Cloud PC Management MCP Server

by complexdevel
import json import msw365_cloud_pc from mcp.server.fastmcp import FastMCP mcp = FastMCP("mcp-cloud-pc") @mcp.tool() async def cloud_pc_list() -> str: """Get list of Cloud PCs available to the current tenant """ pcs = msw365_cloud_pc.get_cloud_pc_list() return json.dumps(pcs) @mcp.tool() async def cloud_pc_reboot(pc_id: str) -> str: """Reboot a Cloud PC with the given ID. Args: pc_id: Cloud PC ID """ msw365_cloud_pc.reboot_cloud_pc(pc_id) return f"Request to reboot Cloud PC '{pc_id}' was submitted successfully." if __name__ == "__main__": # Initialize and run the MCP server'stdio')