# WASM MCP Server Testing Strategy This document outlines the testing approach for the WASM MCP Server implementation, covering unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end testing. ## 1. Unit Testing ### Server Component (`server.ts`) #### Tool Registration Tests ```typescript describe('MCP Server Tool Registration', () => { let server: McpServer; beforeEach(() => { server = createServer(); }); test('should register calculator tool', () => { const tools = server._registeredTools; expect(tools).toHaveProperty('calculate'); expect(tools.calculate).toHaveProperty('callback'); }); test('should register storage tool', () => { const tools = server._registeredTools; expect(tools).toHaveProperty('set-storage'); expect(tools['set-storage']).toHaveProperty('callback'); }); }); ``` #### Calculator Tool Tests ```typescript describe('Calculator Tool', () => { let server: McpServer; let calculatorTool: any; beforeEach(() => { server = createServer(); calculatorTool = server._registeredTools.calculate; }); test('should add numbers correctly', async () => { const result = await calculatorTool.callback({ operation: 'add', a: 5, b: 3 }); expect(result.content[0].text).toBe('8'); }); test('should handle division by zero', async () => { await expect(calculatorTool.callback({ operation: 'divide', a: 10, b: 0 })).rejects.toThrow('Division by zero'); }); test('should validate input types', async () => { await expect(calculatorTool.callback({ operation: 'add', a: 'not a number', b: 3 })).rejects.toThrow(); }); }); ``` #### Storage Tests ```typescript describe('Storage Operations', () => { let server: McpServer; let storageTool: any; let storageResource: any; beforeEach(() => { server = createServer(); storageTool = server._registeredTools['set-storage']; storageResource = server._registeredResources['storage://{key}']; }); test('should store and retrieve values', async () => { // Store value await storageTool.callback({ key: 'test-key', value: 'test-value' }); // Retrieve value const uri = new URL('storage://test-key'); const result = await storageResource.readCallback(uri, { key: 'test-key' }); expect(result.contents[0].text).toBe('test-value'); }); test('should handle missing keys', async () => { const uri = new URL('storage://nonexistent'); const result = await storageResource.readCallback(uri, { key: 'nonexistent' }); expect(result.contents[0].text).toBe('Key not found'); }); }); ``` ### Transport Component (`browser-transport.ts`) ```typescript describe('Browser Transport', () => { let transport: BrowserTransport; beforeEach(() => { transport = new BrowserTransport(); }); test('should initialize correctly', async () => { await transport.start(); expect(transport.isConnected()).toBe(true); }); test('should handle message sending', async () => { const message = { type: 'test', data: 'value' }; const response = await transport.send(message); expect(response).toBeDefined(); }); test('should handle connection errors', async () => { // Simulate connection failure jest.spyOn(transport, 'start').mockRejectedValue(new Error('Connection failed')); await expect(transport.start()).rejects.toThrow('Connection failed'); }); }); ``` ## 2. Integration Testing ### Server-Transport Integration ```typescript describe('Server-Transport Integration', () => { let server: McpServer; let transport: BrowserTransport; beforeEach(async () => { transport = new BrowserTransport(); await transport.start(); server = createServer(); await server.connect(transport); }); test('should handle tool execution through transport', async () => { const message = { type: 'tool', name: 'calculate', params: { operation: 'add', a: 5, b: 3 } }; const response = await transport.send(message); expect(response.content[0].text).toBe('8'); }); test('should handle resource access through transport', async () => { // First store a value await transport.send({ type: 'tool', name: 'set-storage', params: { key: 'test-key', value: 'test-value' } }); // Then retrieve it const response = await transport.send({ type: 'resource', uri: 'storage://test-key' }); expect(response.contents[0].text).toBe('test-value'); }); }); ``` ### UI Integration Tests ```typescript describe('UI Integration', () => { beforeEach(async () => { // First set up test environment await setupTestEnvironment(); // Then initialize UI setupCalculatorUI(); }); test('should handle calculator UI interaction', async () => { const num1Input = document.getElementById('num1') as HTMLInputElement; const num2Input = document.getElementById('num2') as HTMLInputElement; const operationSelect = document.getElementById('operation') as HTMLSelectElement; const calcButton = document.getElementById('calcButton') as HTMLButtonElement; const output = document.getElementById('calcOutput'); // Test each operation const operations = [ { op: 'add', a: 5, b: 3, expected: '8' }, { op: 'subtract', a: 10, b: 4, expected: '6' }, { op: 'multiply', a: 6, b: 7, expected: '42' }, { op: 'divide', a: 15, b: 3, expected: '5' } ]; for (const { op, a, b, expected } of operations) { operationSelect.value = op; num1Input.value = a.toString(); num2Input.value = b.toString(); fireEvent.click(calcButton); // Wait for the calculation to complete await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100)); expect(output?.textContent).toBe(`Result: ${expected}`); } }); test('should handle calculator error cases', async () => { const num1Input = document.getElementById('num1') as HTMLInputElement; const num2Input = document.getElementById('num2') as HTMLInputElement; const operationSelect = document.getElementById('operation') as HTMLSelectElement; const calcButton = document.getElementById('calcButton') as HTMLButtonElement; const output = document.getElementById('calcOutput'); // Test division by zero operationSelect.value = 'divide'; num1Input.value = '10'; num2Input.value = '0'; fireEvent.click(calcButton); // Wait for the error to be displayed await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100)); expect(output?.textContent).toContain('Error'); expect(output?.textContent).toContain('Division by zero'); }); }); describe('Storage UI Integration', () => { beforeEach(async () => { // First set up test environment await setupTestEnvironment(); // Then initialize UI setupStorageUI(); }); test('should handle storage UI interaction', async () => { const keyInput = document.getElementById('storageKey') as HTMLInputElement; const valueInput = document.getElementById('storageValue') as HTMLInputElement; const setButton = document.getElementById('setStorageButton') as HTMLButtonElement; const getButton = document.getElementById('getStorageButton') as HTMLButtonElement; const output = document.getElementById('storageOutput'); // Set value keyInput.value = 'test-key'; valueInput.value = 'test-value'; fireEvent.click(setButton); // Wait for the storage operation to complete await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100)); expect(output?.textContent).toContain('Value stored successfully'); // Get value valueInput.value = ''; fireEvent.click(getButton); // Wait for the retrieval to complete await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100)); expect(output?.textContent).toContain('test-value'); }); test('should handle missing storage keys', async () => { const keyInput = document.getElementById('storageKey') as HTMLInputElement; const getButton = document.getElementById('getStorageButton') as HTMLButtonElement; const output = document.getElementById('storageOutput'); keyInput.value = 'nonexistent-key'; fireEvent.click(getButton); // Wait for the retrieval to complete await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100)); expect(output?.textContent).toContain('Key not found'); }); }); ``` ## 3. End-to-End Testing ### Test Scenarios ```typescript describe('End-to-End Workflows', () => { beforeEach(async () => { // Set up complete environment await setupTestEnvironment(); }); test('complete calculator workflow', async () => { // Test all operations const operations = ['add', 'subtract', 'multiply', 'divide']; const testCases = [ { a: 5, b: 3, expected: ['8', '2', '15', '1.6666666666666667'] } ]; for (const { a, b, expected } of testCases) { for (let i = 0; i < operations.length; i++) { const operation = operations[i]; const result = await executeCalculation(operation, a, b); expect(result).toBe(expected[i]); } } }); test('complete storage workflow', async () => { // Store multiple values const testData = [ { key: 'key1', value: 'value1' }, { key: 'key2', value: 'value2' } ]; for (const { key, value } of testData) { await setStorageValue(key, value); const retrieved = await getStorageValue(key); expect(retrieved).toBe(value); } }); }); ``` ## 4. Performance Testing ```typescript describe('Performance Tests', () => { test('calculator performance', async () => { const startTime = performance.now(); // Perform 1000 calculations for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { await executeCalculation('add', i, i + 1); } const endTime = performance.now(); const duration = endTime - startTime; expect(duration).toBeLessThan(1000); // Should complete in less than 1 second }); test('storage performance', async () => { const startTime = performance.now(); // Perform 1000 storage operations for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { await setStorageValue(`key${i}`, `value${i}`); await getStorageValue(`key${i}`); } const endTime = performance.now(); const duration = endTime - startTime; expect(duration).toBeLessThan(2000); // Should complete in less than 2 seconds }); }); ``` ## 5. Error Testing ```typescript describe('Error Handling', () => { test('server initialization errors', async () => { // Test invalid server configuration expect(() => { new McpServer({ name: '', version: '' }); }).toThrow(); }); test('transport errors', async () => { // Test connection failures const transport = new BrowserTransport(); jest.spyOn(transport, 'start').mockRejectedValue(new Error('Network error')); await expect(transport.start()).rejects.toThrow('Network error'); }); test('calculator errors', async () => { // Test various error conditions const errorCases = [ { operation: 'divide', a: 1, b: 0, error: 'Division by zero' }, { operation: 'invalid', a: 1, b: 1, error: 'Invalid operation' }, { operation: 'add', a: 'invalid', b: 1, error: 'Invalid input' } ]; for (const { operation, a, b, error } of errorCases) { await expect(executeCalculation(operation, a, b)).rejects.toThrow(error); } }); }); ``` ## Test Configuration ### Jest Configuration ```javascript // jest.config.js module.exports = { preset: 'ts-jest', testEnvironment: 'jsdom', setupFilesAfterEnv: ['./jest.setup.ts'], moduleNameMapper: { '^@/(.*)$': '<rootDir>/src/$1' }, coverageThreshold: { global: { branches: 80, functions: 80, lines: 80, statements: 80 } } }; ``` ### Test Setup ```typescript // jest.setup.ts import '@testing-library/jest-dom'; global.beforeEach(() => { // Reset DOM document.body.innerHTML = ''; // Reset storage localStorage.clear(); // Reset server state jest.resetModules(); }); ``` ## Running Tests ```bash # Run all tests npm test # Run tests with coverage npm test -- --coverage # Run specific test file npm test -- server.test.ts # Run tests in watch mode npm test -- --watch ``` ## Continuous Integration ```yaml # .github/workflows/test.yml name: Tests on: [push, pull_request] jobs: test: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: actions/setup-node@v2 with: node-version: '16' - name: Install dependencies run: npm ci - name: Run tests run: npm test -- --coverage - name: Upload coverage uses: codecov/codecov-action@v2 ``` ## Test Coverage Requirements - Minimum 80% line coverage - Minimum 80% branch coverage - Minimum 80% function coverage - Critical paths must have 100% coverage: - Server initialization - Tool registration - Resource handling - Error handling ## Manual Testing Checklist 1. Server Initialization - [ ] Server starts successfully - [ ] Tools are registered - [ ] Resources are available - [ ] UI is enabled 2. Calculator Operations - [ ] All operations work correctly - [ ] Error handling works - [ ] UI updates properly - [ ] Performance is acceptable 3. Storage Operations - [ ] Can store values - [ ] Can retrieve values - [ ] Handles missing keys - [ ] Updates UI correctly 4. Error Scenarios - [ ] Server initialization failures - [ ] Network errors - [ ] Invalid inputs - [ ] Resource not found 5. Browser Compatibility - [ ] Chrome - [ ] Firefox - [ ] Safari - [ ] Edge