
by hannesrudolph

hybrid server

The server is able to function both locally and remotely, depending on the configuration or use case.


  • Provides safe, read-only access to SQLite databases through tools like read_query, list_tables, and describe_table

SQLite Explorer MCP Server

An MCP server that provides safe, read-only access to SQLite databases through Model Context Protocol (MCP). This server is built with the FastMCP framework, which enables LLMs to explore and query SQLite databases with built-in safety features and query validation.

📋 System Requirements

  • Python 3.6+
  • SQLite database file (path specified via environment variable)

📦 Dependencies

Install all required dependencies:

# Using pip pip install -r requirements.txt

Required Packages

  • fastmcp: Framework for building Model Context Protocol servers

All dependencies are specified in requirements.txt for easy installation.

📑 Table of Contents

🛠️ MCP Tools

The server exposes the following tools to LLMs:


Execute a SELECT query on the database with built-in safety validations. Features:

  • Query validation and sanitization
  • Parameter binding support
  • Row limit enforcement
  • Results formatted as dictionaries


List all available tables in the database with their names.


Get detailed schema information for a specific table, including:

  • Column names and types
  • NULL constraints
  • Default values
  • Primary key information

🚀 Getting Started

Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/hannesrudolph/sqlite-explorer-fastmcp-mcp-server.git cd sqlite-explorer-fastmcp-mcp-server

📦 Installation Options

You can install this MCP server in either Claude Desktop or the Cline VSCode plugin. Choose the option that best suits your needs.

Option 1: Install for Claude Desktop

Install using FastMCP:

fastmcp install sqlite_explorer.py --name "SQLite Explorer" -e SQLITE_DB_PATH=/path/to/db

Replace /path/to/db with the path to your SQLite database file.

Option 2: Install for Cline VSCode Plugin

To use this server with the Cline VSCode plugin:

  1. In VSCode, click the server icon (☰) in the Cline plugin sidebar
  2. Click the "Edit MCP Settings" button (✎)
  3. Add the following configuration to the settings file:
{ "sqlite-explorer": { "command": "uv", "args": [ "run", "--with", "fastmcp", "--with", "uvicorn", "fastmcp", "run", "/path/to/repo/sqlite_explorer.py" ], "env": { "SQLITE_DB_PATH": "/path/to/your/database.db" } } }


  • /path/to/repo with the full path to where you cloned this repository (e.g., /Users/username/Projects/sqlite-explorer-fastmcp-mcp-server)
  • /path/to/your/database.db with the full path to your SQLite database file

🔒 Safety Features

  • Read-only access to SQLite databases
  • Query validation and sanitization
  • Parameter binding for safe query execution
  • Row limit enforcement
  • Progress output suppression for clean JSON responses

📚 Development Documentation

The repository includes documentation files for development:

  • mcp-documentation.txt: Contains comprehensive documentation about the MCP server implementation and FastMCP framework usage.

This documentation serves as context when developing features and can be used with LLMs to assist in development.

⚙️ Environment Variables

The following environment variables must be set:

  • SQLITE_DB_PATH: Full path to the SQLite database file you want to explore
security - not tested
license - not found
quality - not tested

An MCP server that provides safe, read-only access to SQLite databases through MCP. This server is built with the FastMCP framework, which enables LLMs to explore and query SQLite databases with built-in safety features and query validation.

  1. 📋 System Requirements
    1. 📦 Dependencies
      1. Required Packages
    2. 📑 Table of Contents
      1. 🛠️ MCP Tools
        1. read_query
        2. list_tables
        3. describe_table
      2. 🚀 Getting Started
        1. 📦 Installation Options
          1. Option 1: Install for Claude Desktop
          2. Option 2: Install for Cline VSCode Plugin
        2. 🔒 Safety Features
          1. 📚 Development Documentation
            1. ⚙️ Environment Variables