environments/${environmentId}` } url += `/ai/actions/${aiActionId}` const headers = { "X-Contentful-Version": version.toString(), } await client.raw.delete(url, withAlphaHeader({ headers })) }, /** * Publish an AI Action */ async publishAiAction({ spaceId, environmentId = "master", aiActionId, version, }: PublishAiActionParams): Promise<AiActionEntity> { const client = await getContentfulClient() let url = `/spaces/${spaceId}` // Add environment if specified if (environmentId) { url += `/environments/${environmentId}` } url += `/ai/actions/${aiActionId}/published` const headers = { "X-Contentful-Version": version.toString(), } const response = await client.raw.put(url, {}, withAlphaHeader({ headers })) return extractResponseData<AiActionEntity>(response) }, /** * Unpublish an AI Action */ async unpublishAiAction({ spaceId, environmentId = "master", aiActionId, }: UnpublishAiActionParams): Promise<AiActionEntity> { const client = await getContentfulClient() let url = `/spaces/${spaceId}` // Add environment if specified if (environmentId) { url += `/environments/${environmentId}` } url += `/ai/actions/${aiActionId}/published` const response = await client.raw.delete(url, withAlphaHeader()) return extractResponseData<AiActionEntity>(response) }, /** * Invoke an AI Action */ async invokeAiAction({ spaceId, environmentId = "master", aiActionId, invocationData, }: InvokeAiActionParams): Promise<AiActionInvocation> { const client = await getContentfulClient() let url = `/spaces/${spaceId}` if (environmentId) { url += `/environments/${environmentId}` } url += `/ai/actions/${aiActionId}/invoke` const headers = { "X-Contentful-Include-Invocation-Metadata": "true", } // Debug log the invocation data before sending console.error(`AI Action invocation request to ${url}:`, JSON.stringify(invocationData)) const response = await, invocationData, withAlphaHeader({ headers })) return extractResponseData<AiActionInvocation>(response) }, /** * Get an AI Action invocation result */ async getAiActionInvocation({ spaceId, environmentId = "master", aiActionId, invocationId, }: GetAiActionInvocationParams): Promise<AiActionInvocation> { const client = await getContentfulClient() let url = `/spaces/${spaceId}` if (environmentId) { url += `/environments/${environmentId}` } url += `/ai/actions/${aiActionId}/invocations/${invocationId}` const headers = { "X-Contentful-Include-Invocation-Metadata": "true", } const response = await client.raw.get(url, withAlphaHeader({ headers })) return extractResponseData<AiActionInvocation>(response) }, /** * Poll an AI Action invocation until it is complete or fails * @param params The invocation parameters * @param maxAttempts Maximum number of polling attempts * @param initialDelay Initial delay in ms between polling attempts * @param maxDelay Maximum delay in ms between polling attempts */ async pollInvocation( params: GetAiActionInvocationParams, maxAttempts = 10, initialDelay = 1000, maxDelay = 5000, ): Promise<AiActionInvocation> { let attempts = 0 let delay = initialDelay while (attempts < maxAttempts) { const invocation = await this.getAiActionInvocation(params) if ( invocation.sys.status === "COMPLETED" || invocation.sys.status === "FAILED" || invocation.sys.status === "CANCELLED" ) { return invocation } // Wait with exponential backoff await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, delay)) delay = Math.min(delay * 1.5, maxDelay) attempts++ } throw new Error(`AI Action invocation polling exceeded maximum attempts (${maxAttempts})`) }, }