Supabase MCP Server
by alexander-zuev
Get the complete Supabase Management API specification.
Returns the full OpenAPI specification for the Supabase Management API, including:
- All available endpoints and operations
- Required and optional parameters for each operation
- Request and response schemas
- Authentication requirements
- Safety information for each operation
This tool can be used in four different ways:
- Without parameters: Returns all domains (default)
- With path and method: Returns the full specification for a specific API endpoint
- With domain only: Returns all paths and methods within that domain
- With all_paths=True: Returns all paths and methods
- params: Dictionary containing optional parameters:
- path: Optional API path (e.g., "/v1/projects/{ref}/functions")
- method: Optional HTTP method (e.g., "GET", "POST")
- domain: Optional domain/tag name (e.g., "Auth", "Storage")
- all_paths: Optional boolean, if True returns all paths and methods
Available domains:
- Analytics: Analytics-related endpoints
- Auth: Authentication and authorization endpoints
- Database: Database management endpoints
- Domains: Custom domain configuration endpoints
- Edge Functions: Serverless function management endpoints
- Environments: Environment configuration endpoints
- OAuth: OAuth integration endpoints
- Organizations: Organization management endpoints
- Projects: Project management endpoints
- Rest: RESTful API endpoints
- Secrets: Secret management endpoints
- Storage: Storage management endpoints
This specification is useful for understanding:
- What operations are available through the Management API
- How to properly format requests for each endpoint
- Which operations require unsafe mode
- What data structures to expect in responses
SAFETY: This is a low-risk read operation that can be executed in SAFE mode.
Input Schema
Name | Required | Description | Default |
params | No |