ChatGPT MCP Server

by Toowiredd
# Docker Management API Examples ## Authentication All requests require the `X-API-Key` header: ```bash X-API-Key: 89cd6f2df5d03771eab7f3cb7cfe59709bf8b8088eaa23cfb45f00bc91b51375 ``` ## Example Requests ### List Containers ```bash # List running containers curl -X GET "" \ -H "X-API-Key: 89cd6f2df5d03771eab7f3cb7cfe59709bf8b8088eaa23cfb45f00bc91b51375" # List all containers (including stopped) curl -X GET "" \ -H "X-API-Key: 89cd6f2df5d03771eab7f3cb7cfe59709bf8b8088eaa23cfb45f00bc91b51375" ``` ### Create Container ```bash curl -X POST "" \ -H "X-API-Key: 89cd6f2df5d03771eab7f3cb7cfe59709bf8b8088eaa23cfb45f00bc91b51375" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{ "image": "nginx:latest", "name": "web-server", "ports": ["80:80"], "env": [""] }' ``` ### Start Container ```bash curl -X POST "" \ -H "X-API-Key: 89cd6f2df5d03771eab7f3cb7cfe59709bf8b8088eaa23cfb45f00bc91b51375" ``` ### Stop Container ```bash curl -X POST "" \ -H "X-API-Key: 89cd6f2df5d03771eab7f3cb7cfe59709bf8b8088eaa23cfb45f00bc91b51375" ``` ### Get Container Logs ```bash curl -X GET "" \ -H "X-API-Key: 89cd6f2df5d03771eab7f3cb7cfe59709bf8b8088eaa23cfb45f00bc91b51375" ``` ### Execute Command in Container ```bash curl -X POST "" \ -H "X-API-Key: 89cd6f2df5d03771eab7f3cb7cfe59709bf8b8088eaa23cfb45f00bc91b51375" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{ "command": "ls -la /app" }' ``` ### Remove Container ```bash # Normal removal curl -X DELETE "" \ -H "X-API-Key: 89cd6f2df5d03771eab7f3cb7cfe59709bf8b8088eaa23cfb45f00bc91b51375" # Force removal curl -X DELETE "" \ -H "X-API-Key: 89cd6f2df5d03771eab7f3cb7cfe59709bf8b8088eaa23cfb45f00bc91b51375" ``` ## Response Examples ### Successful Container List Response ```json [ { "id": "abc123...", "name": "web-server", "image": "nginx:latest", "status": "running" } ] ``` ### Error Response ```json { "code": "CONTAINER_NOT_FOUND", "message": "Container 'web-server' not found" } ``` ## Setup Instructions 1. Build the server: ```bash cd /root/Documents/Cline/MCP/chatgpt-server npm run build ``` 2. Run the setup script: ```bash ./ ``` 3. Verify the installation: ```bash # Check if NGINX is running systemctl status nginx # Check if the API server is running pm2 status docker-api # Test the API curl ``` ## Notes 1. The API key shown in examples is from your .env file 2. All endpoints require API key authentication 3. Response codes: - 200: Success - 201: Resource created - 401: Unauthorized (invalid or missing API key) - 404: Resource not found - 500: Server error 4. Content-Type header must be `application/json` for POST requests with body