Strava MCP Server
by ctvidic
import polyline
from typing import List, Tuple, Dict, Any
from math import floor
import json
import logging
from templates import MAP_TEMPLATE
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def decode_polyline(encoded_polyline: str) -> List[Tuple[float, float]]:
"""Decode a polyline string into a list of coordinates."""
return polyline.decode(encoded_polyline)
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Failed to decode polyline: {str(e)}")
raise ValueError(f"Invalid polyline data: {str(e)}")
def format_duration(seconds: int) -> str:
"""Format duration in seconds to HH:MM:SS format."""
hours = seconds // 3600
minutes = (seconds % 3600) // 60
seconds = seconds % 60
if hours > 0:
return f"{hours}:{minutes:02d}:{seconds:02d}"
return f"{minutes}:{seconds:02d}"
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Failed to format duration: {str(e)}")
return "00:00"
def create_html_map(activity: Dict[str, Any]) -> str:
Create an HTML map visualization of the activity.
activity: Strava activity data
HTML string with interactive map and activity info
if not activity.get('map') or not activity['map'].get('polyline'):
logger.warning("No map data available in activity")
return "<p>No map data available</p>"
# Decode polyline
coordinates = decode_polyline(activity['map']['polyline'])
logger.debug(f"Decoded {len(coordinates)} coordinates from polyline")
# Format duration
duration = format_duration(activity.get('moving_time', 0))
# Prepare data for template
template_data = {
'activity_name': activity.get('name', 'Activity'),
'distance': activity.get('distance', 0) / 1000, # Convert to km
'duration': duration,
'avg_speed': activity.get('average_speed', 0) * 3.6, # Convert to km/h
'elevation_gain': activity.get('total_elevation_gain', 0),
'coordinates': json.dumps(coordinates) # Convert coordinates to JSON for JavaScript
# Return formatted HTML
return MAP_TEMPLATE.format(**template_data)
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Failed to create HTML map: {str(e)}", exc_info=True)
raise ValueError(f"Failed to create map visualization: {str(e)}")
def format_activity_with_map(activity: Dict[str, Any], format: str = 'html') -> str:
Format an activity with map visualization.
activity: Strava activity data
format: Output format ('html' or 'ascii')
Formatted string with activity info and map
if format == 'html':
return create_html_map(activity)
# Keep existing ASCII implementation for backward compatibility
coordinates = decode_polyline(activity['map']['polyline'])
ascii_map = create_ascii_map(coordinates)
activity_info = f"""# {activity['name']}
## Route Map
## Activity Details
- Type: {activity.get('type', 'N/A')}
- Distance: {activity.get('distance', 0) / 1000:.2f} km
- Duration: {format_duration(activity.get('moving_time', 0))}
- Date: {activity.get('start_date_local', 'N/A')}
- Location: {activity.get('location_city', '')} {activity.get('location_state', '')}
## Performance
- Average Speed: {activity.get('average_speed', 0) * 3.6:.1f} km/h
- Max Speed: {activity.get('max_speed', 0) * 3.6:.1f} km/h
- Elevation Gain: {activity.get('total_elevation_gain', 0):.0f}m
return activity_info
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Failed to format activity: {str(e)}", exc_info=True)
raise ValueError(f"Failed to format activity data: {str(e)}")
# Keep the create_ascii_map function for backward compatibility
def create_ascii_map(coordinates: List[Tuple[float, float]], width: int = 60, height: int = 20) -> str:
"""Create an ASCII map representation of the route."""
if not coordinates:
return "No coordinates available"
# Find bounds
lats = [lat for lat, _ in coordinates]
lngs = [lng for _, lng in coordinates]
min_lat, max_lat = min(lats), max(lats)
min_lng, max_lng = min(lngs), max(lngs)
# Create empty map
map_array = [[' ' for _ in range(width)] for _ in range(height)]
# Plot points
for lat, lng in coordinates:
# Convert to map coordinates
x = floor((lng - min_lng) / (max_lng - min_lng) * (width - 1))
y = floor((max_lat - lat) / (max_lat - min_lat) * (height - 1))
# Ensure within bounds
x = min(max(x, 0), width - 1)
y = min(max(y, 0), height - 1)
map_array[y][x] = '•'
# Mark start and end
start_x = floor((coordinates[0][1] - min_lng) / (max_lng - min_lng) * (width - 1))
start_y = floor((max_lat - coordinates[0][0]) / (max_lat - min_lat) * (height - 1))
end_x = floor((coordinates[-1][1] - min_lng) / (max_lng - min_lng) * (width - 1))
end_y = floor((max_lat - coordinates[-1][0]) / (max_lat - min_lat) * (height - 1))
map_array[start_y][start_x] = 'S'
map_array[end_y][end_x] = 'E'
# Convert to string
map_str = '```\n' # Start code block
map_str += '┌' + '─' * width + '┐\n'
for row in map_array:
map_str += '│' + ''.join(row) + '│\n'
map_str += '└' + '─' * width + '┘\n'
map_str += '```\n' # End code block
# Add legend
map_str += 'Legend:\n'
map_str += 'S: Start point\n'
map_str += 'E: End point\n'
map_str += '•: Route point\n'
return map_str
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Failed to create ASCII map: {str(e)}", exc_info=True)
raise ValueError(f"Failed to create ASCII map: {str(e)}")