Git MCP Server

by cyanheads
#!/usr/bin/env node /** * Directory Tree Generation Operation * ================================== * * A utility for generating visual tree representations of the project's directory * structure with configurable depth control and gitignore integration. * * This operation creates a formatted markdown file containing a hierarchical * representation of directories and files, respecting ignore patterns and * applying configurable filtering. * * Features: * - Respects .gitignore patterns and common exclusions * - Configurable maximum depth traversal * - Customizable output location * - Sorting with directories first * - Cross-platform compatibility * * @module utilities/ * * Usage examples: * - Add to package.json: "tree": "ts-node scripts/tree.ts" * - Run directly: npm run tree * - Custom output: ts-node scripts/tree.ts ./documentation/ * - Limit depth: ts-node scripts/tree.ts --depth=3 * - Show help: ts-node scripts/tree.ts --help */ import fs from 'fs/promises'; import path from 'path'; // ----------------------------------- // Type Definitions // ----------------------------------- /** * Standardized error category classification */ const ErrorCategoryType = { CATEGORY_VALIDATION: 'VALIDATION', CATEGORY_FILESYSTEM: 'FILESYSTEM', CATEGORY_SYSTEM: 'SYSTEM', CATEGORY_UNKNOWN: 'UNKNOWN' } as const; type ErrorCategoryType = typeof ErrorCategoryType[keyof typeof ErrorCategoryType]; /** * Error severity classification */ const ErrorSeverityLevel = { SEVERITY_DEBUG: 0, SEVERITY_INFO: 1, SEVERITY_WARN: 2, SEVERITY_ERROR: 3, SEVERITY_FATAL: 4 } as const; type ErrorSeverityLevel = typeof ErrorSeverityLevel[keyof typeof ErrorSeverityLevel]; /** * Standardized error structure for consistent error handling */ interface StandardizedApplicationErrorObject { errorMessage: string; // Human-readable description errorCode: string; // Machine-readable identifier errorCategory: ErrorCategoryType; // System area affected errorSeverity: ErrorSeverityLevel; // How critical the error is errorTimestamp: string; // When the error occurred errorContext: Record<string, unknown>; // Additional relevant data errorStack?: string; // Stack trace if available } /** * Successful result from an operation */ interface OperationResultSuccess<DataType> { resultSuccessful: true; resultData: DataType; } /** * Failed result from an operation */ interface OperationResultFailure<ErrorType> { resultSuccessful: false; resultError: ErrorType; } /** * Combined result type for operations */ type OperationResult<DataType, ErrorType = StandardizedApplicationErrorObject> = | OperationResultSuccess<DataType> | OperationResultFailure<ErrorType>; /** * Configuration options for the tree generation operation */ interface TreeGenerationConfiguration { treeOutputFilePath: string; maximumDirectoryDepth: number; showHelpText: boolean; } /** * Definition of a gitignore pattern with parsing metadata */ interface GitignorePatternDefinition { patternText: string; isNegatedPattern: boolean; regexPattern: string; } /** * Result from the tree generation operation */ interface TreeGenerationResult { projectName: string; treeOutputFilePath: string; treeContentLength: number; maximumDepthApplied: number; generationTimestamp: string; } // ----------------------------------- // Constants // ----------------------------------- /** * Default patterns to always ignore regardless of gitignore contents */ const DEFAULT_IGNORE_PATTERNS: string[] = [ '.git', 'node_modules', '.DS_Store', 'dist', 'build' ]; /** * Default output path for the generated tree */ const DEFAULT_OUTPUT_PATH = 'docs/'; /** * Help text displayed when requested */ const HELP_TEXT = ` Directory Tree Generator - Project structure visualization tool Usage: node dist/utilities/ [output-path] [--depth=<number>] [--help] Options: output-path Custom file path for the tree output (default: docs/ --depth=<number> Maximum directory depth to display (default: unlimited) --help Show this help message `; // ----------------------------------- // Utility Functions // ----------------------------------- /** * Creates a standardized success result * * @param data - The data to include in the success result * @returns A standardized success result object */ function createSuccessResult<DataType>(data: DataType): OperationResultSuccess<DataType> { return { resultSuccessful: true, resultData: data }; } /** * Creates a standardized failure result * * @param error - The error to include in the failure result * @returns A standardized failure result object */ function createFailureResult<ErrorType>(error: ErrorType): OperationResultFailure<ErrorType> { return { resultSuccessful: false, resultError: error }; } /** * Creates a standardized error object * * @param message - Human-readable error message * @param code - Machine-readable error code * @param category - Error category classification * @param severity - Error severity level * @param context - Additional context data * @returns A standardized error object */ function createStandardizedError( message: string, code: string, category: ErrorCategoryType, severity: ErrorSeverityLevel, context: Record<string, unknown> = {} ): StandardizedApplicationErrorObject { return { errorMessage: message, errorCode: code, errorCategory: category, errorSeverity: severity, errorTimestamp: new Date().toISOString(), errorContext: context }; } /** * Converts an exception to a standardized error object * * @param exception - The caught exception * @param defaultMessage - Fallback message if exception is not an Error object * @returns A standardized error object */ function wrapExceptionAsStandardizedError( exception: unknown, defaultMessage: string ): StandardizedApplicationErrorObject { const errorMessage = exception instanceof Error ? exception.message : defaultMessage; const errorStack = exception instanceof Error ? exception.stack : undefined; return { errorMessage, errorCode: 'UNEXPECTED_ERROR', errorCategory: ErrorCategoryType.CATEGORY_UNKNOWN, errorSeverity: ErrorSeverityLevel.SEVERITY_ERROR, errorTimestamp: new Date().toISOString(), errorContext: { originalException: exception }, errorStack }; } // ----------------------------------- // Implementation Functions // ----------------------------------- /** * Parses command line arguments to extract configuration options * * @param commandLineArguments - Array of arguments from process.argv * @returns Configuration object for tree generation */ function parseCommandLineArguments( commandLineArguments: string[] ): TreeGenerationConfiguration { let treeOutputFilePath = DEFAULT_OUTPUT_PATH; let maximumDirectoryDepth = Infinity; let showHelpText = false; for (const argumentValue of commandLineArguments) { if (argumentValue === '--help') { showHelpText = true; } else if (argumentValue.startsWith('--depth=')) { const depthValue = argumentValue.split('=')[1]; const parsedDepth = parseInt(depthValue, 10); if (isNaN(parsedDepth) || parsedDepth < 1) { console.error('Invalid depth value. Using unlimited depth.'); maximumDirectoryDepth = Infinity; } else { maximumDirectoryDepth = parsedDepth; } } else if (!argumentValue.startsWith('--')) { // If it's not an option flag, assume it's the output path treeOutputFilePath = argumentValue; } } return { treeOutputFilePath, maximumDirectoryDepth, showHelpText }; } /** * Loads and parses patterns from the .gitignore file * * @returns Promise resolving to an array of parsed gitignore patterns */ async function loadGitignorePatternDefinitions(): Promise<OperationResult<GitignorePatternDefinition[]>> { try { const gitignoreContent = await fs.readFile('.gitignore', 'utf-8'); const patternDefinitions = gitignoreContent .split('\n') .map(line => line.trim()) // Remove comments, empty lines, and lines with just whitespace .filter(line => line && !line.startsWith('#') && line.trim() !== '') // Process each pattern .map(pattern => ({ patternText: pattern.startsWith('!') ? pattern.slice(1) : pattern, isNegatedPattern: pattern.startsWith('!'), // Convert glob patterns to regex-compatible strings (simplified approach) regexPattern: pattern .replace(/\./g, '\\.') // Escape dots first .replace(/\*/g, '.*') // Convert * to .* .replace(/\?/g, '.') // Convert ? to . .replace(/\/$/, '(/.*)?') // Handle directory indicators })); return createSuccessResult(patternDefinitions); } catch (exceptionObject) { console.warn('No .gitignore file found, using default patterns only'); return createSuccessResult([]); } } /** * Checks if a given file path should be ignored based on patterns * * @param entryPath - The relative path to check * @param ignorePatternDefinitions - Array of parsed gitignore patterns * @returns Boolean indicating if the path should be ignored */ function checkPathShouldBeIgnored( entryPath: string, ignorePatternDefinitions: GitignorePatternDefinition[] ): boolean { // Always check default patterns first if (DEFAULT_IGNORE_PATTERNS.some(pattern => entryPath.includes(pattern))) { return true; } let shouldBeIgnored = false; for (const { patternText, isNegatedPattern, regexPattern } of ignorePatternDefinitions) { // Convert the pattern to a proper regex const compiledRegexPattern = new RegExp(`^${regexPattern}$|/${regexPattern}$|/${regexPattern}/`); if (compiledRegexPattern.test(entryPath)) { // If it's a negation pattern (!pattern), this file should NOT be ignored // Otherwise, it should be ignored shouldBeIgnored = !isNegatedPattern; } } return shouldBeIgnored; } /** * Recursively generates a tree representation of the directory structure * * @param directoryPath - Path to the directory to process * @param ignorePatternDefinitions - Array of gitignore pattern definitions * @param prefixString - Prefix string for the current level (used for indentation) * @param isLastEntry - Whether this is the last entry at the current level * @param relativePathString - Relative path from the root directory * @param currentDepthLevel - Current depth level in the traversal * @returns Promise resolving to the string representation of the tree */ async function generateDirectoryTreeRepresentation( directoryPath: string, ignorePatternDefinitions: GitignorePatternDefinition[], prefixString = '', isLastEntry = true, relativePathString = '', currentDepthLevel = 0, maximumDepthLevel = Infinity ): Promise<OperationResult<string>> { try { const directoryEntries = await fs.readdir(directoryPath, { withFileTypes: true }); let treeOutputContent = ''; // Filter and sort entries const filteredEntries = directoryEntries .filter(entry => { const entryPath = path.join(relativePathString,; return !checkPathShouldBeIgnored(entryPath, ignorePatternDefinitions); }) .sort((a, b) => { // Directories first, then files if (a.isDirectory() && !b.isDirectory()) return -1; if (!a.isDirectory() && b.isDirectory()) return 1; return; }); for (let entryIndex = 0; entryIndex < filteredEntries.length; entryIndex++) { const entryItem = filteredEntries[entryIndex]; const isLastItem = entryIndex === filteredEntries.length - 1; const newPrefixString = prefixString + (isLastEntry ? ' ' : '│ '); const newRelativePath = path.join(relativePathString,; treeOutputContent += prefixString + (isLastItem ? '└── ' : '├── ') + + '\n'; // Only traverse deeper if we haven't reached maximumDepthLevel if (entryItem.isDirectory() && currentDepthLevel < maximumDepthLevel) { const subTreeResult = await generateDirectoryTreeRepresentation( path.join(directoryPath,, ignorePatternDefinitions, newPrefixString, isLastItem, newRelativePath, currentDepthLevel + 1, maximumDepthLevel ); if (subTreeResult.resultSuccessful) { treeOutputContent += subTreeResult.resultData; } else { return subTreeResult; // Propagate error } } } return createSuccessResult(treeOutputContent); } catch (exceptionObject) { return createFailureResult( wrapExceptionAsStandardizedError( exceptionObject, `Failed to generate tree for directory: ${directoryPath}` ) ); } } /** * Ensures the directory for the output file exists, creating it if needed * * @param directoryPath - Path to the directory to check/create * @returns Promise resolving to operation result */ async function ensureDirectoryExists( directoryPath: string ): Promise<OperationResult<boolean>> { try { await fs.access(directoryPath); return createSuccessResult(true); } catch { try { await fs.mkdir(directoryPath, { recursive: true }); console.log(`Creating directory: ${directoryPath}`); return createSuccessResult(true); } catch (exceptionObject) { return createFailureResult( wrapExceptionAsStandardizedError( exceptionObject, `Failed to create directory: ${directoryPath}` ) ); } } } /** * Writes the generated tree content to a markdown file * * @param projectName - Name of the project * @param treeContent - Generated tree content * @param outputFilePath - Path where the output file should be written * @param maximumDepthValue - Maximum depth value that was applied * @returns Promise resolving to operation result */ async function writeTreeContentToFile( projectName: string, treeContent: string, outputFilePath: string, maximumDepthValue: number ): Promise<OperationResult<TreeGenerationResult>> { try { const rootDirectoryPath = process.cwd(); const outputDirectoryPath = path.dirname(path.resolve(rootDirectoryPath, outputFilePath)); // Ensure output directory exists const directoryResult = await ensureDirectoryExists(outputDirectoryPath); if (!directoryResult.resultSuccessful) { return directoryResult; } // Format the timestamp const timestamp = new Date().toISOString().replace(/T/, ' ').replace(/\..+/, ''); // Format the markdown content const markdownContent = `# ${projectName} - Directory Structure Generated on: ${timestamp} ${maximumDepthValue !== Infinity ? `_Depth limited to ${maximumDepthValue} levels_\n\n` : ''} \`\`\` ${projectName} ${treeContent} \`\`\` _Note: This tree excludes files and directories matched by .gitignore and common patterns like node_modules._ `; // Write the content to the file await fs.writeFile( path.resolve(rootDirectoryPath, outputFilePath), markdownContent ); return createSuccessResult({ projectName, treeOutputFilePath: outputFilePath, treeContentLength: treeContent.length, maximumDepthApplied: maximumDepthValue, generationTimestamp: timestamp }); } catch (exceptionObject) { return createFailureResult( wrapExceptionAsStandardizedError( exceptionObject, `Failed to write tree to file: ${outputFilePath}` ) ); } } /** * Main operation function that orchestrates the tree generation process * * @returns Promise that resolves when the operation completes */ async function generateProjectDirectoryTree(): Promise<void> { try { // Parse command line arguments const commandLineArguments = process.argv.slice(2); const configurationSettings = parseCommandLineArguments(commandLineArguments); // Display help if requested if (configurationSettings.showHelpText) { console.log(HELP_TEXT); process.exit(0); } const rootDirectoryPath = process.cwd(); const projectName = path.basename(rootDirectoryPath); // Load gitignore patterns const ignorePatternResult = await loadGitignorePatternDefinitions(); if (!ignorePatternResult.resultSuccessful) { throw new Error(`Failed to load gitignore patterns: ${ignorePatternResult.resultError.errorMessage}`); } const ignorePatternDefinitions = ignorePatternResult.resultData; console.log(`Generating directory tree for: ${projectName}`); console.log(`Output path: ${configurationSettings.treeOutputFilePath}`); if (configurationSettings.maximumDirectoryDepth !== Infinity) { console.log(`Maximum depth: ${configurationSettings.maximumDirectoryDepth}`); } // Generate the tree structure const treeGenerationResult = await generateDirectoryTreeRepresentation( rootDirectoryPath, ignorePatternDefinitions, '', true, '', 0, configurationSettings.maximumDirectoryDepth ); if (!treeGenerationResult.resultSuccessful) { throw new Error(`Failed to generate tree: ${treeGenerationResult.resultError.errorMessage}`); } // Write the tree to a file const writeResult = await writeTreeContentToFile( projectName, treeGenerationResult.resultData, configurationSettings.treeOutputFilePath, configurationSettings.maximumDirectoryDepth ); if (!writeResult.resultSuccessful) { throw new Error(`Failed to write tree: ${writeResult.resultError.errorMessage}`); } console.log(`✓ Successfully generated tree structure in ${configurationSettings.treeOutputFilePath}`); } catch (exceptionObject) { const standardizedError = wrapExceptionAsStandardizedError( exceptionObject, 'Unhandled error during tree generation' ); console.error(`× Error generating tree: ${standardizedError.errorMessage}`); process.exit(1); } } // ----------------------------------- // Script Execution // ----------------------------------- // Execute the main operation function generateProjectDirectoryTree();