Crawlab MCP Server
by crawlab-team
- crawlab-mcp
- tests
- clients
import json
import os
import sys
from unittest.mock import AsyncMock, MagicMock, patch
import pytest
from crawlab_mcp.agents.task_planner import TaskPlanner
from crawlab_mcp.clients.client import MCPClient
# Add the parent directory to sys.path to import the client module
from crawlab_mcp.clients.console_client import ConsoleClient
def console_client():
"""Create a real ConsoleClient for testing"""
client = ConsoleClient()
return client
# Test ConsoleClient initialization
def test_console_client_init(console_client):
"""Test that ConsoleClient initializes with the correct properties"""
# Inherited properties from MCPClient
assert console_client.session is None
assert isinstance(, list)
assert isinstance(console_client.tool_tags, list)
assert console_client.connection_type == "sse"
assert hasattr(console_client, "api_key")
# ConsoleClient specific properties
assert hasattr(console_client, "llm_provider")
assert hasattr(console_client, "exit_stack")
assert console_client.task_planner is None # Initially None
# Test the initialize_llm method
async def test_initialize_llm(monkeypatch, console_client):
"""Test that initialize_llm properly sets up the LLM provider and task planner"""
# Mock dependencies
mock_llm_provider = AsyncMock()
mock_task_planner = MagicMock()
# Mock TaskPlanner constructor
mock_task_planner_constructor = MagicMock(return_value=mock_task_planner)
# Apply patches
monkeypatch.setattr(console_client, "llm_provider", mock_llm_provider)
monkeypatch.setattr("crawlab_mcp.clients.console_client.TaskPlanner", mock_task_planner_constructor)
# Call the method
await console_client.initialize_llm()
# Verify method calls
# Check task planner was initialized with the right arguments
assert console_client.task_planner == mock_task_planner
# Test the chat_loop method
async def test_chat_loop(monkeypatch, console_client):
"""Test that chat_loop processes user input correctly"""
# Mock methods
mock_read_input = AsyncMock()
mock_process_query = AsyncMock()
mock_print_help = MagicMock()
# Set up mock input sequence: help, query, quit
mock_read_input.side_effect = ["help", "test query", "quit"]
mock_process_query.return_value = "Test response"
# Apply patches
monkeypatch.setattr(console_client, "_read_user_input", mock_read_input)
monkeypatch.setattr(console_client, "process_query", mock_process_query)
monkeypatch.setattr(console_client, "_print_help", mock_print_help)
# Mock print function to avoid console output
with patch("builtins.print") as mock_print:
# Call the method
await console_client.chat_loop()
# Verify method calls
assert mock_read_input.call_count == 3
mock_process_query.assert_called_once_with("test query")
# Check that proper output was printed
mock_print.assert_any_call("Test response")
# Test identify_user_intent method
async def test_identify_user_intent(monkeypatch, console_client):
"""Test that identify_user_intent correctly processes user queries"""
# Mock dependencies
mock_llm_provider = AsyncMock()
console_client.tool_tags = ["tag1", "tag2"]
# Setup mock response
mock_llm_provider.chat_completion.return_value = {
"choices": [{"message": {"content": '["getSpiderList"]'}}]
# Apply patches
monkeypatch.setattr(console_client, "llm_provider", mock_llm_provider)
# Call the method
result = await console_client.identify_user_intent("List all spiders")
# Verify result
assert result == '["getSpiderList"]'
# Verify correct system message was sent
# Check that the first argument is the messages list
call_args = mock_llm_provider.chat_completion.call_args[1]["messages"]
system_message = call_args[0]["content"]
assert "You are an intent classifier for the Crawlab API" in system_message
assert json.dumps(console_client.tool_tags) in system_message
# Test _should_use_planning method
async def test_should_use_planning(monkeypatch, console_client):
"""Test that _should_use_planning correctly analyzes query complexity"""
# Mock dependencies
mock_llm_provider = AsyncMock()
mock_task_planner = MagicMock()
console_client.task_planner = mock_task_planner
# Setup mock response for a complex query
mock_llm_provider.chat_completion.return_value = {
"choices": [{"message": {"content": "true"}}]
# Apply patches
monkeypatch.setattr(console_client, "llm_provider", mock_llm_provider)
# Call the method
result = await console_client._should_use_planning("List all spiders and run the first one")
# Verify result
assert result is True
# Verify correct system message was sent
call_args = mock_llm_provider.chat_completion.call_args[1]["messages"]
system_message = call_args[0]["content"]
assert "You are a query analyzer" in system_message
assert "A query needs planning if it" in system_message
# Test process_query method with task planning
async def test_process_query_with_planning(monkeypatch, console_client):
"""Test that process_query uses task planning for complex queries"""
# Mock dependencies
mock_should_use_planning = AsyncMock(return_value=True)
mock_task_planner = AsyncMock()
mock_task_planner.create_plan.return_value = "Test plan"
mock_task_planner.execute_plan.return_value = "Executed plan result"
console_client.task_planner = mock_task_planner
# Apply patches
monkeypatch.setattr(console_client, "_should_use_planning", mock_should_use_planning)
# Call the method
result = await console_client.process_query("Complex query")
# Verify method calls and result
mock_should_use_planning.assert_called_once_with("Complex query")
mock_task_planner.create_plan.assert_called_once_with("Complex query")
mock_task_planner.execute_plan.assert_called_once_with("Complex query", "Test plan")
assert result == "Executed plan result"
# Test process_query method without task planning
async def test_process_query_without_planning(monkeypatch, console_client):
"""Test that process_query uses standard processing for simple queries"""
# Mock dependencies
mock_should_use_planning = AsyncMock(return_value=False)
mock_process_standard = AsyncMock(return_value="Standard processing result")
# Apply patches
monkeypatch.setattr(console_client, "_should_use_planning", mock_should_use_planning)
monkeypatch.setattr(console_client, "_process_query_standard", mock_process_standard)
# Call the method
result = await console_client.process_query("Simple query")
# Verify method calls and result
mock_should_use_planning.assert_called_once_with("Simple query")
mock_process_standard.assert_called_once_with("Simple query")
assert result == "Standard processing result"
# Test _process_query_standard method
async def test_process_query_standard(monkeypatch, console_client):
"""Test that _process_query_standard correctly processes queries"""
# Mock dependencies
mock_llm_provider = AsyncMock()
mock_identify_intent = AsyncMock(return_value="Generic")
mock_llm_provider.has_tool_support.return_value = True
# Setup mock response for a simple query
mock_llm_provider.chat_completion.return_value = {
"choices": [{"message": {"content": "Simple response"}}]
# Apply patches
monkeypatch.setattr(console_client, "llm_provider", mock_llm_provider)
monkeypatch.setattr(console_client, "identify_user_intent", mock_identify_intent)
# Call the method
result = await console_client._process_query_standard("What is Crawlab?")
# Verify result
assert result == "Simple response"
# Verify correct calls were made
mock_identify_intent.assert_called_once_with("What is Crawlab?")
# Test cleanup method
async def test_cleanup(console_client):
"""Test that cleanup correctly closes resources"""
# Mock exit_stack
console_client.exit_stack = AsyncMock()
# Call the method
await console_client.cleanup()
# Verify exit_stack was closed
# Test ConsoleClient properly extends MCPClient
def test_console_client_extends_mcp_client(console_client):
"""Test that ConsoleClient properly extends MCPClient"""
assert isinstance(console_client, MCPClient)
assert hasattr(console_client, "session")
assert hasattr(console_client, "tools")
assert hasattr(console_client, "tool_tags")
assert hasattr(console_client, "connection_type")
assert hasattr(console_client, "api_key")
# Check ConsoleClient specific properties
assert hasattr(console_client, "llm_provider")
assert hasattr(console_client, "exit_stack")
assert hasattr(console_client, "task_planner")
# Parameters for testing different query types - moved to ConsoleClient tests
("What time is it?", False, "Simple query should return False"),
"List all spiders and run the first one",
"Simple multi-step workflow should return True",
"Fetch data from multiple APIs, combine the results, and generate a summary report with charts.",
"Complex multi-step workflow should return True",
"Query the database for all users who signed up last month, send them an email, and update their status.",
"Multi-step process should return True",
("Tell me a joke", False, "Simple request should return False"),
async def test_should_use_planning_with_real_llm(console_client, query, expected, description):
Test _should_use_planning with real LLM responses for different types of queries
This test uses real LLM calls instead of mocks to test actual behavior
# Initialize a task planner with all required parameters
mock_tools = [] # Empty list of tools for testing purposes
mock_session = MagicMock() # Mock session object
console_client.task_planner = TaskPlanner(
llm_provider=console_client.llm_provider, tools=mock_tools, session=mock_session
# Call the actual method with the query
result = await console_client._should_use_planning(query)
# Assert based on expected result (but allow flexibility since we're using real LLM)
# In real LLM testing, we add a note about potential variations
if result != expected:
f"LLM response may vary: expected {expected} but got {result} for query: {query}"
assert result == expected, f"Failed for query: {query} - {description}"
# Parametrized test for different response formats
("true", True),
("false", False),
(" true ", True),
(" false ", False),
("TRUE", True),
("FALSE", False),
async def test_should_use_planning_response_formatting(
monkeypatch, console_client, response_content, expected
"""Test that _should_use_planning correctly handles different response formats"""
# Set up task planner
mock_tools = [] # Empty list of tools for testing purposes
mock_session = MagicMock() # Mock session object
console_client.task_planner = TaskPlanner(
llm_provider=console_client.llm_provider, tools=mock_tools, session=mock_session
# Create a mock that returns the test response
mock_chat_completion = AsyncMock(return_value={"choices": [{"message": {"content": response_content}}]})
# Apply the monkeypatch
monkeypatch.setattr(console_client.llm_provider, "chat_completion", mock_chat_completion)
# Call the method and verify the result
result = await console_client._should_use_planning("test query")
assert result == expected, f"Failed for response content: '{response_content}'"