MCP Memory Service

#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Debug script to identify PyTorch dependency issues. This script analyzes the dependency chain to find what's requiring PyTorch 2.5.1. """ import sys import os import importlib import pkg_resources import subprocess import traceback from pathlib import Path def print_header(text): """Print a formatted header.""" print("\n" + "=" * 80) print(f" {text}") print("=" * 80) def print_info(text): """Print formatted info text.""" print(f" → {text}") def print_error(text): """Print formatted error text.""" print(f" ❌ ERROR: {text}") def print_success(text): """Print formatted success text.""" print(f" ✅ {text}") def print_warning(text): """Print formatted warning text.""" print(f" ⚠️ {text}") def check_installed_pytorch(): """Check if PyTorch is installed and get its version.""" try: import torch print_success(f"PyTorch is installed (version {torch.__version__})") print_info(f"PyTorch location: {torch.__file__}") # Check if CUDA is available if torch.cuda.is_available(): print_success(f"CUDA is available (version {torch.version.cuda})") print_info(f"GPU: {torch.cuda.get_device_name(0)}") else: print_info("CUDA is not available, using CPU-only mode") return True, torch.__version__ except ImportError: print_error("PyTorch is not installed") return False, None except Exception as e: print_error(f"Error checking PyTorch installation: {e}") return False, None def analyze_dependencies(): """Analyze dependencies to find what's requiring PyTorch 2.5.1.""" print_header("Analyzing Dependencies") # Get all installed packages installed_packages = {pkg.key: pkg for pkg in pkg_resources.working_set} # Check for direct PyTorch dependencies torch_dependents = [] for pkg_name, pkg in installed_packages.items(): for req in pkg.requires(): if == 'torch': torch_dependents.append((pkg_name, str(req))) if torch_dependents: print_info(f"Found {len(torch_dependents)} packages that directly depend on PyTorch:") for pkg_name, req in torch_dependents: print_info(f" - {pkg_name} requires {req}") else: print_info("No packages directly depend on PyTorch") # Check for specific version requirements problematic_deps = [] for pkg_name, req in torch_dependents: if "2.5.1" in req: problematic_deps.append((pkg_name, req)) if problematic_deps: print_warning(f"Found {len(problematic_deps)} packages that specifically require PyTorch 2.5.1:") for pkg_name, req in problematic_deps: print_warning(f" - {pkg_name} requires {req}") else: print_success("No packages specifically require PyTorch 2.5.1") # Check for sentence-transformers dependencies try: import sentence_transformers print_info(f"sentence-transformers version: {sentence_transformers.__version__}") print_info(f"sentence-transformers location: {sentence_transformers.__file__}") # Check transformers version try: import transformers print_info(f"transformers version: {transformers.__version__}") print_info(f"transformers location: {transformers.__file__}") except ImportError: print_error("transformers is not installed") except ImportError: print_error("sentence-transformers is not installed") # Check for mcp-memory-service dependencies try: import mcp_memory_service print_info(f"mcp-memory-service location: {mcp_memory_service.__file__}") except ImportError: print_error("mcp-memory-service is not installed") # Check for chromadb dependencies try: import chromadb print_info(f"chromadb version: {chromadb.__version__}") print_info(f"chromadb location: {chromadb.__file__}") except ImportError: print_error("chromadb is not installed") def check_pip_config(): """Check pip configuration for any issues.""" print_header("Checking pip Configuration") try: # Run pip config list to see current configuration result =[sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'config', 'list'], capture_output=True, text=True) if result.stdout.strip(): print_info("Pip configuration:") for line in result.stdout.strip().split('\n'): print_info(f" {line}") else: print_info("No custom pip configuration found") # Check for index-url settings if "index-url" in result.stdout: print_warning("Custom index-url found in pip configuration") # Check for extra-index-url settings if "extra-index-url" in result.stdout: print_warning("Custom extra-index-url found in pip configuration") except subprocess.SubprocessError as e: print_error(f"Error checking pip configuration: {e}") def check_import_process(): """Check what happens during the import process.""" print_header("Checking Import Process") # Create a temporary script to import torch and print debug info temp_script = """ import sys import os print(f"Python executable: {sys.executable}") print(f"Python version: {sys.version}") print(f"sys.path:") for p in sys.path: print(f" - {p}") print("\\nAttempting to import torch...") try: import torch print(f"Successfully imported torch {torch.__version__}") print(f"torch location: {torch.__file__}") except Exception as e: print(f"Error importing torch: {e}") import traceback traceback.print_exc() """ temp_file = Path("") try: # Write the temporary script with open(temp_file, "w") as f: f.write(temp_script) # Run the script with subprocess to see what happens print_info("Running import test script...") result =[sys.executable, str(temp_file)], capture_output=True, text=True) print_info("Import test output:") for line in result.stdout.strip().split('\n'): print_info(f" {line}") if result.stderr: print_warning("Import test errors:") for line in result.stderr.strip().split('\n'): print_warning(f" {line}") except Exception as e: print_error(f"Error running import test: {e}") finally: # Clean up the temporary file if temp_file.exists(): temp_file.unlink() def check_mcp_server_import(): """Check what happens when importing mcp_memory_service.server.""" print_header("Checking MCP Server Import") # Create a temporary script to import mcp_memory_service.server and print debug info temp_script = """ import sys import os print(f"Python executable: {sys.executable}") print(f"Python version: {sys.version}") print(f"sys.path:") for p in sys.path: print(f" - {p}") print("\\nAttempting to import mcp_memory_service.server...") try: import mcp_memory_service.server print(f"Successfully imported mcp_memory_service.server") print(f"mcp_memory_service.server location: {mcp_memory_service.server.__file__}") # Check for torch import in import inspect server_code = inspect.getsource(mcp_memory_service.server) if "import torch" in server_code: print(" directly imports torch") else: print(" does not directly import torch") except Exception as e: print(f"Error importing mcp_memory_service.server: {e}") import traceback traceback.print_exc() """ temp_file = Path("") try: # Write the temporary script with open(temp_file, "w") as f: f.write(temp_script) # Run the script with subprocess to see what happens print_info("Running server import test script...") result =[sys.executable, str(temp_file)], capture_output=True, text=True) print_info("Server import test output:") for line in result.stdout.strip().split('\n'): print_info(f" {line}") if result.stderr: print_warning("Server import test errors:") for line in result.stderr.strip().split('\n'): print_warning(f" {line}") except Exception as e: print_error(f"Error running server import test: {e}") finally: # Clean up the temporary file if temp_file.exists(): temp_file.unlink() def check_sentence_transformers_import(): """Check what happens when importing sentence_transformers.""" print_header("Checking sentence_transformers Import") # Create a temporary script to import sentence_transformers and print debug info temp_script = """ import sys import os print(f"Python executable: {sys.executable}") print(f"Python version: {sys.version}") print("\\nAttempting to import sentence_transformers...") try: import sentence_transformers print(f"Successfully imported sentence_transformers {sentence_transformers.__version__}") print(f"sentence_transformers location: {sentence_transformers.__file__}") # Check dependencies import pkg_resources st_pkg = pkg_resources.get_distribution('sentence-transformers') print("\\nsentence-transformers dependencies:") for req in st_pkg.requires(): print(f" - {req}") except Exception as e: print(f"Error importing sentence_transformers: {e}") import traceback traceback.print_exc() """ temp_file = Path("") try: # Write the temporary script with open(temp_file, "w") as f: f.write(temp_script) # Run the script with subprocess to see what happens print_info("Running sentence_transformers import test script...") result =[sys.executable, str(temp_file)], capture_output=True, text=True) print_info("sentence_transformers import test output:") for line in result.stdout.strip().split('\n'): print_info(f" {line}") if result.stderr: print_warning("sentence_transformers import test errors:") for line in result.stderr.strip().split('\n'): print_warning(f" {line}") except Exception as e: print_error(f"Error running sentence_transformers import test: {e}") finally: # Clean up the temporary file if temp_file.exists(): temp_file.unlink() def main(): """Main function.""" print_header("PyTorch Dependency Debugger") # Check if PyTorch is installed pytorch_installed, pytorch_version = check_installed_pytorch() # Analyze dependencies analyze_dependencies() # Check pip configuration check_pip_config() # Check import process check_import_process() # Check mcp_memory_service.server import check_mcp_server_import() # Check sentence_transformers import check_sentence_transformers_import() print_header("Debug Complete") print_info("Check the output above for any issues with PyTorch dependencies") print_info("Look for packages that specifically require PyTorch 2.5.1") if __name__ == "__main__": try: main() except Exception as e: print_error(f"Unhandled exception: {e}") traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(1)