MCP DuckDuckGo Search Plugin
- mcp-duckduckgo
- mcp_duckduckgo
Search functionality for the DuckDuckGo search plugin.
import logging
from typing import Dict, Any
import urllib.parse
import httpx
from mcp.server.fastmcp import Context
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# Configure logging
logger = logging.getLogger("")
def extract_domain(url: str) -> str:
Extract the domain name from a URL.
url: The URL to extract the domain from
The domain name
parsed_url = urllib.parse.urlparse(url)
domain = parsed_url.netloc
return domain
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Error extracting domain from URL {url}: {e}")
return ""
async def duckduckgo_search(params: Dict[str, Any], ctx: Context) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Perform a web search using DuckDuckGo API.
params: Dictionary containing search parameters
ctx: MCP context object providing access to lifespan resources
Dictionary with search results
query = params.get("query")
count = params.get("count", 10)
offset = params.get("offset", 0)
page = params.get("page", 1)
if not query:
logger.error("Query parameter is required")
raise ValueError("Query parameter is required")"Searching DuckDuckGo for: {query}")
# We'll use the DuckDuckGo Lite API endpoint which doesn't require an API key
# This is for demonstration purposes. For production, consider using a proper search API
url = ""
# Create a new HTTP client if lifespan_context is not available
http_client = None
close_client = False
# Try to get the HTTP client from the lifespan context
if hasattr(ctx, 'lifespan_context') and 'http_client' in ctx.lifespan_context:"Using HTTP client from lifespan context")
http_client = ctx.lifespan_context["http_client"]
# Create a new HTTP client if not available in the context"Creating new HTTP client")
http_client = httpx.AsyncClient(
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.124 Safari/537.36",
close_client = True
# Log the search operation
if hasattr(ctx, 'info'):
await"Searching for: {query} (page {page})")
response = await
"q": query,
"kl": "wt-wt", # No region localization
"s": offset, # Start index for pagination
# Log the response status and content length"Response status: {response.status_code}, Content length: {len(response.text)}")
# Parse the HTML response to extract search results
# Note: This is a simplified implementation and might break if DuckDuckGo changes their HTML structure
# For a production service, consider using a more robust solution
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser")
# Log the HTML structure to understand what we're working with"HTML title: {soup.title.string if soup.title else 'No title'}")
# Log all available table classes to see what's in the response
tables = soup.find_all("table")"Found {len(tables)} tables in the response")
for i, table in enumerate(tables):"Table {i} class: {table.get('class', 'No class')}")
# Find all result rows in the HTML
result_rows = soup.find_all("tr", class_="result-link")
result_snippets = soup.find_all("tr", class_="result-snippet")"Found {len(result_rows)} result rows and {len(result_snippets)} result snippets")
# If we didn't find any results with the expected classes, try to find links in a different way
if len(result_rows) == 0:"No results found with expected classes, trying alternative parsing")
# Try to find all links in the document
all_links = soup.find_all("a")"Found {len(all_links)} links in the document")
# Log the first few links to see what we're working with
for i, link in enumerate(all_links[:5]):"Link {i}: text='{link.text.strip()}', href='{link.get('href', '')}'")
total_results = len(result_rows)
# Report progress to the client if the method is available
if hasattr(ctx, 'report_progress'):
await ctx.report_progress(0, total_results)
results = []
# Extract only the requested number of results starting from the offset
for i in range(min(count, len(result_rows))):
if offset + i >= len(result_rows):
title_elem = result_rows[offset + i].find("a")
if not title_elem:
title = title_elem.text.strip()
url = title_elem.get("href", "")
domain = extract_domain(url)
description = ""
if offset + i < len(result_snippets):
description = result_snippets[offset + i].text.strip()
# Create a dictionary directly instead of using SearchResult model
"title": title,
"url": url,
"description": description,
"published_date": None,
"domain": domain
# Update progress if the method is available
if hasattr(ctx, 'report_progress'):
await ctx.report_progress(i + 1, total_results)
# If we still don't have results, try an alternative approach
if len(results) == 0:"No results found with standard parsing, trying alternative approach")
# Try to find results in a different way - this is a fallback approach
# Look for any links that might be search results
all_links = soup.find_all("a")
# Filter links that look like search results (not navigation links)
potential_results = [link for link in all_links if link.get('href') and
not link.get('href').startswith('#') and
not link.get('href').startswith('/')]"Found {len(potential_results)} potential result links")
# Take up to 'count' results
for i, link in enumerate(potential_results[:count]):
if i >= count:
title = link.text.strip()
url = link.get('href', '')
domain = extract_domain(url)
# Try to find a description - look for text in the parent or next sibling
description = ""
parent = link.parent
if parent and parent.text and len(parent.text.strip()) > len(title):
description = parent.text.strip()
if not description and link.next_sibling:
description = link.next_sibling.text.strip() if hasattr(link.next_sibling, 'text') else ""
"title": title,
"url": url,
"description": description,
"published_date": None,
"domain": domain
total_results = len(potential_results)
# Calculate more accurate total_results estimation
# DuckDuckGo doesn't provide exact total counts, but we can estimate
# based on pagination and number of results per page
estimated_total = max(total_results, offset + len(results))
# For pagination purposes, we should always claim there are more results
# unless we received fewer than requested
if len(results) >= count:
estimated_total = max(estimated_total, offset + count + 1)
return {
"results": results,
"total_results": estimated_total,
except httpx.HTTPStatusError as e:
logger.error(f"HTTP error occurred: {e}")
if hasattr(ctx, 'error'):
await ctx.error(f"HTTP error: {str(e)}")
raise ValueError(f"HTTP error: {str(e)}")
except httpx.RequestError as e:
logger.error(f"Request error occurred: {e}")
if hasattr(ctx, 'error'):
await ctx.error(f"Request error: {str(e)}")
raise ValueError(f"Request error: {str(e)}")
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"An unexpected error occurred: {e}")
if hasattr(ctx, 'error'):
await ctx.error(f"Unexpected error: {str(e)}")
raise ValueError(f"Unexpected error: {str(e)}")
# Close the HTTP client if we created it
if close_client and http_client:
await http_client.aclose()