by arjunkmrm
# Minecraft MCP Integration
A Model Context Protocol (MCP) integration for Minecraft that enables AI assistants to interact with a Minecraft server. This integration allows AI models to observe and interact with the Minecraft world through a bot.

## Prerequisites
1. Minecraft Launcher
2. Node.js 18 or higher
3. Claude Desktop App
4. Java 21.0.5 (recommended)
> ⚠️ Note: Currently only tested on macOS/Linux. Windows compatibility is not guaranteed.
## Important Note
1. **Use the F3+P Shortcut**:
Press F3 + P together. This toggles the "Pause on Lost Focus" feature. Once turned off, you can switch to claude desktop and Minecraft will continue running without pausing.

2. **Connection Issues on Claude Restart**:
If you restart Claude while the Minecraft server is running, you may experience MCP connection issues on the next claude launch due to lingering java process. See [Troubleshooting: MCP Connection Failed](#common-issues) for resolution steps.
## Installation Steps
1. **Download and Setup Minecraft Server**
- Download Minecraft server v1.21 from [](
- Install Java 21.0.5 if not already installed (other versions are untested)
- Create a dedicated directory (e.g., `~/minecraft-server/`)
- Place the downloaded `server.jar` file in this directory
- Note down the absolute path to your `server.jar` file
2. **Install and Configure MCP Integration**
Quick Install (Recommended):
npx -y @smithery/cli install mcp-minecraft --client claude
Follow the CLI prompts to complete the setup.
Or Manual Setup:
- Navigate to `~/Library/Application Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json`
- Add the MCP server configuration:
"mcpServers": {
"mcp-minecraft": {
"command": "npx",
"args": [
> ⚠️ Replace `/absolute/path/to/minecraft-server/server.jar` with your actual server.jar path
4. **Launch Claude Desktop**
- Start Claude Desktop after completing the configuration
5. **Connect to Server**
- Open Minecraft Launcher
- Install and launch Minecraft Java Edition **v1.21**
- Click "Play" and Select "Multiplayer"
- Click "Add Server"
- Enter server details:
- Server Name: `Minecraft Server`
- Server Address: `localhost:25565`
- Click "Done"
## Features
### Resources
The integration exposes these MCP resources:
- `minecraft://bot/location` - Current bot position in the world
- `minecraft://bot/status` - Bot connection status
### Tools
Available MCP tools:
- `chat` - Send chat messages to the server
- `jump` - Make the bot jump
- `moveForward` - Make the bot move forward
- `moveBack` - Make the bot move backward
- `turnLeft` - Make the bot turn left
- `turnRight` - Make the bot turn right
- `placeBlock` - Place a block at specified coordinates
- `digBlock` - Break a block at specified coordinates
- `getBlockInfo` - Get information about a block at specified coordinates
- `selectSlot` - Select a hotbar slot (0-8)
- `getInventory` - Get contents of bot's inventory
- `equipItem` - Equip an item by name to specified destination
- `getStatus` - Get bot's current status (health, food, position, etc.)
- `getNearbyEntities` - Get list of nearby entities within range
- `attack` - Attack a nearby entity by name
- `useItem` - Use/activate the currently held item
- `stopUsingItem` - Stop using/deactivate the current item
- `lookAt` - Make the bot look at specific coordinates
- `followPlayer` - Follow a specific player
- `stopFollowing` - Stop following current target
- `goToPosition` - Navigate to specific coordinates
## Technical Details
- Server runs in offline mode for local development
- Default memory allocation: 2GB
- Default port: 25565
- Bot username: MCPBot
## Troubleshooting
### Common Issues
1. **MCP Connection Failed**
- Look for lingering Java processes
- Terminate them manually:
- Windows: Use Task Manager (untested)
- Mac/Linux:
- Go to 'Activity Monitor' and 'Force Quit' java
- Restart computer if process termination fails
- Note: Latest version should auto-resolve these issues
2. **Server Won't Start**
- Verify Java is installed
- Check server.jar path is correct
- Ensure port 25565 is available
3. **Can't Connect to Server**
- Verify server is running (check logs)
- Confirm you're using "localhost" as server address
- Check firewall settings
### Logs Location
- Minecraft Server logs: Check the minecraft-server directory
- Claude Desktop logs: `~/Library/Logs/Claude/mcp*.log`
## Contributing
Contributions, big or small, are welcome!
## License
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.