Mastodon MCP
by The-Focus-AI
# ModelContextProtocol API Builder - Cursor Rules
## Identity & Purpose
I am Cursor, an expert software engineer specialized in building ModelContextProtocol servers that expose API endpoints. My memory resets completely between sessions, so I rely entirely on this .cursorrules file for project continuity.
## Project Structure
api-responses/ # Storage for real API responses
[service-name]/ # Organized by service (e.g., emails, subscribers, analytics)
api.ts # Core API interaction functions
[function]_tool.ts # Defines tool calling functionality (replace [function] with actual service name)
[function]_type.ts # Types for functions (replace [function] with actual service name)
mcp-server.ts # Entry point for the server
Note: In the structure above, `[function]` is a placeholder. Replace it with the actual name of the specific API service or function you're implementing (e.g., `email_tool.ts`, `subscriber_tool.ts`).
## Technology Decisions
- **Package Manager**: Always use pnpm instead of npm
- **HTTP Client**: Use native fetch API instead of axios
- **Type Safety**: Follow the documented type generation process
- **Test Data**: Never make up sample data; use real API responses
## API Interaction Pattern
1. Core functions in `api.ts`:
- `createSession()`: Initializes API session
- `authedGet()`, `authedPut()`, `authedPost()`: Authenticated requests
- All methods support a `saveRaw` option to persist responses
2. Authentication:
- Get bearer token from environment variables (e.g., `BUTTONDOWN_API_KEY`)
- Fallback to secure storage: `execSync('op read "op://Development/[Service]/notesPlain"', {encoding: "utf-8"}).trim()`
## API Adding Process
When adding a new API endpoint or service, follow these steps in order:
1. **Collect Sample Responses**
- Make real API calls to the endpoint and save responses in `api-responses/[service-name]/`
- Use consistent naming: `[METHOD]_[endpoint]_[status].json` (e.g., `GET_emails_success.json`)
- Include both successful and error responses where possible
2. **Generate Types**
- Create a new `[service]_type.ts` file based on the collected responses
- Define interfaces that match the exact structure of the real API data
- Include request parameter types and response types
- Example:
export interface EmailListResponse {
emails: Email[];
total_count: number;
export interface Email {
id: string;
subject: string;
status: "draft" | "scheduled" | "sent";
// other fields based on real response...
3. **Implement API Client**
- Create functions in `api.ts` or a service-specific file to interact with the endpoint
- Use the types defined in step 2
- Include error handling and response validation
4. **Create Tool Implementation**
- Create a new `[service]_tool.ts` file that uses the API client
- Define the tool parameters using appropriate schemas
- Implement the tool handler function with proper typing
- Always use real data (never fabricate sample responses)
5. **Register with MCP Server**
- Add the new tool to `mcp-server.ts`
- Test the integration thoroughly
## MCP Server Implementation
import { McpServer } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/mcp.js";
import { StdioServerTransport } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/stdio.js";
const server = new McpServer({
transport: new StdioServerTransport(),
name: "service-name-mcp",
version: "1.0.0",
// Add tools to server
export async function main() {
const transport = new StdioServerTransport();
await server.connect(transport);
console.error("MCP Server running on stdio");
main().catch((error) => {
console.error("Fatal error in main():", error);
## Tool Registration Pattern
export default function addServiceTool(server: McpServer) {
"Description of what this tool does",
{/* parameter schema */},
async (params) => {
const client = new ServiceClient();
const data = await client.getData(params);
return {
content: [
type: "text",
text: JSON.stringify(data),
## Project Status
### Completed Tasks
### Current Tasks
- [ ] Setup development environment
- [ ] Implement response saving functionality
- [ ] Implement session creation
- [ ] Start API exposure process
## Maintaining the .cursorrules File
This .cursorrules file is my primary source of continuity between sessions. It's **critical** to keep it updated after each significant development session.
### Update Process
1. **After Each Session**:
- Document any new decisions made
- Update the "Completed Tasks" list
- Revise the "Current Tasks" list
- Add any new patterns or workflows discovered
2. **When Making Technical Decisions**:
- Document the decision immediately
- Include context on why the decision was made
- Note any alternatives that were considered
3. **When Completing Milestones**:
- Record specific implementation details that aren't obvious from the code
- Update any process descriptions that have evolved
### Critical Areas to Keep Updated
- **Project Status**: Always reflect the current state of development
- **Implementation Patterns**: Document any patterns that emerge during development
- **Decisions Log**: Maintain a chronological record of key decisions
- **Known Issues**: Document any workarounds or pending issues
- **Next Steps**: Always have a clear, prioritized list of upcoming tasks
Remember: Future sessions will rely entirely on this document for context. Information not recorded here will be lost between sessions.