TypeScript Prompt MCP Server
by gpaul-mcp
- MCP_prompt_localDev
- scripts
import { execSync } from 'child_process';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';
// Get modified files in the current commit
const getModifiedFiles = (): string[] => {
try {
const gitOutput = execSync('git diff --cached --name-only --diff-filter=ACMR').toString();
return gitOutput.split('\n').filter(Boolean);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error getting modified files:', error);
return [];
// Check if any source files have been modified
const hasSourceChanges = (files: string[]): boolean => {
return files.some(
file =>
file.startsWith('src/') &&
file.endsWith('.ts') &&
!file.endsWith('.d.ts') &&
!file.endsWith('.test.ts') &&
// Check if any test files have been modified
const hasTestChanges = (files: string[]): boolean => {
return files.some(
file => file.endsWith('.test.ts') || file.endsWith('.spec.ts') || file.includes('/__tests__/'),
// Find corresponding test files for changed source files
const findAffectedTests = (files: string[]): string[] => {
const affectedTests: string[] = [];
for (const file of files) {
// Normalize path separators to forward slashes for consistency
const normalizedFile = file.replace(/\\/g, '/');
if (
normalizedFile.startsWith('src/') &&
normalizedFile.endsWith('.ts') &&
!normalizedFile.endsWith('.test.ts') &&
) {
const baseName = path.basename(normalizedFile, '.ts');
const dirName = path.dirname(normalizedFile);
// Check for component.test.ts pattern
const potentialTest1 = path.join(dirName, `${baseName}.test.ts`).replace(/\\/g, '/');
if (fs.existsSync(potentialTest1)) {
console.log(`Found test file: ${potentialTest1}`);
// Check for component.spec.ts pattern
const potentialTest2 = path.join(dirName, `${baseName}.spec.ts`).replace(/\\/g, '/');
if (fs.existsSync(potentialTest2)) {
console.log(`Found test file: ${potentialTest2}`);
// Check for __tests__ directory
const potentialTestDir = path.join(dirName, '__tests__').replace(/\\/g, '/');
if (fs.existsSync(potentialTestDir)) {
const testDirFiles = fs.readdirSync(potentialTestDir);
const matchingTests = testDirFiles.filter(
testFile =>
testFile.includes(baseName) &&
(testFile.endsWith('.test.ts') || testFile.endsWith('.spec.ts')),
matchingTests.forEach(test => {
const testPath = path.join(potentialTestDir, test).replace(/\\/g, '/');
console.log(`Found test file: ${testPath}`);
return affectedTests;
// Main function to decide and run tests
const runRelevantTests = (): void => {
const modifiedFiles = getModifiedFiles();
if (modifiedFiles.length === 0) {
console.log('No modified files detected, skipping tests');
// If any test files have been changed, run those specific tests
if (hasTestChanges(modifiedFiles)) {
const testFiles = modifiedFiles.filter(
file =>
file.endsWith('.test.ts') || file.endsWith('.spec.ts') || file.includes('/__tests__/'),
console.log('Test files have been modified, running only those tests...');
try {
// Run only the modified test files
execSync(`npx jest ${testFiles.join(' ')} --passWithNoTests`, { stdio: 'inherit' });
} catch (error) {
process.exit(1); // Exit with error code if tests fail
// If source files have been changed, find and run affected tests
if (hasSourceChanges(modifiedFiles)) {
'Modified source files:',
file =>
file.startsWith('src/') &&
file.endsWith('.ts') &&
!file.endsWith('.test.ts') &&
const affectedTests = findAffectedTests(modifiedFiles);
if (affectedTests.length > 0) {
'Source files with corresponding tests have been modified, running affected tests...',
console.log('Running tests:', affectedTests);
try {
// Use relative paths for Jest instead of absolute paths
const relativeTests = affectedTests.map(file => file.replace(/\\/g, '/'));
console.log(`Running Jest command: npx jest ${relativeTests.join(' ')} --passWithNoTests`);
execSync(`npx jest ${relativeTests.join(' ')} --passWithNoTests`, { stdio: 'inherit' });
} catch (error) {
console.error('Jest execution failed:', error);
process.exit(1); // Exit with error code if tests fail
} else {
console.log('No corresponding tests found for modified source files');
console.log('No relevant source or test files changed, skipping tests');
// Run the script