MCP Email Server

.PHONY: install install: ## Install the virtual environment and install the pre-commit hooks @echo "🚀 Creating virtual environment using uv" @uv sync @uv run pre-commit install .PHONY: check check: ## Run code quality tools. @echo "🚀 Checking lock file consistency with 'pyproject.toml'" @uv lock --locked @echo "🚀 Linting code: Running pre-commit" @uv run pre-commit run -a @echo "🚀 Checking for obsolete dependencies: Running deptry" @uv run deptry . .PHONY: test test: ## Test the code with pytest @echo "🚀 Testing code: Running pytest" @uv run python -m pytest --cov --cov-config=pyproject.toml --cov-report=xml -vv -s .PHONY: build build: clean-build ## Build wheel file @echo "🚀 Creating wheel file" @uvx --from build pyproject-build --installer uv .PHONY: clean-build clean-build: ## Clean build artifacts @echo "🚀 Removing build artifacts" @uv run python -c "import shutil; import os; shutil.rmtree('dist') if os.path.exists('dist') else None" .PHONY: publish publish: ## Publish a release to PyPI. @echo "🚀 Publishing." @uvx twine upload --repository-url dist/* .PHONY: build-and-publish build-and-publish: build publish ## Build and publish. .PHONY: docs-test docs-test: ## Test if documentation can be built without warnings or errors @uv run mkdocs build -s .PHONY: docs docs: ## Build and serve the documentation @uv run mkdocs serve .PHONY: help help: @uv run python -c "import re; \ [[print(f'\033[36m{m[0]:<20}\033[0m {m[1]}') for m in re.findall(r'^([a-zA-Z_-]+):.*?## (.*)$$', open(makefile).read(), re.M)] for makefile in ('$(MAKEFILE_LIST)').strip().split()]" .PHONY: install-claude-desktop install-claude-desktop: ## Install the desktop application @uv sync @python dev/ .DEFAULT_GOAL := help