Proxmox MCP Server
by canvrno
- ProxmoxMCP
- tests
Tests for the Proxmox MCP server.
import os
import json
import pytest
from unittest.mock import Mock, patch
from mcp.server.fastmcp import FastMCP
from mcp.server.fastmcp.exceptions import ToolError
from proxmox_mcp.server import ProxmoxMCPServer
def mock_env_vars():
"""Fixture to set up test environment variables."""
env_vars = {
"PROXMOX_USER": "test@pve",
"PROXMOX_TOKEN_NAME": "test_token",
"PROXMOX_TOKEN_VALUE": "test_value",
with patch.dict(os.environ, env_vars):
yield env_vars
def mock_proxmox():
"""Fixture to mock ProxmoxAPI."""
with patch("proxmox_mcp.server.ProxmoxAPI") as mock:
mock.return_value.nodes.get.return_value = [
{"node": "node1", "status": "online"},
{"node": "node2", "status": "online"}
yield mock
def server(mock_env_vars, mock_proxmox):
"""Fixture to create a ProxmoxMCPServer instance."""
return ProxmoxMCPServer()
def test_server_initialization(server, mock_proxmox):
"""Test server initialization with environment variables."""
assert == ""
assert server.config.auth.user == "test@pve"
assert server.config.auth.token_name == "test_token"
assert server.config.auth.token_value == "test_value"
assert server.config.logging.level == "DEBUG"
async def test_list_tools(server):
"""Test listing available tools."""
tools = await server.mcp.list_tools()
assert len(tools) > 0
tool_names = [ for tool in tools]
assert "get_nodes" in tool_names
assert "get_vms" in tool_names
assert "get_containers" in tool_names
assert "execute_vm_command" in tool_names
async def test_get_nodes(server, mock_proxmox):
"""Test get_nodes tool."""
mock_proxmox.return_value.nodes.get.return_value = [
{"node": "node1", "status": "online"},
{"node": "node2", "status": "online"}
response = await server.mcp.call_tool("get_nodes", {})
result = json.loads(response[0].text)
assert len(result) == 2
assert result[0]["node"] == "node1"
assert result[1]["node"] == "node2"
async def test_get_node_status_missing_parameter(server):
"""Test get_node_status tool with missing parameter."""
with pytest.raises(ToolError, match="Field required"):
await server.mcp.call_tool("get_node_status", {})
async def test_get_node_status(server, mock_proxmox):
"""Test get_node_status tool with valid parameter."""
mock_proxmox.return_value.nodes.return_value.status.get.return_value = {
"status": "running",
"uptime": 123456
response = await server.mcp.call_tool("get_node_status", {"node": "node1"})
result = json.loads(response[0].text)
assert result["status"] == "running"
assert result["uptime"] == 123456
async def test_get_vms(server, mock_proxmox):
"""Test get_vms tool."""
mock_proxmox.return_value.nodes.get.return_value = [{"node": "node1", "status": "online"}]
mock_proxmox.return_value.nodes.return_value.qemu.get.return_value = [
{"vmid": "100", "name": "vm1", "status": "running"},
{"vmid": "101", "name": "vm2", "status": "stopped"}
response = await server.mcp.call_tool("get_vms", {})
result = json.loads(response[0].text)
assert len(result) > 0
assert result[0]["name"] == "vm1"
assert result[1]["name"] == "vm2"
async def test_get_containers(server, mock_proxmox):
"""Test get_containers tool."""
mock_proxmox.return_value.nodes.get.return_value = [{"node": "node1", "status": "online"}]
mock_proxmox.return_value.nodes.return_value.lxc.get.return_value = [
{"vmid": "200", "name": "container1", "status": "running"},
{"vmid": "201", "name": "container2", "status": "stopped"}
response = await server.mcp.call_tool("get_containers", {})
result = json.loads(response[0].text)
assert len(result) > 0
assert result[0]["name"] == "container1"
assert result[1]["name"] == "container2"
async def test_get_storage(server, mock_proxmox):
"""Test get_storage tool.""" = [
{"storage": "local", "type": "dir"},
{"storage": "ceph", "type": "rbd"}
response = await server.mcp.call_tool("get_storage", {})
result = json.loads(response[0].text)
assert len(result) == 2
assert result[0]["storage"] == "local"
assert result[1]["storage"] == "ceph"
async def test_get_cluster_status(server, mock_proxmox):
"""Test get_cluster_status tool."""
mock_proxmox.return_value.cluster.status.get.return_value = {
"quorate": True,
"nodes": 2
response = await server.mcp.call_tool("get_cluster_status", {})
result = json.loads(response[0].text)
assert result["quorate"] is True
assert result["nodes"] == 2
async def test_execute_vm_command_success(server, mock_proxmox):
"""Test successful VM command execution."""
# Mock VM status check
mock_proxmox.return_value.nodes.return_value.qemu.return_value.status.current.get.return_value = {
"status": "running"
# Mock command execution = {
"out": "command output",
"err": "",
"exitcode": 0
response = await server.mcp.call_tool("execute_vm_command", {
"node": "node1",
"vmid": "100",
"command": "ls -l"
result = json.loads(response[0].text)
assert result["success"] is True
assert result["output"] == "command output"
assert result["error"] == ""
assert result["exit_code"] == 0
async def test_execute_vm_command_missing_parameters(server):
"""Test VM command execution with missing parameters."""
with pytest.raises(ToolError):
await server.mcp.call_tool("execute_vm_command", {})
async def test_execute_vm_command_vm_not_running(server, mock_proxmox):
"""Test VM command execution when VM is not running."""
mock_proxmox.return_value.nodes.return_value.qemu.return_value.status.current.get.return_value = {
"status": "stopped"
with pytest.raises(ToolError, match="not running"):
await server.mcp.call_tool("execute_vm_command", {
"node": "node1",
"vmid": "100",
"command": "ls -l"
async def test_execute_vm_command_with_error(server, mock_proxmox):
"""Test VM command execution with command error."""
# Mock VM status check
mock_proxmox.return_value.nodes.return_value.qemu.return_value.status.current.get.return_value = {
"status": "running"
# Mock command execution with error = {
"out": "",
"err": "command not found",
"exitcode": 1
response = await server.mcp.call_tool("execute_vm_command", {
"node": "node1",
"vmid": "100",
"command": "invalid-command"
result = json.loads(response[0].text)
assert result["success"] is True # API call succeeded
assert result["output"] == ""
assert result["error"] == "command not found"
assert result["exit_code"] == 1