IMF Data MCP Server

by c-cf
def process_imf_data(json_data: dict) -> str: """ Process IMF data and return a string with the information. :param: json_data(dict): JSON data from the IMF API :return: (str) A string with the information from the JSON data """ try: json_data = json_data["CompactData"] dataset = json_data["DataSet"] series_list = dataset["Series"] if isinstance(series_list, dict): series_list = [series_list] elif not isinstance(series_list, list): return f"Error: Expected series_list to be a list but got {type(series_list)}" output_texts = [] for series in series_list: if series is None: output_texts.append("Warning: No indicator value.") continue country = series.get("@REF_AREA", None) obs = series.get("Obs", {}) if isinstance(obs, dict): obs = [obs] elif not isinstance(obs, list): return f"Error: Expected obs to be a list but got {type(obs)}" for _obs in obs: if _obs is None: output_texts.append( f"Warning: No indicator value for {country} in that Year, You should not try to access the data of this country." ) continue time_period = _obs.get("@TIME_PERIOD", "that Year") obs_value = _obs.get("@OBS_VALUE") if obs_value is not None: text = f"In {time_period}, {country} had an indicator value of {float(obs_value):.2f}." output_texts.append(text) else: output_texts.append(f"Warning: No indicator value for {country} in {time_period}.") return "\n".join(output_texts) except KeyError as e: return f"Error processing IMF data: Missing key {str(e)}" except Exception as e: return f"Error processing IMF data: {str(e)}"