Superset MCP Integration

by aptro

hybrid server

The server is able to function both locally and remotely, depending on the configuration or use case.


  • Uses environment variables for configuration management, storing credentials and connection details securely for Superset integration.

  • Enables interaction with Apache Superset instances, providing tools for managing dashboards, charts, databases, datasets, running SQL queries, and handling tags programmatically.

  • Supports running Superset in Docker containers, making it easy to set up and configure a local Superset instance for integration.

Superset MCP Integration

MCP server for interacting with Apache Superset, enabling AI agents to connect to and control a Superset instance programmatically.

Setup Instructions

  1. Set Up Superset LocallyRun this script to start Superset locally:
    git clone --branch 4.1.1 --depth 1 && \ cd superset && \ docker compose -f docker-compose-image-tag.yml up
    Once Superset is running, you should be able to access it at http://localhost:8088 with default credentials:
    • Username: admin
    • Password: admin
  2. Clone This RepositoryClone this repository to your local machine.
  3. Configure Environment VariablesCreate a .env file in the root directory with your Superset credentials:
    SUPERSET_BASE_URL=http://localhost:8088 # Change to your Superset URL SUPERSET_USERNAME=your_username SUPERSET_PASSWORD=your_password
  4. Install Dependencies
    uv pip install .
  5. Install MCP Config for ClaudeTo use with Claude Desktop app:
    mcp install

Usage with Claude

After setup, you can interact with your Superset instance via Claude using natural language requests. Here are some examples:

Dashboard Management

  • View dashboards: "Show me all my Superset dashboards"
  • Get dashboard details: "Show me the details of dashboard with ID 5"
  • Create dashboard: "Create a new dashboard titled 'Sales Overview'"
  • Update dashboard: "Update dashboard 3 to have the title 'Updated Sales Report'"
  • Delete dashboard: "Delete dashboard with ID 7"

Chart Management

  • List all charts: "What charts do I have in my Superset instance?"
  • View chart details: "Show me the details of chart with ID 10"
  • Create chart: "Create a new bar chart using dataset 3"
  • Update chart: "Update chart 5 to use a line visualization instead of bar"
  • Delete chart: "Delete chart with ID 12"

Database and Dataset Operations

  • List databases: "Show me all databases connected to Superset"
  • List datasets: "What datasets are available in my Superset instance?"
  • Get database tables: "What tables are available in database with ID 1?"
  • Execute SQL: "Run this SQL query on database 1: SELECT * FROM users LIMIT 10"
  • Create dataset: "Create a new dataset from table 'customers' in database 2"
  • Update database: "Update the connection settings for database 3"
  • Delete database: "Delete database connection with ID 4"
  • Validate SQL: "Is this SQL valid for database 2: SELECT * FROM customers JOIN orders"
  • Get database catalogs: "Show me the catalogs available in database 1"
  • Get database functions: "What functions are available in database 2?"
  • Check related objects: "What dashboards and charts use database 1?"

SQL Lab Features

  • Execute queries: "Run this SQL query: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orders"
  • Format SQL: "Format this SQL query: SELECT id,name,age FROM users WHERE age>21"
  • Estimate query cost: "Estimate the cost of this query: SELECT * FROM large_table"
  • Get saved queries: "Show me all my saved SQL queries"
  • Get query results: "Get the results of query with key 'abc123'"

User and System Information

  • View user info: "Who am I logged in as?"
  • Get user roles: "What roles do I have in Superset?"
  • View recent activity: "Show me recent activity in my Superset instance"
  • Get menu data: "What menu items do I have access to?"
  • Get base URL: "What is the URL of the Superset instance I'm connected to?"

Tag Management

  • List tags: "Show me all tags in my Superset instance"
  • Create tag: "Create a new tag called 'Finance'"
  • Delete tag: "Delete the tag with ID 5"
  • Tag an object: "Add the tag 'Finance' to dashboard 3"
  • Remove tag: "Remove the tag 'Finance' from chart 7"

Available MCP Tools

This plugin offers the following MCP tools that Claude can use:


  • superset_auth_check_token_validity - Check if the current access token is valid
  • superset_auth_refresh_token - Refresh the access token
  • superset_auth_authenticate_user - Authenticate with Superset


  • superset_dashboard_list - List all dashboards
  • superset_dashboard_get_by_id - Get a specific dashboard
  • superset_dashboard_create - Create a new dashboard
  • superset_dashboard_update - Update an existing dashboard
  • superset_dashboard_delete - Delete a dashboard


  • superset_chart_list - List all charts
  • superset_chart_get_by_id - Get a specific chart
  • superset_chart_create - Create a new chart
  • superset_chart_update - Update an existing chart
  • superset_chart_delete - Delete a chart


  • superset_database_list - List all databases
  • superset_database_get_by_id - Get a specific database
  • superset_database_create - Create a new database connection
  • superset_database_get_tables - List tables in a database
  • superset_database_schemas - Get schemas for a database
  • superset_database_test_connection - Test a database connection
  • superset_database_update - Update an existing database connection
  • superset_database_delete - Delete a database connection
  • superset_database_get_catalogs - Get catalogs for a database
  • superset_database_get_connection - Get database connection information
  • superset_database_get_function_names - Get function names supported by a database
  • superset_database_get_related_objects - Get charts and dashboards associated with a database
  • superset_database_validate_sql - Validate arbitrary SQL against a database
  • superset_database_validate_parameters - Validate database connection parameters


  • superset_dataset_list - List all datasets
  • superset_dataset_get_by_id - Get a specific dataset
  • superset_dataset_create - Create a new dataset


  • superset_sqllab_execute_query - Execute a SQL query
  • superset_sqllab_get_saved_queries - List saved SQL queries
  • superset_sqllab_format_sql - Format a SQL query
  • superset_sqllab_get_results - Get query results
  • superset_sqllab_estimate_query_cost - Estimate query cost
  • superset_sqllab_export_query_results - Export query results to CSV
  • superset_sqllab_get_bootstrap_data - Get SQL Lab bootstrap data


  • superset_query_list - List all queries
  • superset_query_get_by_id - Get a specific query
  • superset_query_stop - Stop a running query

Saved Queries

  • superset_saved_query_get_by_id - Get a specific saved query
  • superset_saved_query_create - Create a new saved query

User Information

  • superset_user_get_current - Get current user info
  • superset_user_get_roles - Get user roles


  • superset_activity_get_recent - Get recent activity data


  • superset_menu_get - Get menu data
  • superset_config_get_base_url - Get the base URL of the Superset instance


  • superset_tag_list - List all tags
  • superset_tag_create - Create a new tag
  • superset_tag_get_by_id - Get a specific tag
  • superset_tag_objects - Get objects associated with tags
  • superset_tag_delete - Delete a tag
  • superset_tag_object_add - Add a tag to an object
  • superset_tag_object_remove - Remove a tag from an object

Exploration Tools

  • superset_explore_form_data_create - Create form data for chart exploration
  • superset_explore_form_data_get - Get form data for chart exploration
  • superset_explore_permalink_create - Create a permalink for chart exploration
  • superset_explore_permalink_get - Get a permalink for chart exploration

Advanced Data Types

  • superset_advanced_data_type_convert - Convert a value to an advanced data type
  • superset_advanced_data_type_list - List available advanced data types

Environment Variables

SUPERSET_BASE_URLURL of your Superset instancehttp://localhost:8088
SUPERSET_USERNAMEUsername for SupersetNone
SUPERSET_PASSWORDPassword for SupersetNone


  • If you encounter authentication issues, verify your credentials in the .env file
  • Make sure Superset is running and accessible at the URL specified in your .env file
  • Check that you're using a compatible version of Superset (tested with version 4.1.1)
  • Ensure the port used by the MCP server is not being used by another application

Security Notes

  • Your Superset credentials are stored only in your local .env file
  • The access token is stored in .superset_token file in the project directory
  • All authentication happens directly between the MCP server and your Superset instance
  • No credentials are transmitted to Claude or any third parties
  • For production use, consider using more secure authentication methods


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.



security - not tested
license - permissive license
quality - not tested

MCP server enabling AI agents to programmatically connect to and control Apache Superset instances, allowing users to manage dashboards, charts, databases, datasets, and run SQL queries through natural language interactions.

  1. Setup Instructions
    1. Usage with Claude
      1. Dashboard Management
      2. Chart Management
      3. Database and Dataset Operations
      4. SQL Lab Features
      5. User and System Information
      6. Tag Management
    2. Available MCP Tools
      1. Authentication
      2. Dashboards
      3. Charts
      4. Databases
      5. Datasets
      6. SQL Lab
      7. Queries
      8. Saved Queries
      9. User Information
      10. Activity
      11. System
      12. Tags
      13. Exploration Tools
      14. Advanced Data Types
    3. Environment Variables
      1. Troubleshooting
        1. Security Notes
          1. Contributing
            1. License