Genkit MCP

Apache 2.0
feat: ISSUE: CHANGELOG: - [] ## COMMIT MESSAGE FULL EXAMPLE # # feat(py/plugins/vertexai): Implement two-factor authentication # # This commit introduces two-factor authentication for enhanced security. # It uses TOTP and requires users to configure an authenticator app. # # ISSUE: #123 # # CHANGELOG: # - [ ] Add support for two-factor authentication # - [ ] Update user login endpoint to require two-factor authentication # # BREAKING CHANGE: The API endpoint for user login has been modified. ## CONVENTIONAL COMMIT TEMPLATE # # Subject line (required, max 50 characters, use imperative mood): # <type>(<scope>): <short description> # Example: feat(user-authentication): Implement two-factor authentication # # Body (optional, wrap at 72 characters, explain the change in more detail, mention why and what): # <detailed description> ## TYPES OF CHANGE (choose one): # - feat: A new feature # - fix: A bug fix # - docs: Documentation changes # - style: Code style changes (formatting, etc.) # - refactor: Code refactoring (no new features or bug fixes) # - perf: Performance improvements # - test: Adding or modifying tests # - build: Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies # - ci: Changes to CI configuration files and scripts # - chore: Routine tasks, build process changes, etc. # - revert: Revert a previous commit # ## SCOPE (optional, specify the affected area, e.g., component, module):