TripAdvisor Vacation Planner MCP Server

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.


  • Integrates with Google Maps MCP Server as a prerequisite for the TripAdvisor Vacation Planner functionality.

  • Provides access to TripAdvisor data for planning vacations, finding attractions, restaurants, and hotels. Allows searching for locations, getting detailed information, finding nearby attractions, and viewing photos and reviews.

TripAdvisor Vacation Planner MCP Server

This MCP server provides access to TripAdvisor data for planning vacations, finding attractions, restaurants, and hotels.


  • Search for locations by name and category
  • Get detailed information about specific locations
  • Find nearby attractions, restaurants, and hotels
  • View photos and reviews
  • Interactive vacation planning prompt

Setup Instructions


Installation with uv

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Create and activate a virtual environment:
    uv venv # On Windows .venv\Scripts\activate # On macOS/Linux source .venv/bin/activate
  3. Install the required dependencies:
    uv add "mcp[cli]"

Running the Server

You can run the server directly with:

# Set your API key as an environment variable export TRIPADVISOR_API_KEY=your_api_key_here # Linux/macOS set TRIPADVISOR_API_KEY=your_api_key_here # Windows Command Prompt $env:TRIPADVISOR_API_KEY="your_api_key_here" # Windows PowerShell # Run the server mcp run

Setting up for Claude Desktop

Set up the MCP Server with:

mcp install

Configuring Claude Desktop

  1. Open Claude Desktop
  2. Go to Settings > MCP Servers
  3. Add a new server with the following configuration:
    { "tripadvisor": { "command": "uv", "args": [ "run", "--with", "mcp[cli]", "mcp", "run", "PATH_TO_YOUR_PROJECT\\" ], "env": { "TRIPADVISOR_API_KEY": "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE" } } }
  4. Replace PATH_TO_YOUR_PROJECT with the absolute path to your project directory
  5. Replace YOUR_API_KEY_HERE with your actual TripAdvisor API key

Using the Vacation Planner

  1. Start a new conversation in Claude
  2. Just prompt anything with "Vacation Planner" prompt
  3. Follow the interactive prompts to plan your perfect vacation!

API Endpoints Used

  • Location Search: Find locations by name and category
  • Location Details: Get comprehensive information about a location
  • Location Photos: View photos of a location
  • Location Reviews: Read reviews of a location
  • Nearby Search: Find locations near a specific point


  • If you see 401 Unauthorized errors, check that your API key is correct and that your IP is whitelisted in the TripAdvisor Developer Portal
  • For issues with Claude Desktop integration, verify your configuration settings and ensure the path to is correct
  • If Claude is failing to complete, then there is a high chance that you are using too many input tokens. get_location_details_tool is usually the culprit.
security - not tested
license - not found
quality - not tested

This MCP server provides access to TripAdvisor data for planning vacations, enabling users to search for and get details about locations, attractions, restaurants, and hotels through an interactive planning experience.

  1. Features
    1. Setup Instructions
      1. Prerequisites
      2. Installation with uv
      3. Running the Server
      4. Setting up for Claude Desktop
      5. Configuring Claude Desktop
      6. Using the Vacation Planner
    2. API Endpoints Used
      1. Troubleshooting