MCP Unified Server

# VAPI API Tool for MCP A comprehensive tool for integrating with the VAPI API, enabling Claude to make phone calls, read call logs, manage call recordings, and interact with ongoing calls. ## Overview VAPI is a powerful API for making and managing AI-powered voice calls. This integration allows Claude to: - Initiate outbound calls with AI assistants - List and retrieve details about calls - End, pause, and resume active calls - Access call recordings - Add human participants to calls - Send custom events to calls ## Installation 1. Add the `` file to your `tools` directory in the MCP Unified Server 2. Add `vapi` to your `requirements.txt` file 3. Update the `` file to import and register the VAPI module 4. Add VAPI API credentials to your `.env` file ## Configuration The VAPI API tool requires the following environment variable: ```env # VAPI API Credentials VAPI_API_KEY=your_vapi_api_key_here ``` ## Adding to Add the following code to your `` file: ```python # Initialize VAPI tools try: from import get_vapi_tools, set_external_mcp, initialize_vapi_service # Pass our MCP instance to the VAPI module set_external_mcp(mcp) # Initialize VAPI tools if initialize_vapi_service(): # Register VAPI tools vapi_tools = get_vapi_tools() for tool_name, tool_func in vapi_tools.items(): # Register each VAPI tool with the main MCP instance tool_name_str = tool_name if isinstance(tool_name, str) else tool_name.value mcp.tool(name=tool_name_str)(tool_func) # Add VAPI dependencies to MCP dependencies mcp.dependencies.extend(["vapi"])"VAPI tools registered successfully.") else: logging.warning("Failed to initialize VAPI tools.") except ImportError as e: logging.warning(f"Could not load VAPI tools: {e}") ``` ## Available Tools ### vapi_make_call Initiates a call to a phone number using a VAPI assistant. ```python vapi_make_call( to: str, # Phone number to call (E.164 format, e.g., +12125551234) assistant_id: str, # ID of the assistant to use for the call from_number: Optional[str] = None, # Phone number to display as caller ID assistant_options: Optional[Dict] = None, # Assistant configuration options server_url: Optional[str] = None # Server URL for call events ) ``` ### vapi_list_calls Lists calls with optional filtering. ```python vapi_list_calls( limit: int = 10, # Maximum number of calls to return before: Optional[str] = None, # Return calls created before this cursor after: Optional[str] = None, # Return calls created after this cursor status: Optional[str] = None # Filter by call status ) ``` ### vapi_get_call Gets detailed information about a specific call. ```python vapi_get_call( call_id: str # ID of the call to retrieve ) ``` ### vapi_end_call Terminates an active call. ```python vapi_end_call( call_id: str # ID of the call to end ) ``` ### vapi_get_recordings Retrieves recordings associated with a call. ```python vapi_get_recordings( call_id: str # ID of the call to get recordings for ) ``` ### vapi_add_human Adds a human participant to an ongoing call. ```python vapi_add_human( call_id: str, # ID of the call to add the human to phone_number: str = None, # Phone number of the human to add transfer: bool = False # Whether to transfer the call to the human ) ``` ### vapi_pause_call Temporarily pauses an active call. ```python vapi_pause_call( call_id: str # ID of the call to pause ) ``` ### vapi_resume_call Continues a previously paused call. ```python vapi_resume_call( call_id: str # ID of the call to resume ) ``` ### vapi_send_event Sends a custom event to a call. ```python vapi_send_event( call_id: str, # ID of the call to send the event to event_type: str, # Type of event to send data: Optional[Dict] = None # Optional data payload for the event ) ``` ## Usage Examples ### Initiating a Call ```python # Make a call to a phone number using a VAPI assistant response = await mcp.call_tool("vapi_make_call", { "to": "+12125551234", "assistant_id": "asst_123456789", "from_number": "+18005551000" # Optional caller ID }) # Parse the response to get the call ID call_info = json.loads(response) call_id = call_info.get("id") ``` ### Checking Call Status ```python # Get details about a specific call response = await mcp.call_tool("vapi_get_call", { "call_id": "call_123456789" }) # Parse the response to check call status call_info = json.loads(response) call_status = call_info.get("status") ``` ### Ending a Call ```python # End an active call response = await mcp.call_tool("vapi_end_call", { "call_id": "call_123456789" }) ``` ### Getting Call Recordings ```python # Get recordings for a completed call response = await mcp.call_tool("vapi_get_recordings", { "call_id": "call_123456789" }) # Parse the response to get recording URLs recordings = json.loads(response) for recording in recordings.get("data", []): recording_url = recording.get("url") recording_duration = recording.get("duration") ``` ### Inviting a Human to Join a Call ```python # Add a human participant to an ongoing call response = await mcp.call_tool("vapi_add_human", { "call_id": "call_123456789", "phone_number": "+13105551234" }) ``` ## Working with Claude ### Example Prompts for Claude Here are some example prompts to help Claude use the VAPI tools effectively: 1. **Making an Outbound Call**: ``` Please make a call to +1 (212) 555-1234 using the VAPI assistant "asst_123456789". Let me know when the call has been initiated. ``` 2. **Checking Call Logs**: ``` Please list the most recent 5 calls made through the VAPI system and tell me their status. ``` 3. **Managing an Ongoing Call**: ``` The current call (call_123456789) needs to be paused while I gather some information. Please pause it and let me know when I can resume it. ``` 4. **Getting Call Recordings**: ``` Can you get the recordings from my last call with John (call_123456789) and provide the URLs? ``` ## Error Handling The VAPI tools include robust error handling: - If the VAPI API key is not configured, the tools will return appropriate error messages - Invalid parameters are caught and reported in a user-friendly format - API errors from VAPI are captured and returned with context ## Dependencies This tool requires the following Python packages: - `vapi`: The official VAPI Python SDK ## Technical Notes - All phone numbers should use E.164 format (+12125551234) for best compatibility - Assistant IDs must be valid VAPI assistant IDs - Call IDs are returned from the `vapi_make_call` tool and must be used for subsequent operations - Some operations (e.g., ending calls) can only be performed on active calls - Recordings are only available for completed calls