Lucidity MCP
by hyperb1iss
- lucidity-mcp
- lucidity
- tools
Code analysis tools for Lucidity.
This module provides tools for analyzing code quality using MCP.
import os
import subprocess
from typing import Any
from ..context import mcp
from ..log import logger
def get_git_diff(workspace_root: str, path: str | None = None) -> tuple[str, str]:
"""Get the current git diff and the staged files content.
workspace_root: The root directory of the workspace/git repository
path: Optional specific file path to get diff for
Tuple of (diff_content, staged_files_content)
logger.debug("Getting git diff%s in workspace %s", f" for path: {path}" if path else "", workspace_root)
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(workspace_root, ".git")):
logger.error("No .git directory found in workspace root: %s", workspace_root)
return "", ""
# Store current directory
current_dir = os.getcwd()
logger.debug("Current directory before: %s", current_dir)
# Change to workspace root
logger.debug("Changed to workspace root: %s", os.getcwd())
# Get the git repository root to verify we're in the right place
git_root =
["git", "rev-parse", "--show-toplevel"], capture_output=True, text=True, check=True
logger.debug("Git root directory: %s", git_root)
# Get the diff
diff_command = ["git", "diff"]
if path:
# Normalize path for Windows/WSL
normalized_path = path.replace("\\", "/")
logger.debug("Running diff command: %s", diff_command)
diff =, capture_output=True, text=True, check=True).stdout
logger.debug("Git diff size: %d bytes", len(diff))
# Get the staged files content
staged_command = ["git", "diff", "--cached"]
if path:
logger.debug("Running staged command: %s", staged_command)
staged =, capture_output=True, text=True, check=True).stdout
logger.debug("Git staged diff size: %d bytes", len(staged))
return diff, staged
# Change back to the original directory
logger.debug("Changing back to original directory: %s", current_dir)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
logger.error("Error getting git diff: %s (output: %s)", e, e.output)
return "", ""
except Exception as e:
logger.error("Unexpected error getting git diff: %s", e)
return "", ""
def get_changed_files(workspace_root: str) -> list[str]:
"""Get a list of all modified files (both staged and unstaged).
workspace_root: The root directory of the workspace/git repository
List of modified file paths
logger.debug("Getting changed files in workspace %s", workspace_root)
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(workspace_root, ".git")):
logger.error("No .git directory found in workspace root: %s", workspace_root)
return []
# Store current directory
current_dir = os.getcwd()
# Change to workspace root
# Get unstaged modified files
unstaged_files = (["git", "diff", "--name-only"], capture_output=True, text=True, check=True)
# Get staged modified files
staged_files = (["git", "diff", "--cached", "--name-only"], capture_output=True, text=True, check=True)
# Combine and remove empty entries
all_files = list(set(filter(None, unstaged_files + staged_files)))
logger.debug("Found %d changed files", len(all_files))
return all_files
# Change back to the original directory
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
logger.error("Error getting changed files: %s (output: %s)", e, e.output)
return []
except Exception as e:
logger.error("Unexpected error getting changed files: %s", e)
return []
def parse_git_diff(diff_content: str) -> dict[str, dict[str, Any]]:
"""Parse git diff content into a structured format.
diff_content: Raw git diff content
Dictionary mapping filenames to their diff info
result: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] = {}
current_file: str | None = None
current_content: list[str] = []
current_header: list[str] = []
lines = diff_content.split("\n")
i = 0
while i < len(lines):
line = lines[i]
# Check for file header
if line.startswith("diff --git "):
# Save previous file content if any
if current_file is not None:
result[current_file]["content"] = "\n".join(current_content)
result[current_file]["header"] = "\n".join(current_header)
current_content = []
current_header = []
# Extract filename from diff header
parts = line.split(" ")
if len(parts) >= 4:
# Extract the canonical filename (b/ version)
file_path = parts[3][2:] # Remove 'b/' prefix
current_file = file_path
result[current_file] = {
"status": "modified",
"content": "",
"original_content": "",
"header": line,
"raw_diff": line + "\n",
# Skip file metadata lines and collect headers
while i + 1 < len(lines) and not lines[i + 1].startswith("@@"):
i += 1
if i < len(lines) and current_file is not None:
result[current_file]["raw_diff"] += lines[i] + "\n"
# Check for file status
if lines[i].startswith("new file"):
result[current_file]["status"] = "added"
elif lines[i].startswith("deleted file"):
result[current_file]["status"] = "deleted"
elif lines[i].startswith("rename from"):
result[current_file]["status"] = "renamed"
# Collect diff hunk headers
elif current_file is not None and line.startswith("@@"):
result[current_file]["raw_diff"] += line + "\n"
# Collect diff content
elif current_file is not None and (line.startswith(("+", "-", " "))):
result[current_file]["raw_diff"] += line + "\n"
i += 1
# Save the last file content
if current_file is not None and current_content:
result[current_file]["content"] = "\n".join(current_content)
result[current_file]["header"] = "\n".join(current_header)
return result
def extract_code_from_diff(diff_info: dict[str, Any]) -> tuple[str, str]:
"""Extract the original and modified code from diff info.
diff_info: Dictionary containing diff information
Tuple of (original_code, modified_code)
original_lines = []
modified_lines = []
# Process the diff content
for line in diff_info["content"].split("\n"):
if line.startswith("+") and not line.startswith("+++"):
# Line added
elif line.startswith("-") and not line.startswith("---"):
# Line removed
elif line.startswith(" "):
# Line unchanged
return "\n".join(original_lines), "\n".join(modified_lines)
def detect_language(filename: str) -> str:
"""Detect the programming language based on file extension.
filename: The name of the file
The detected language or 'text' if unknown
extension_map = {
".py": "python",
".js": "javascript",
".ts": "typescript",
".jsx": "jsx",
".tsx": "tsx",
".html": "html",
".css": "css",
".scss": "scss",
".java": "java",
".c": "c",
".cpp": "cpp",
".h": "c",
".hpp": "cpp",
".go": "go",
".rs": "rust",
".php": "php",
".rb": "ruby",
".swift": "swift",
".kt": "kotlin",
".kts": "kotlin",
".sh": "bash",
".md": "markdown",
".json": "json",
".xml": "xml",
".yaml": "yaml",
".yml": "yaml",
".toml": "toml",
_, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
return extension_map.get(ext.lower(), "text")
def analyze_changes(workspace_root: str = "", path: str = "") -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Prepare git changes for analysis through MCP.
This tool examines the current git diff, extracts changed code,
and prepares structured data with context for the AI to analyze.
The tool doesn't perform analysis itself - it formats the git diff data
and provides analysis instructions which get passed back to the AI model
through the Model Context Protocol.
workspace_root: The root directory of the workspace/git repository
path: Optional specific file path to analyze
Structured git diff data with analysis instructions for the AI
""""Starting git change analysis%s in workspace %s", f" for {path}" if path else "", workspace_root)
if not workspace_root:
return {"status": "error", "message": "workspace_root parameter is required"}
# Get git diff
logger.debug("Fetching git diff...")
diff_content, staged_content = get_git_diff(workspace_root, path)
# Get list of all changed files
changed_files = get_changed_files(workspace_root)
# Combine diff and staged content for complete changes
combined_diff = diff_content
if staged_content:
combined_diff = combined_diff + "\n" + staged_content if combined_diff else staged_content
logger.debug("Combined diff size: %d bytes", len(combined_diff))
if not combined_diff:
logger.warning("No changes detected in git diff")
return {"status": "no_changes", "message": "No changes detected in the git diff", "file_list": []}
# Parse the diff
logger.debug("Parsing git diff...")
parsed_diff = parse_git_diff(combined_diff)
if not parsed_diff:
logger.warning("No parseable changes in git diff")
return {
"status": "no_changes",
"message": "No parseable changes detected in the git diff",
"file_list": changed_files,
}"Found %d files with changes to analyze", len(parsed_diff))
# Process each changed file
analysis_results = {}
file_list = []
for filename, diff_info in parsed_diff.items():
logger.debug("Processing file: %s (status: %s)", filename, diff_info["status"])
# Skip certain files
if filename.endswith((".lock", ".sum", ".mod", "package-lock.json", "yarn.lock", ".DS_Store")):
logger.debug("Skipping excluded file: %s", filename)
# Extract original and modified code
logger.debug("Extracting code changes for %s", filename)
original_code, modified_code = extract_code_from_diff(diff_info)
# Skip if no significant code changes
if len(modified_code.strip()) < 10:
logger.debug("Skipping %s - insufficient code changes (< 10 chars)", filename)
# Detect language
language = detect_language(filename)
logger.debug("Detected language for %s: %s", filename, language)
# Create a prompt for analysis
logger.debug("Generating analysis prompt for %s", filename)
from ..prompts import analyze_changes_prompt
analysis_prompt = analyze_changes_prompt(
code=modified_code, language=language, original_code=original_code if original_code else None
logger.debug("Generated analysis prompt of size: %d chars", len(analysis_prompt))
# Store the analysis prompt to be returned
analysis_results[filename] = {
"status": diff_info["status"],
"language": language,
"analysis_prompt": analysis_prompt,
"raw_diff": diff_info["raw_diff"],
"original_code": original_code,
"modified_code": modified_code,
}"Successfully analyzed %s", filename)
except Exception as e:
logger.error("Error analyzing %s: %s", filename, e)
analysis_results[filename] = {"status": "error", "message": f"Error analyzing file: {e!s}"}"Code analysis complete - processed %d files", len(analysis_results))
# Return results with instructions for AI analysis
return {
"status": "success",
"file_count": len(analysis_results),
"file_list": file_list,
"all_changed_files": changed_files,
"results": analysis_results,
"instructions": """
This data contains git changes that you should analyze for code quality issues.
As an AI model receiving this through MCP, your task is to:
1. Review each changed file:
- Examine the raw diff showing the exact changes
- Compare the original and modified code
- Consider the language and file status (added, modified, deleted)
2. For each file, perform the analysis following the provided analysis prompt:
- Analyze relevant quality dimensions
- Assign severity levels to issues you identify
- Provide line-specific explanations
- Suggest concrete improvements
3. After analyzing all files, provide:
- An overall assessment of the code changes
- A prioritized list of improvements
- Any patterns or systemic issues you've identified
Your analysis should be thorough yet focused on actionable improvements.