Dart MCP Server

local-only server

The server can only run on the client’s local machine because it depends on local resources.


  • Integrates with Codeium IDE through the Model Context Protocol, allowing AI coding assistants to leverage Dart functionality

  • Provides seamless access to Dart SDK commands for AI-powered development, enabling analysis, compilation, project creation, documentation, fixes, formatting, package management, and testing of Dart code

  • Identifies and works with Flutter projects, providing Dart SDK commands that support Flutter development workflows

Dart MCP Server

A distributable Model Context Protocol (MCP) server that exposes Dart SDK commands for AI-powered development. This server bridges the gap between AI coding assistants and Dart/Flutter development workflows by implementing the Model Context Protocol (MCP).


This MCP server provides seamless access to the following Dart SDK commands:

dart-analyzeAnalyze Dart code for errors, warnings, and lints
dart-compileCompile Dart to various formats (exe, AOT/JIT snapshots, JavaScript)
dart-createCreate new Dart projects from templates
dart-docGenerate API documentation for Dart projects
dart-fixApply automated fixes to Dart source code
dart-formatFormat Dart source code according to style guidelines
dart-infoShow diagnostic information about the installed Dart tooling
dart-packageWork with packages (get, add, upgrade, outdated, etc.)
dart-runRun Dart programs with support for passing arguments
dart-testRun tests with support for filtering and reporting options

Key Benefits

  • Intelligent Path Handling: Automatically resolves relative paths to absolute paths, ensuring commands work correctly regardless of working directory
  • Project Auto-Detection: Identifies Dart/Flutter projects in common locations like home directories and workspaces
  • Cross-Platform Support: Works on macOS, Linux, and Windows
  • Zero Configuration: Works out of the box with sensible defaults
  • MCP Integration: Compatible with any MCP client, including Windsurf, Cline, and other Model Context Protocol implementations


  • Node.js: 18.x or higher
  • Dart SDK: 3.0 or higher installed and available in your PATH


The server can be run directly without installation using npx:

npx @egyleader/dart-mcp-server

Global Installation

For easier access, you can install the server globally:

npm install -g @egyleader/dart-mcp-server

Then run it using:


From Source

# Clone the repository git clone https://github.com/egyleader/dart-mcp-server.git cd dart-mcp-server # Install dependencies npm install # Build the project npm run build # Run the server node dist/index.js

Integration with MCP Clients

Windsurf / Codeium IDE Configuration

To use this MCP server with Windsurf or Codeium IDE, add the following to your mcp_config.json file (typically located at ~/.codeium/windsurf/mcp_config.json):

{ "mcpServers": { "dart": { "command": "npx", "args": [ "-y", "@egyleader/dart-mcp-server" ] } } }

Environment Variables

  • DART_MCP_VERBOSE: Set to any value to enable verbose logging for debugging

MCP Tool Usage Examples

Here are examples of how to use the MCP tools provided by the server. These examples show the parameters that can be passed to each tool.


Analyze Dart code for errors, warnings, and lints:

{ "path": "lib/main.dart", "options": ["--fatal-infos", "--fatal-warnings"] }


Compile Dart code to various formats:

{ "path": "lib/main.dart", "format": "exe", "output": "build/app", "options": ["--verbose"] }

Supported formats: exe, aot-snapshot, jit-snapshot, kernel, js


Create a new Dart project from a template:

{ "projectName": "my_awesome_app", "template": "console", "output": "projects/my_awesome_app", "options": ["--force"] }

Note on projectName and output:

  • If only projectName is provided, it's used as the directory name where the project is created.
  • If output is provided, it's used as the directory where the project is created.
  • The actual package/project name in Dart is derived from the final directory name by the Dart CLI.

Supported templates: console, package, server-shelf, web


Generate API documentation for a Dart project:

{ "path": ".", "output": "doc", "options": ["--exclude", "lib/generated"] }


Apply automated fixes to Dart source code:

{ "path": "lib", "apply": true, "options": ["--pedantic"] }


Format Dart source code according to style guidelines:

{ "paths": ["lib/main.dart", "lib/models"], "setExitIfChanged": true, "options": ["--line-length=100"] }


Show diagnostic information about the installed Dart tooling:

{ "options": ["--verbose"] }


Work with packages (pub commands):

{ "command": "get", "workingDir": ".", "args": ["--offline"] }

Supported commands: get, upgrade, outdated, add, remove, publish, deps, downgrade, cache, run, global


Run Dart programs with support for passing arguments:

{ "script": "bin/server.dart", "workingDir": ".", "args": ["--port=8080", "--mode=production"] }


Run tests with support for filtering and reporting options:

{ "path": "test", "workingDir": ".", "options": ["--name=login", "--platform=chrome"] }


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.

Tool API Reference


Analyze Dart code in a directory or file.

{ path?: string; // Directory or file to analyze options?: string[]; // Additional options for the dart analyze command }


{ path: "lib", options: ["--fatal-infos", "--fatal-warnings"] }


Compile Dart to various formats.

{ format: 'exe' | 'aot-snapshot' | 'jit-snapshot' | 'kernel' | 'js'; // Output format path: string; // Path to the Dart file to compile output?: string; // Output file path options?: string[]; // Additional compilation options }


{ format: "exe", path: "bin/main.dart", output: "bin/app" }


Create a new Dart project.

{ template: 'console' | 'package' | 'server-shelf' | 'web'; // Project template projectName: string; // Name of the project to create output?: string; // Directory where to create the project options?: string[]; // Additional project creation options }


  • If output is provided, the project will be created in that directory.
  • If only projectName is provided, it will be used as the directory name.
  • The actual Dart package name is derived from the final directory name.


{ template: "package", projectName: "my_dart_library", output: "projects/my_dart_library" }


Generate API documentation for Dart projects.

{ path?: string; // Directory containing the Dart package to document output?: string; // Output directory for the generated documentation options?: string[]; // Additional documentation options }


{ path: ".", output: "doc/api" }


Apply automated fixes to Dart source code.

{ path?: string; // Directory or file to apply fixes to apply?: boolean; // Whether to apply the suggested fixes (default: true) options?: string[]; // Additional fix options }


{ path: "lib", apply: true, options: ["--pedantic"] }


Idiomatically format Dart source code.

{ paths: string[]; // Files or directories to format setExitIfChanged?: boolean; // Return exit code 1 if there are formatting changes (default: false) options?: string[]; // Additional format options }


{ paths: ["lib", "test"], setExitIfChanged: true, options: ["--line-length=80"] }


Show diagnostic information about the installed tooling.

{ options?: string[]; // Additional info options }


{ options: ["--verbose"] }


Work with packages (pub commands).

{ command: 'get' | 'upgrade' | 'outdated' | 'add' | 'remove' | 'publish' | 'deps' | 'downgrade' | 'cache' | 'run' | 'global'; // Pub subcommand args?: string[]; // Arguments for the pub subcommand workingDir?: string; // Working directory for the command }


// Add a package { command: "add", args: ["rxdart"], workingDir: "my_project" } // Get dependencies { command: "get", workingDir: "my_project" }


Run a Dart program.

{ script: string; // Path to the Dart script to run args?: string[]; // Arguments to pass to the script workingDir?: string; // Working directory for the command }


{ script: "bin/main.dart", args: ["--verbose"], workingDir: "my_project" }


Run tests for a project.

{ path?: string; // Path to the test file or directory options?: string[]; // Additional test options workingDir?: string; // Working directory for the command }


{ path: "test", options: ["--coverage", "--name=auth"], workingDir: "my_project" }


# Watch mode for development pnpm run dev # Build for production pnpm run build

Error Handling

The server implements comprehensive error handling:

  • Command execution errors are captured and formatted appropriately
  • Path resolution issues are reported with detailed diagnostics
  • Timeout handling for long-running operations
  • Proper exit code propagation from Dart commands


Please see CONTRIBUTING.md for detailed contribution guidelines.

Our commit format follows:

<type>[optional scope]: [JIRA-123(optional)] <description>


feat(tools): [DART-456] add support for dart test tags



You must be authenticated.

security – no known vulnerabilities
license - permissive license
quality - confirmed to work

A distributable Model Context Protocol (MCP) server that exposes Dart SDK commands for AI-powered development. This server bridges the gap between AI coding assistants and Dart/Flutter development workflows by implementing the Model Context Protocol (MCP).

  1. Features
    1. Key Benefits
  2. Prerequisites
    1. Installation
      1. Using npx (recommended)
      2. Global Installation
      3. From Source
    2. Integration with MCP Clients
      1. Windsurf / Codeium IDE Configuration
      2. Environment Variables
    3. MCP Tool Usage Examples
      1. dart-analyze
      2. dart-compile
      3. dart-create
      4. dart-doc
      5. dart-fix
      6. dart-format
      7. dart-info
      8. dart-package
      9. dart-run
      10. dart-test
    4. License
      1. Contributing
        1. Tool API Reference
          1. dart-analyze
          2. dart-compile
          3. dart-create
          4. dart-doc
          5. dart-fix
          6. dart-format
          7. dart-info
          8. dart-package
          9. dart-run
          10. dart-test
        2. Development
          1. Error Handling
            1. Contributing
              1. License