by cyanheads
// Need to have Node.js types available import { BaseErrorCode, McpError } from '../types-global/errors.js'; import { ErrorHandler } from '../utils/errorHandler.js'; import { logger } from '../utils/logger.js'; import { sanitizeInput } from '../utils/security.js'; // Create a module-level logger for environment configuration const envLogger = logger.createChildLogger({ module: 'EnvConfig' }); /** * Parse a numeric environment variable with validation * * @param name - The name of the environment variable * @param defaultValue - The default value if not set or invalid * @param min - Optional minimum valid value * @param max - Optional maximum valid value * @returns The parsed numeric value */ function parseNumericEnv( name: string, defaultValue: number, min?: number, max?: number ): number { const rawValue = process.env[name]; if (rawValue === undefined) { envLogger.debug(`Using default value for ${name}`, { defaultValue }); return defaultValue; } try { // Sanitize and parse the value const sanitizedValue = sanitizeInput.string(rawValue); const parsedValue = parseFloat(sanitizedValue); if (isNaN(parsedValue)) { throw new McpError( BaseErrorCode.VALIDATION_ERROR, `Invalid numeric value for ${name}: ${sanitizedValue}`, { raw: sanitizedValue } ); } // Apply bounds constraints if provided if (min !== undefined && parsedValue < min) { envLogger.warn(`Value for ${name} is below minimum (${min}), using minimum`, { parsed: parsedValue, min, raw: sanitizedValue }); return min; } if (max !== undefined && parsedValue > max) { envLogger.warn(`Value for ${name} is above maximum (${max}), using maximum`, { parsed: parsedValue, max, raw: sanitizedValue }); return max; } envLogger.debug(`Parsed ${name} environment variable`, { value: parsedValue }); return parsedValue; } catch (error) { ErrorHandler.handleError(error, { context: { envVar: name, rawValue }, operation: `parsing environment variable ${name}`, errorCode: BaseErrorCode.VALIDATION_ERROR }); envLogger.warn(`Using default value for ${name} due to parsing error`, { defaultValue }); return defaultValue; } } /** * Parse a boolean environment variable with validation * * @param name - The name of the environment variable * @param defaultValue - The default value if not set or invalid * @returns The parsed boolean value */ function parseBooleanEnv(name: string, defaultValue: boolean): boolean { const rawValue = process.env[name]; if (rawValue === undefined) { envLogger.debug(`Using default value for ${name}`, { defaultValue }); return defaultValue; } try { // Sanitize the input const sanitizedValue = sanitizeInput.string(rawValue).toLowerCase(); // Allow for various truthy/falsy string representations if (['true', 'yes', '1', 'on'].includes(sanitizedValue)) { return true; } if (['false', 'no', '0', 'off'].includes(sanitizedValue)) { return false; } throw new McpError( BaseErrorCode.VALIDATION_ERROR, `Invalid boolean value for ${name}: ${sanitizedValue}`, { raw: sanitizedValue } ); } catch (error) { ErrorHandler.handleError(error, { context: { envVar: name, rawValue }, operation: `parsing environment variable ${name}`, errorCode: BaseErrorCode.VALIDATION_ERROR }); envLogger.warn(`Using default value for ${name} due to parsing error`, { defaultValue }); return defaultValue; } } /** * Handles loading and parsing of environment variables for the application * with validation and default values. */ function loadEnvConfig() { // Log the environment we're loading envLogger.info(`Loading environment configuration`, { nodeEnv: process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development', logLevel: process.env.LOG_LEVEL || 'info' }); const config = { // Server configuration logLevel: process.env.LOG_LEVEL || "info", environment: process.env.NODE_ENV || "development", // Security settings (removed auth-related configuration) security: { // Can be extended with non-auth security settings in the future }, // Rate limiting rateLimit: { windowMs: parseNumericEnv('RATE_LIMIT_WINDOW_MS', 60000, 1000, 3600000), // 1 minute default, 1s min, 1h max maxRequests: parseNumericEnv('RATE_LIMIT_MAX_REQUESTS', 100, 1, 10000) // 100 requests per minute default, 1-10000 range }, // Ntfy configuration ntfy: { apiKey: process.env.NTFY_API_KEY || '', baseUrl: process.env.NTFY_BASE_URL || 'https://ntfy.sh', defaultTopic: process.env.NTFY_TOPIC || '' } }; // Log the loaded configuration envLogger.info(`Environment configuration loaded`, { environment: config.environment, logLevel: config.logLevel, rateLimitWindowMs: config.rateLimit.windowMs, rateLimitMaxRequests: config.rateLimit.maxRequests }); // Log ntfy config (but mask sensitive data) envLogger.info(`Ntfy configuration loaded`, { baseUrl: config.ntfy.baseUrl, defaultTopic: config.ntfy.defaultTopic ? config.ntfy.defaultTopic : '(not set)', apiKeyPresent: config.ntfy.apiKey ? '✓' : '✗' }); return config; } // Cache the configuration once loaded let cachedEnvConfig: ReturnType<typeof loadEnvConfig> | null = null; /** * Get the environment configuration, loading it on first call * * This ensures that we only load the configuration when it's actually needed, * not just when the module is imported. * * @returns The environment configuration */ export const envConfig = () => { if (!cachedEnvConfig) { cachedEnvConfig = loadEnvConfig(); } return cachedEnvConfig; }; // For direct property access with destructuring export const getEnvironment = () => envConfig().environment; export const getLogLevel = () => envConfig().logLevel; export const getRateLimit = () => envConfig().rateLimit; export const getSecurity = () => envConfig().security; export const getNtfyConfig = () => envConfig().ntfy;