Proxmox MCP Server

""" Tests for the Proxmox MCP server. """ import os import json import pytest from unittest.mock import Mock, patch from mcp.server.fastmcp import FastMCP from mcp.server.fastmcp.exceptions import ToolError from proxmox_mcp.server import ProxmoxMCPServer @pytest.fixture def mock_env_vars(): """Fixture to set up test environment variables.""" env_vars = { "PROXMOX_HOST": "", "PROXMOX_USER": "test@pve", "PROXMOX_TOKEN_NAME": "test_token", "PROXMOX_TOKEN_VALUE": "test_value", "LOG_LEVEL": "DEBUG" } with patch.dict(os.environ, env_vars): yield env_vars @pytest.fixture def mock_proxmox(): """Fixture to mock ProxmoxAPI.""" with patch("proxmox_mcp.server.ProxmoxAPI") as mock: mock.return_value.nodes.get.return_value = [ {"node": "node1", "status": "online"}, {"node": "node2", "status": "online"} ] yield mock @pytest.fixture def server(mock_env_vars, mock_proxmox): """Fixture to create a ProxmoxMCPServer instance.""" return ProxmoxMCPServer() def test_server_initialization(server, mock_proxmox): """Test server initialization with environment variables.""" assert == "" assert server.config.auth.user == "test@pve" assert server.config.auth.token_name == "test_token" assert server.config.auth.token_value == "test_value" assert server.config.logging.level == "DEBUG" mock_proxmox.assert_called_once() @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_list_tools(server): """Test listing available tools.""" tools = await server.mcp.list_tools() assert len(tools) > 0 tool_names = [ for tool in tools] assert "get_nodes" in tool_names assert "get_vms" in tool_names assert "get_containers" in tool_names assert "execute_vm_command" in tool_names @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_get_nodes(server, mock_proxmox): """Test get_nodes tool.""" mock_proxmox.return_value.nodes.get.return_value = [ {"node": "node1", "status": "online"}, {"node": "node2", "status": "online"} ] response = await server.mcp.call_tool("get_nodes", {}) result = json.loads(response[0].text) assert len(result) == 2 assert result[0]["node"] == "node1" assert result[1]["node"] == "node2" @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_get_node_status_missing_parameter(server): """Test get_node_status tool with missing parameter.""" with pytest.raises(ToolError, match="Field required"): await server.mcp.call_tool("get_node_status", {}) @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_get_node_status(server, mock_proxmox): """Test get_node_status tool with valid parameter.""" mock_proxmox.return_value.nodes.return_value.status.get.return_value = { "status": "running", "uptime": 123456 } response = await server.mcp.call_tool("get_node_status", {"node": "node1"}) result = json.loads(response[0].text) assert result["status"] == "running" assert result["uptime"] == 123456 @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_get_vms(server, mock_proxmox): """Test get_vms tool.""" mock_proxmox.return_value.nodes.get.return_value = [{"node": "node1", "status": "online"}] mock_proxmox.return_value.nodes.return_value.qemu.get.return_value = [ {"vmid": "100", "name": "vm1", "status": "running"}, {"vmid": "101", "name": "vm2", "status": "stopped"} ] response = await server.mcp.call_tool("get_vms", {}) result = json.loads(response[0].text) assert len(result) > 0 assert result[0]["name"] == "vm1" assert result[1]["name"] == "vm2" @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_get_containers(server, mock_proxmox): """Test get_containers tool.""" mock_proxmox.return_value.nodes.get.return_value = [{"node": "node1", "status": "online"}] mock_proxmox.return_value.nodes.return_value.lxc.get.return_value = [ {"vmid": "200", "name": "container1", "status": "running"}, {"vmid": "201", "name": "container2", "status": "stopped"} ] response = await server.mcp.call_tool("get_containers", {}) result = json.loads(response[0].text) assert len(result) > 0 assert result[0]["name"] == "container1" assert result[1]["name"] == "container2" @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_get_storage(server, mock_proxmox): """Test get_storage tool.""" = [ {"storage": "local", "type": "dir"}, {"storage": "ceph", "type": "rbd"} ] response = await server.mcp.call_tool("get_storage", {}) result = json.loads(response[0].text) assert len(result) == 2 assert result[0]["storage"] == "local" assert result[1]["storage"] == "ceph" @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_get_cluster_status(server, mock_proxmox): """Test get_cluster_status tool.""" mock_proxmox.return_value.cluster.status.get.return_value = { "quorate": True, "nodes": 2 } response = await server.mcp.call_tool("get_cluster_status", {}) result = json.loads(response[0].text) assert result["quorate"] is True assert result["nodes"] == 2 @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_execute_vm_command_success(server, mock_proxmox): """Test successful VM command execution.""" # Mock VM status check mock_proxmox.return_value.nodes.return_value.qemu.return_value.status.current.get.return_value = { "status": "running" } # Mock command execution = { "out": "command output", "err": "", "exitcode": 0 } response = await server.mcp.call_tool("execute_vm_command", { "node": "node1", "vmid": "100", "command": "ls -l" }) result = json.loads(response[0].text) assert result["success"] is True assert result["output"] == "command output" assert result["error"] == "" assert result["exit_code"] == 0 @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_execute_vm_command_missing_parameters(server): """Test VM command execution with missing parameters.""" with pytest.raises(ToolError): await server.mcp.call_tool("execute_vm_command", {}) @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_execute_vm_command_vm_not_running(server, mock_proxmox): """Test VM command execution when VM is not running.""" mock_proxmox.return_value.nodes.return_value.qemu.return_value.status.current.get.return_value = { "status": "stopped" } with pytest.raises(ToolError, match="not running"): await server.mcp.call_tool("execute_vm_command", { "node": "node1", "vmid": "100", "command": "ls -l" }) @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_execute_vm_command_with_error(server, mock_proxmox): """Test VM command execution with command error.""" # Mock VM status check mock_proxmox.return_value.nodes.return_value.qemu.return_value.status.current.get.return_value = { "status": "running" } # Mock command execution with error = { "out": "", "err": "command not found", "exitcode": 1 } response = await server.mcp.call_tool("execute_vm_command", { "node": "node1", "vmid": "100", "command": "invalid-command" }) result = json.loads(response[0].text) assert result["success"] is True # API call succeeded assert result["output"] == "" assert result["error"] == "command not found" assert result["exit_code"] == 1