Bitbucket Server MCP

// Mock dependencies jest.mock('@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/index.js'); jest.mock('axios'); import { Server } from '@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/index.js'; import { McpError, ErrorCode } from '@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js'; import axios, { AxiosInstance } from 'axios'; // MCP SDK Types type ToolResponse = { content: Array<{ type: string; text: string; }>; }; type ToolRequest = { method: 'call_tool'; tool: string; arguments: unknown; }; type RequestExtra = { signal: AbortSignal; }; // Mock Server class const MockServer = Server as jest.MockedClass<typeof Server>; // Import code to test after mocks import '../index'; describe('BitbucketServer', () => { // Mock variables let mockAxios: jest.Mocked<typeof axios>; let originalEnv: NodeJS.ProcessEnv; let mockServer: jest.Mocked<Server>; let mockAbortController: AbortController; beforeEach(() => { // Save environment variables originalEnv = process.env; process.env = { BITBUCKET_URL: '', BITBUCKET_TOKEN: 'test-token', BITBUCKET_DEFAULT_PROJECT: 'DEFAULT' }; // Reset mocks jest.clearAllMocks(); // Configure axios mock mockAxios = axios as jest.Mocked<typeof axios>; mockAxios.create.mockReturnValue({} as AxiosInstance); // Configure Server mock mockServer = { setRequestHandler: jest.fn(), connect: jest.fn(), close: jest.fn(), onerror: jest.fn() } as unknown as jest.Mocked<Server>; MockServer.mockImplementation(() => mockServer); // Configure AbortController for signal mockAbortController = new AbortController(); }); afterEach(() => { // Restore environment variables process.env = originalEnv; }); describe('Configuration', () => { test('should throw if BITBUCKET_URL is not defined', () => { // Arrange process.env.BITBUCKET_URL = ''; // Act & Assert expect(() => { require('../index'); }).toThrow('BITBUCKET_URL is required'); }); test('should throw if neither token nor credentials are provided', () => { // Arrange process.env = { BITBUCKET_URL: '' }; // Act & Assert expect(() => { require('../index'); }).toThrow('Either BITBUCKET_TOKEN or BITBUCKET_USERNAME/PASSWORD is required'); }); test('should configure axios with token and read default project', () => { // Arrange const expectedConfig = { baseURL: '', headers: { Authorization: 'Bearer test-token' }, }; // Act require('../index'); // Assert expect(mockAxios.create).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expect.objectContaining(expectedConfig)); }); }); describe('Pull Request Operations', () => { const mockHandleRequest = async <T>(toolName: string, args: T): Promise<ToolResponse> => { const handlers = mockServer.setRequestHandler.mock.calls; const callHandler = handlers.find(([schema]) => (schema as { method?: string }).method === 'call_tool' )?.[1]; if (!callHandler) throw new Error('Handler not found'); const request: ToolRequest = { method: 'call_tool', tool: toolName, arguments: args }; const extra: RequestExtra = { signal: mockAbortController.signal }; return callHandler(request, extra) as Promise<ToolResponse>; }; test('should create a pull request with explicit project', async () => { // Arrange const input = { project: 'TEST', repository: 'repo', title: 'Test PR', description: 'Test description', sourceBranch: 'feature', targetBranch: 'main', reviewers: ['user1'] };{ data: { id: 1 } }); // Act const result = await mockHandleRequest('create_pull_request', input); // Assert expect( '/projects/TEST/repos/repo/pull-requests', expect.objectContaining({ title: input.title, description: input.description, fromRef: expect.any(Object), toRef: expect.any(Object), reviewers: [{ user: { name: 'user1' } }] }) ); expect(JSON.parse(result.content[0].text)).toEqual({ id: 1 }); }); test('should create a pull request using default project', async () => { // Arrange const input = { repository: 'repo', title: 'Test PR', description: 'Test description', sourceBranch: 'feature', targetBranch: 'main', reviewers: ['user1'] };{ data: { id: 1 } }); // Act const result = await mockHandleRequest('create_pull_request', input); // Assert expect( '/projects/DEFAULT/repos/repo/pull-requests', expect.objectContaining({ title: input.title, description: input.description, fromRef: expect.any(Object), toRef: expect.any(Object), reviewers: [{ user: { name: 'user1' } }] }) ); expect(JSON.parse(result.content[0].text)).toEqual({ id: 1 }); }); test('should throw error when no project is provided or defaulted', async () => { // Arrange delete process.env.BITBUCKET_DEFAULT_PROJECT; const input = { repository: 'repo', title: 'Test PR', sourceBranch: 'feature', targetBranch: 'main' }; // Act & Assert await expect(mockHandleRequest('create_pull_request', input)) .rejects.toThrow(new McpError( ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'Project must be provided either as a parameter or through BITBUCKET_DEFAULT_PROJECT environment variable' )); }); test('should merge a pull request', async () => { // Arrange const input = { project: 'TEST', repository: 'repo', prId: 1, message: 'Merged PR', strategy: 'squash' as const };{ data: { state: 'MERGED' } }); // Act const result = await mockHandleRequest('merge_pull_request', input); // Assert expect( '/projects/TEST/repos/repo/pull-requests/1/merge', expect.objectContaining({ version: -1, message: input.message, strategy: input.strategy }) ); expect(JSON.parse(result.content[0].text)).toEqual({ state: 'MERGED' }); }); test('should handle API errors', async () => { // Arrange const input = { project: 'TEST', repository: 'repo', prId: 1 }; const error = { isAxiosError: true, response: { data: { message: 'Not found' } } }; mockAxios.get.mockRejectedValueOnce(error); // Act & Assert await expect(mockHandleRequest('get_pull_request', input)) .rejects.toThrow(new McpError( ErrorCode.InternalError, 'Bitbucket API error: Not found' )); }); }); describe('Reviews and Comments', () => { const mockHandleRequest = async <T>(toolName: string, args: T): Promise<ToolResponse> => { const handlers = mockServer.setRequestHandler.mock.calls; const callHandler = handlers.find(([schema]) => (schema as { method?: string }).method === 'call_tool' )?.[1]; if (!callHandler) throw new Error('Handler not found'); const request: ToolRequest = { method: 'call_tool', tool: toolName, arguments: args }; const extra: RequestExtra = { signal: mockAbortController.signal }; return callHandler(request, extra) as Promise<ToolResponse>; }; test('should filter review activities', async () => { // Arrange const input = { project: 'TEST', repository: 'repo', prId: 1 }; const activities = { values: [ { action: 'APPROVED', user: { name: 'user1' } }, { action: 'COMMENTED', user: { name: 'user2' } }, { action: 'REVIEWED', user: { name: 'user3' } } ] }; mockAxios.get.mockResolvedValueOnce({ data: activities }); // Act const result = await mockHandleRequest('get_reviews', input); // Assert const reviews = JSON.parse(result.content[0].text); expect(reviews).toHaveLength(2); expect(reviews.every((r: { action: string }) => ['APPROVED', 'REVIEWED'].includes(r.action) )).toBe(true); }); test('should add comment with parent', async () => { // Arrange const input = { project: 'TEST', repository: 'repo', prId: 1, text: 'Test comment', parentId: 123 };{ data: { id: 456 } }); // Act const result = await mockHandleRequest('add_comment', input); // Assert expect( '/projects/TEST/repos/repo/pull-requests/1/comments', { text: input.text, parent: { id: input.parentId } } ); expect(JSON.parse(result.content[0].text)).toEqual({ id: 456 }); }); }); });