GraphQL MCP Server

by ctkadvisors
# GraphQL MCP Server Environment Variables # GraphQL API Endpoint URL (required) GRAPHQL_API_ENDPOINT= # API Key for authentication (optional) # For Bearer token, just include the token value without "Bearer" prefix GRAPHQL_API_KEY= # Enable debug logging (optional, default: false) DEBUG=true # Cache time-to-live in milliseconds (optional, default: 3600000 - 1 hour) # CACHE_TTL=3600000 # Enable mutations (optional, default: false) # For security, mutations are disabled by default # ENABLE_MUTATIONS=false # Optional whitelist of queries to expose (comma-separated or JSON array string) # If not specified, all queries from schema will be available # JSON array format (note the quotes are escaped): # WHITELISTED_QUERIES=[\"countries\",\"continent\",\"languages\"] # or comma-separated list format (simpler for .env files): # WHITELISTED_QUERIES=countries,continent,languages # Optional whitelist of mutations (only effective if ENABLE_MUTATIONS=true) # WHITELISTED_MUTATIONS=[\"createUser\",\"updateProfile\"]