
import { describe, it, expect } from 'vitest'; import { actorNameToToolName, inferArrayItemType, shortenEnum } from '../src/actors.js'; import { ACTOR_ENUM_MAX_LENGTH } from '../src/const.js'; describe('actors', () => { describe('actorNameToToolName', () => { it('should replace slashes and dots with dash notation', () => { expect(actorNameToToolName('apify/web-scraper')).toBe('apify-slash-web-scraper'); expect(actorNameToToolName('')).toBe('my-dot-actor-dot-name'); }); it('should handle empty strings', () => { expect(actorNameToToolName('')).toBe(''); }); it('should handle strings without slashes or dots', () => { expect(actorNameToToolName('actorname')).toBe('actorname'); }); it('should handle strings with multiple slashes and dots', () => { expect(actorNameToToolName('actor/name.with/')).toBe('actor-slash-name-dot-with-slash-multiple-dot-parts'); }); it('should handle tool names longer than 64 characters', () => { const longName = 'a'.repeat(70); const expected = 'a'.repeat(64); expect(actorNameToToolName(longName)).toBe(expected); }); it('infers array item type from editor', () => { const property = { type: 'array', editor: 'stringList', title: '', description: '', enum: [], default: '', prefill: '', }; expect(inferArrayItemType(property)).toBe('string'); }); it('shorten enum list', () => { const enumList: string[] = []; const wordLength = 10; const wordCount = 30; for (let i = 0; i < wordCount; i++) { enumList.push('a'.repeat(wordLength)); } const shortenedList = shortenEnum(enumList); expect(shortenedList?.length || 0).toBe(ACTOR_ENUM_MAX_LENGTH / wordLength); }); }); });