YouTube MCP Server

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.


  • Enables AI language models to interact with YouTube content, including getting video details, retrieving transcripts, managing channels, searching videos, and accessing playlist information

YouTube MCP Server

A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server implementation for YouTube, enabling AI language models to interact with YouTube content through a standardized interface.


Video Information

  • Get video details (title, description, duration, etc.)
  • List channel videos
  • Get video statistics (views, likes, comments)
  • Search videos across YouTube

Transcript Management

  • Retrieve video transcripts
  • Support for multiple languages
  • Get timestamped captions
  • Search within transcripts

Channel Management

  • Get channel details
  • List channel playlists
  • Get channel statistics
  • Search within channel content

Playlist Management

  • List playlist items
  • Get playlist details
  • Search within playlists
  • Get playlist video transcripts


Installing via Smithery

To install YouTube MCP Server for Claude Desktop automatically via Smithery:

npx -y @smithery/cli install @ZubeidHendricks/youtube --client claude

Manual Installation

npm install @modelcontextprotocol/server-youtube


Set the following environment variables:

  • YOUTUBE_API_KEY: Your YouTube Data API key
  • YOUTUBE_TRANSCRIPT_LANG: Default language for transcripts (optional, defaults to 'en')

Using with MCP Client

Add this to your MCP client configuration (e.g. Claude Desktop):

{ "mcpServers": { "youtube": { "command": "npx", "args": ["-y", "@modelcontextprotocol/server-youtube"], "env": { "YOUTUBE_API_KEY": "<YOUR_API_KEY>" } } } }

YouTube API Setup

  1. Go to Google Cloud Console
  2. Create a new project or select an existing one
  3. Enable the YouTube Data API v3
  4. Create API credentials (API key)
  5. Copy the API key for configuration


Managing Videos

// Get video details const video = await youtube.videos.getVideo({ videoId: "video-id" }); // Get video transcript const transcript = await youtube.transcripts.getTranscript({ videoId: "video-id", language: "en" }); // Search videos const searchResults = await youtube.videos.searchVideos({ query: "search term", maxResults: 10 });

Managing Channels

// Get channel details const channel = await youtube.channels.getChannel({ channelId: "channel-id" }); // List channel videos const videos = await youtube.channels.listVideos({ channelId: "channel-id", maxResults: 50 });

Managing Playlists

// Get playlist items const playlistItems = await youtube.playlists.getPlaylistItems({ playlistId: "playlist-id", maxResults: 50 }); // Get playlist details const playlist = await youtube.playlists.getPlaylist({ playlistId: "playlist-id" });


# Install dependencies npm install # Run tests npm test # Build npm run build # Lint npm run lint


See for information about contributing to this repository.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.# YouTube MCP Server

A YouTube API integration using the Model Context Protocol.


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Install dependencies:
    npm install
  3. Copy .env.example to .env:
    cp .env.example .env
  4. Edit .env and add your YouTube API key
  5. Start the server:
    npm start

Environment Variables

  • YOUTUBE_API_KEY: Your YouTube Data API v3 key (get it from Google Cloud Console)


  1. To run in development mode with auto-reload:
    npm run dev
  2. To build:
    npm run build

Security Note

Always keep your API keys secure and never commit them to version control.

security - not tested
license - not found
quality - not tested

This server allows AI language models to interact with YouTube content through a standardized interface, providing features such as video and channel information retrieval, transcript management, and playlist operations.

  1. Features
    1. Video Information
    2. Transcript Management
    3. Channel Management
    4. Playlist Management
  2. Installation
    1. Installing via Smithery
    2. Manual Installation
  3. Configuration
    1. Using with MCP Client
      1. YouTube API Setup
        1. Examples
          1. Managing Videos
          2. Managing Channels
          3. Managing Playlists
        2. Development
          1. Contributing
            1. License
              1. Setup
                1. Environment Variables
                  1. Development
                    1. Security Note