# Google Search URL Specification
## Basic Search URLs
# Basic search
# Site-specific search
# Site-specific search with time filter
## Time Filter Parameters
Relative time filters using `tbs=qdr:X`:
h : past hour
d : past 24 hours
w : past week
m : past month
y : past year
Custom date range using `tbs=cdr:1,cd_min:MM/DD/YYYY,cd_max:MM/DD/YYYY`:
Example: tbs=cdr:1,cd_min:12/1/2024,cd_max:12/31/2024
## TypeScript Interface
interface SearchParams {
query_text: string; // Plain text to search for (no Google operators)
site?: string; // Optional site restriction (e.g. "apple.com")
timeframe?: {
type: 'relative'; // For qdr: filters
period: 'h' | 'd' | 'w' | 'm' | 'y';
} | {
type: 'custom'; // For custom date range
startDate: Date; // Will be formatted as MM/DD/YYYY
endDate: Date;
Note: The query_text parameter and date portions in custom date ranges require URL encoding.